RL Achievements and ToW

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Larkspurlane »

That was such a cool article to read. Their description of you as having a "forthright manner" seems dead-on from my online interactions with you, it made me laugh.
Thank you for the av and sig set!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

When I posted the article on facebook one of my friends just quoted the "forthright manner" part because she also found it apt. I guess your personality shows through online!?!?!?!!!!

"Randall" refilling the water glass with "vigilant regularity" was another dead-on observation. He didn't like the "bearlike" comparison especially when I told him what a "bear" means in gay culture. (Still not sure if that's what the author meant by "bearlike" but I like making fun of him).
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »


After hating working at Petco since I transferred to my current store two and a half years ago, I finally got off my ass to look for a job -- and I just got hired on at a cat-exclusive vet office. The place is huge and GORGEOUS - 7 full time vets, tons of techs and nurses, a full time staff, a shop just full of cat stuff, and NOTHING BUT CATS.

Working with cats. Every day. All day.

I feel like I wasn't even looking for my dream job and found it anyway.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Katy... :) »

Congrats Jessi!! So excited for you!!! :)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

Holy crap I remember you posting AGES ago about how much your work sucked!!! That's such amazing news, congrats!!!

What are your duties? And please don't say playing with kittens 8 hours a day or I will explode with jealousy.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by EofS »

I've been reading your cryptic posts and hoping it would be something like this, but I didn't imagine that it would be so awesome. Cats! A life of cats!

So very happy for you. Also, amused at your slightly more diplomatic wording on FB vs your very honest wording here ;0)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

Ha, E, I have to be a bit polite where co-workers can see it ;) Note to self: do not friend people you work with at new job on Facebook.

Madge, not QUITE as awesome as playing with cats 8 hours a day, but that will be part of it. I will be starting with some work at the front counter - generic receptionist type stuff! But I'll also be working as the second manager to the retail side of it - because this clinic has a huge store with NOTHING BUT CAT STUFF as well. As far as playing with cats all day - they love the fact that I have a trained cat that can come to work with me and meet other people and show off her skills. So I'll be also doing cat training classes at the clinic with Cairo! THAT is the coolest part to me. My cat gets to come to work with me sometimes. That's awesome |D
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

Oh wow! That's pretty damn cool. What's your cat trained to do?
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

Cairo knows sit, down, sit up/sit pretty (begging on command, basically! But she knows she can't reach for my hand or the treat until i tell her to), "spin" left and "twirl" right, and she can walk on a leash c:
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Marah »

Oh congrats on the new job Jessi! A life of cats, you are the envy of the forum :D

I read the article Madge. Kudos to the writer it was very well written and, I thought, non judgemental. How did they approach you?

My achievement is that I finally met EofS and her husband! We had a lovely meeting actually at cycling distance from my home (cycling for me, the British/German delegation arrived by car). Mostly because I had to be somewhere in the evening. (And then it turned out that all of my scheduling was for nothing because I had to be in a totally different city and then I nearly didn't make it because somebody pushed a wrong button and the entire train station had to be evacuated... because, why not?)

But it was lovely but has left me a bit sad that I missed the London meeting and slightly jealous because I don't think any of my friends would throw a lego wedding :P
(And it also left me with some sunburn, because that's what happens when I spend time next to a river for a few hours.)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

I've got my finger on the pulse of the polyamory groups in Perth and someone emailed one of them asking if they knew anyone who'd be willing to be interviewed for an article. I volunteered us and then this ended up happening! (Since then I've realised that maybe I should try submitting my story to those trashy "women's magazines" that tell "amazing stories" of peoples' lives - i.e. reddit in magazine form - and get the $200 prize that a lot of them offer for the same)

I'm sad I didn't get to see you in London, Marah! We had a great time and EofS was lovely (everybody was so I guess that's not saying much???).

I still fantasise about the brownies that Pret sells. If anyone wants to do a snack exchange I might be willing to post whatever australian treats you like in exchange for some of those brownies......

Jessi - you have a very impressive cat/training ability! I was impressed last night when I opened the front door and said our foster cat's name and she came running inside, but I think that's more because she wanted to come inside than anything else....
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Huggles »

I'm not quite sure what this qualifies as other than mildly amusing. I've pretty much been sinking my time into Team Fortress 2 on Steam, and I've even gotten up the nerve to use voice chat. Aside from the random people commenting that I sound either "omg so gay" or like a preteen boy or both, it's been fun. So this guy ended up on my friend list somehow. Our few conversations have been silly, but appropriate to the ridiculous nature of the game. But, last night he starts in on this. This is our longest and last conversation to date. He's been blocked. I thought you guys might get a giggle from it. I'm the one in pink.

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Faun »

Wow Huggles, you are so much more polite than I'd be in that situation. :P That's why I rarely talk to people when I play games anymore. There are too many rude people and I could never handle anything as well as you did, I'd just get really angry and turn the game off, or ignore them forever and hope they'll go away.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by thelonetiel »

I get to go see Randall Monroe on his What if? book tour next week! Tickets have been sold out for ages, but a friend ended up with conflicting events that night and gave me his set (well, I bought him dinner and drinks in trade). I'm pretty excited.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

So, I was just in hospital for two nights! Here's my story:
Spoiler: open/close
On Sunday (Father's Day) at about 7am I had intercourse with my boyfriend. Afterwards, I had some minor cramping but didn't think much of it. I went to Father's Day breakfast with boyfriend's family.

