Assorted neopet adoptables (many species)

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Assorted neopet adoptables (many species)

Post by jeti »

I'm bored. And hungry, but that's beside the point. I think I'll have some congee. Mmmm... *drools*

... *coughs* Yes, well, I've decided to take some custom requests on me pixel adopts. I got a boatload of 'em here:

Yay! Here's a form for y'all to fill out:

Adoptable name:
Pet name:
Pet nickname:

The adoptable name refers to whatever adoptable you're askin' for. It's very important, because you can't just ask for a gelert adoptable-- I've more than one, y'see. Also, I need to know the name because that's whatever folder it is on my computer and I am disorganised liek whoah.

The pet name is your pet's full name-- this will be a part of the URL you will be given. The pet's nickname I may put onto the adoptable itself, depending on length. Plus, I'm curious. n_n; Ref is important. I -CANNOT- accept references that are links to neopets pages, like petlookups or petpages, because Neo is currently blocked on my computer. Give me a neo link as a ref, and I can't do your request-- simple as that. Just post an image, or do a nice little description and some colour swatches.

Remember, some of these adoptables are -tiny-, so 3 inverted flames in reverse rainbow order on your pet's second chainlink draped over his left wing which is a miniture angel with with bones sticking out probably en't gonna work. Be sensible, man. I'mma try every request, but don't get miffed if'n I can't do it. I'm only human. e_e;

Also, because I know I have 5-kajillion colours missing, if you just want a colour I've yet missed just say so & post the neo official images. Only you'll have to upload 'em to imageshack or something, because once again-- can't access Neo.

Here's a sampling of thingers available, all in blue:

Chewygel: <img src=" ... l_blue.gif">
Minigel: <img src="">
Peopeo: <img src="">
Saffysit: <img src=" ... t_blue.gif">
Seebunney: <img src=" ... y-blue.gif">
Sleppupe: <img src=" ... e_blue.gif">
Wocktastic: <img src=" ... c_blue.gif">

Also not yet on the petpage since I can't update are these:
Slissi: <img src="">
Smeyrie: <img src="">

No colours done aside from red & blue, respectively (yet), so feel free to request non-customs. n_n;

All should link to KC's page.

Finally, along with all the adoptables I've available on the page, I also have this kid:

<img src=" ... s_blue.gif">

He should be linked to the petpage of guillemets, although until then kawaii_chibi_baka's petpage is all right to link to... I guess. x: Name is obviously heavengelstairs. Once again I've not done anything but blue, so feel free to ask for non-customs. :3

Anyway, have at it! Meanwhile, I'll try to finish up these images for Neolodge without any references from neopets itself. *chews on internet block*
Last edited by jeti on 25 Jan 2006 01:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Illuen »

Gyah, you don't have any blumaroos *mourns*. Your adoptables are very pretty though.
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Post by AngharadTy »

Adoptable name: Saffysit
Pet name: Imbai
Pet nickname: Imbai
Reference: There's a picture <a href= ... pg>here</a>... but she's just a plain red Zafara, but if you could put a purple Slorg on her head? If not that's totally cool and I'll steal the plain red Zafara from the page. ^_^
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Post by Alize »

^^ Yay, more bunnies!! Love 'em, thanks.
<a href=" ... html"><img src=" ... ainbow.gif" title="Click here to get your own draik adoptable!"></a>
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Post by smirkish »

You know what you need to make, Jeti? Two eyed plushie Shoyrus. They would be /so/ cute. Especially the pirate ones. -hint.hint.nudge.nudge- x3
Thanks Twisted for my set. ^^ And MM for meh evil wooble bunny!
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Post by solarith »

Well. Both of the adoptables I'd like are rather small and would probably not be able to fit all the clothing on my pets. xD

But ...

Adoptable name: Sleppupe
Pet name: Nakhota
Pet nickname: Khota
Reference: ... akhota.jpg

Just the color pattern is fine. If you can't fit the accessories, I don't care. :)

And if I am able to get two requests in ... xD (I understand if you can't.)

But if I am able to:

Adoptable name: Seebunney
Pet name: Robinton
Pet nickname: Rob
Reference: ... finish.jpg

Once again, just the colors are fine and dandy. Clothing/accessories = optional. They can go nakey if they wanna. xD
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Post by Aldanax »

... Well, seeing as you got only one request I may request too? And I may say as well, that you have like... the best pixel adopts ever... *drools at the shading on the wockies*
Aaaaaand I adore KC, hes just too silly and funny not to like xD

My request is the following.

<b>Adoptable name: </b>Saffysit
<b>Pet name: </b>Yocky36
<b>Pet nickname: </b>Yocky
<b>Reference: </b>Image (Clickeh for actual reference sheet, I just wanted to show off that small pic because I like it and I can :P)

Though... knowing that Yocky is A PAIN to do in pixel because of his markings, and from what I read you don't have the darigan zaff template done on this adopt, plus you made me some lurvely fanart that I shall forever thank you for.... you have all the right to reject this request xD

But in any case, thank yous muchly in advance <3 If you would like to request from any of my adoptables (chibi eyrie,more eyrie goodness, sleepeh zafaras and lastly my soon to be draik adopts), I would be more than happy to make you any of those :wink:
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Post by Starr »

Your adoptables are adorable! Such cute gelerts especially. =)

Adoptable name: Chewygel
Pet name: Sugar_4321
Pet nickname: Sugar
Reference: ... garPup.png
He's a baby Gelert, but with spotted Gelert markings (like that hasn't been done before...=P), and blue eyes/collar. See quickly edited image up there.

And if you don't mind a second...
Adoptable name: Seebunney
Pet name: Duskena
Pet nickname: Duskena
Reference: ... uskena.png
It's just a basic concept at this time, but I'd love if you could put two side by side to show her two sides. One's normal the other is the poorly darkened angry image. The "sky" of her fur becomes a darker grey-blue, the clouds turn dark, and piercing grey not exactly like the reference.

Thanks so much!
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Post by jeti »

Woof! My internet died last nice mere seconds before getting to post Imbai, which made me very angry. So I haven't started on anyone else's requests, but here's Imbai for Ty:

<img src=" ... _imbai.gif">

And I start on the rest... when I get back from classes! *scurries off*
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Post by Float »

Adoptable name: Seebunney
Pet name: Not a pet, so I suppose.. Joe
Pet nickname: ...j?
Reference: Could I have one with its ruff silver and sparkly (like a disco ball), and anywhere else on the bunny thats blue would be grey. And the pink in the ears would be silver (unless that looks weird, and then pink is good).

Thanks! If.. this is too hard, then no problem
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Post by jeti »

<img src=" ... akhota.gif">

I was a little confused about the markings, so just tell me if I've gotten it wrong and I'll be glad to fix it. n_n; If you zoom in enough you can see I've even put on the circle thing holding up the headdress part. :3 Whee, details.

I haven't yet done Rob because I wanna do the royalboy base first, but hopefully that won't take too long so keep checkin' and he'll be done relatively soon, I'd hope. n_n;

I haven't done Yocky yet because I need to finish up the basic darigan version-- the stupid wings kill me when I'm tryin' to pixel 'em. e_e; Once again, as soon as that