At about midday my cramps started getting worse. I ended up getting a heat pack and putting it on my lower tummy area. I assumed I'd just managed to knock my IUD around during the sex, which I'd sort of done before and had caused uncomfortable cramping.

At 3pm they were still pretty bad. I'd had a friend over for lunch and ended up zoning out of a lot of our conversation, ultimately taking her up on the offer she made of leaving so I could lie down with my heat pack.

At 6pm it got worse. I was lying in bed before dinner, and then my shoulder hurt so much I actually screamed out in pain. I figured I just lay down badly but I just couldn't lie down on one of my sides.

My boyfriend insisted I go to see the doctor. I said it would be a waste of time, there was nothing wrong with me. I also said they'd just think I was someone looking for drugs since I didn't have anything wrong with me apart from the pain. Somehow he got his way and we ended up at the nearby emergency room at about 6:15am. Got put towards the end of the line in triage. It was OK. My pain started getting worse and worse as I didn't think to bring my heat pack with me. (stupid). I did bring a delicious chocolate muffin with me. I ate a few pieces whilst I was waiting to be called.

Finally get called to the emergency ward. Get into the bed. Sit on the bed. Don't want to lie down because I suspect it will hurt. A friendly-looking doctor comes in who reminds me of the boyfriend's brother-in-law. His name is even also Stuart. I start feeling dizzy, my vision actually clouds over. I drink some water. I feel a little better. They test my blood pressure. It's low. They try and lie me down. I start screaming because it hurts. He insists, he has to do it because I can't sit up with my blood pressure that low. I keep screaming and begging for him to sit me back up. You know how they ask you to rate your pain on a pain scale from 1-10? I didn't realise it until then but that's what a 10 feels like, where you can't think about anything else but getting the pain to stop no matter what it takes.

The worst thing was when I started feeling pain I would start having my breathing speed up, which hurt me because breathing was one of the things that hurt, which made me panic which made my breathing speed up. It was a feedback loop from hell. About this time my fiance (I have two boyfriends, they're a great team) came over and was trying to help calm me down too. They both were good at it.

The nice doctor ended up giving me a quick and dirty ultrasound and said I had some internal bleeding. I later found out that bleeding in the diaphragm means you end up with referred pain in the shoulders because of shared nerves. The doctor said I needed to get a proper ultrasound to figure out what the cause of the bleeding was. He said maybe it was my IUD perforating my uterus or a burst ovarian cyst. I was asked several times if I could be pregnant or have STDs. Fortunately I had an STD test in February.

So I got an ultrasound. My boys had to wait in the waiting room for this. When I started getting into a breathing pain feedback loop I had to self-soothe. I did this by singing pokemon songs in french and disney songs in italian. Concentrating on remembering the lyrics and getting the tempo decent was helpful. The ultrasound said most of my organs were fine but my uterus had lots of blood around it. The ultrasound doctor lady took me back and set me up for a CT scan. Stuart said I'd need to lie flat for a CT scan and that they might need to give me pain medication to be able to it. So he gave me the controls for my bed and told me to lie myself as flat as I could stand whilst he got a nurse to give me some pain medication. I slowly and carefully put my bed lying flat and actually got to go all the way to flatness by being suitably slow and gentle!!! Stuart saw me and gave me a big smile and a thumbs up. He was proud of me. The nurse came and I said I probably didn't need medication, but she said I should still have a smidgen because I would have to move from my bed to the CT scan bed. So she gave me a smidgen. I felt a little bit pleasantly light headed.

I got a CT scan and they injected a "contrast" into me. It made me feel like I'd wet myself and that I was eating coins. They gave me a CT scan and put me into a waiting bay. On the way to the waiting bay I mentioned to the nurse that I was cold and that the medicine didn't do much for my pain. She said that pain medication doesn't really work on internal bleeding. But she gave me a blanket that had just come out of the oven. It was so much better than the pain medication was.

Eventually my two boys came and visited me again. This was after I got the nurse to get them. She asked me which one was my partner, and I said both of them, I was living the dream. She was fascinated by this and actually got another nurse to come over and for me to tell her what the deal was too. I liked the attention but I wanted my boys back.

So anyway, yeah, I got my boys back! Stuart, the nice doctor, also reappeared. He told me I was getting referred to the gynecology specialty hospital since they don't have a gyno department in the hospital I went to. He said I was definitely going to be in hospital overnight and that my ever-patient loves would be wise to go home and get some sleep. He told me to ask a nurse for something to help me sleep because I might be in the emergency room a while. Emergency rooms are bright and noisy. I got a nurse to give me something to help me sleep, and he did, and I also managed to get a pillow case to fold over my eyes so I didn't get so much light in my face so I could sleep a bit better. (I can't sleep with light around. Even if my partner is using a phone or laptop in bed next to me it is impossible to sleep).

At around midnight I got transferred to the other hospital on an ambulance. The ambulance girls were nice. I talked to them but I don't remember what about. So I got to the other hospital. They asked me what had happened, I told them the whole story, and they put some of those anti deep vein thrombosis socks on my feet. I also had to move to the new bed which was agony. Needless to say I was in pain and I think they gave me some more medications for it but I'm not sure. They told me I would get surgery as soon as a cesarean was finished and the theatre was free.

I waited. At 3am I finally got called up for surgery. By this point I'd been in awful pain for about 12 hours. I was used to it. They could poke me with blood tests and injections and who knows what else besides and I was OK with this. I saw the anesthetist and told him I was looking forward to see him for the past several hours and when was the soonest he could put me under. I was looking forward to going to sleep, I had been since Stuart in the other hospital had told me I was going to get surgery. I finally went to sleep. I had to change from the wheely bed to the operating theatre bed, but fortunately they had six people carry and slide me from one bed to the other to save me that last little bit of pain. I remember constantly asking when the anaesthetic was coming and being disappointed when he told me it wasn't anaesthetic yet. Finally it was and I went to sleep. It was glorious.

I remember waking up about 9 or 10am with some food which I ignored. I had the doctor tell me what happened - they found some small tears in my vagina that didn't seem like they could have caused that much bleeding, but they cauterised them anyway. They estimated I lost about a litre of blood. I had a saline IV in my arm and a catheter. Peeing manually is for chumps, I found out. It was also very important that I burp and fart because my surgery was a keyhole surgery - so I only have three small incisions - but that means there's lots of air in my abdomen so I need to expel it. It took me like 12 hours to fart but they were all so proud of me when I did. I had water I was meant to drink and also I had a milo (I love milo). I ended up throwing both of these up. They gave me some anti nausea medicines. I had some more water and some more milo and a couple of bites of soup and rice and vegetables. (I mean, maybe 4 bites total). I also had my boyfriend sitting with me. My fiance had been there earlier but he had to leave to teach a class.

I ended up throwing this new food up too. They decided to give me some stronger anti-nausea medication that they didn't want to give me earlier because it causes drowsiness, and I was already barely awake. So they gave it to me and I slept a few hours whilst my boyfriend patiently dottered around on his laptop. My brother arrived at about 5pm and I ended up forcing myself awake. The nurses fed me a cheese and salad sandwich and I had a couple of crackers that I managed to keep down. (I think. I swear I threw up a third time but I don't know when it was. the third time I threw up was a LOT of liquid). Then my fiance and his girlfriend arrived, with her boyfriend arriving shortly afterwards. My brother got me some flowers and my fiance's girlfriend and her boyfriend got me a card that said "get well, I hope your uterus doesn't fall out". It was a very nice card.

Most of them left at about 6pm, my brother stayed until 8pm. I ended up going to sleep pretty much straight away.It was glorious. As much as I liked the attention and visitors, I really wanted to sleep right then.

I got woken up periodically by nurses taking my blood pressure. At 3am the doctor woke me up and gave me some more thorough testing/etc because my blood pressure had came out at 100. It always comes out as 100 when I'm healthy so I told her not to be too concerned. She said it was policy that they had to be concerned for anything under 115. Welp. I couldn't get straight back to sleep then so I poked around on the internet on my phone and made a couple of posts on the mafia game I was playing. What else is there to do on the internet at 3am local time? I ended up going back to sleep at 3:45 and woke up at 6am.

I wasn't feeling so tired. I sat up. I got breakfast at 8am, and I was starving so I demolished it. (And another milo). The nurse was going to take my catheter out but she said I did 2 litres of pee in the last two hours so maybe it would have to wait until I stopped having so much volume. I ended up having a shower sitting down and then getting the catheter out at about 9:45. I had expected it to hurt but it didn't. not at all. And my hair looked a bit better after the shower :P

My brother arrived at 10am and my partner at about 11am. My brother had some flowers from my parents and some chocolates. (My parents are in Bangkok until tomorrow night, so they couldn't come visit me.) I ate a nice veggie burger for lunch. It was pretty good. And some more milo. I also kicked my brother out because I wanted some alone time and maybe some time to read before my boyfriend came in the afternoon. The nurse ended up telling me I could probably be discharged if I was able to get up and walk around the ward without feeling dizzy. So I went on a couple of short walks about the place, read some of the posters about gynecology, and did stuff like putting my flower vases away and packing up my clothes. My boyfriend came to pick me up at about 2pm, I got discharged at about 3pm, and home at about 3:30pm today (an hour or so ago). So here I am, back at home, with some medicine to take and a couple of sores on my tummy. They've also got me to go back into the hospital on Thursday morning to get an iron infusion to make up for some of the blood I lost.

But yeah, apart from that I'm fine. This morning the surgeon came by again and basically told me they don't really know exactly what happened to make me lose all my blood but that it's not actually that uncommon for something like this to happen once mysteriously and never happen again. So yeah. That's what happened to me the last few days. Hope you enjoyed it!
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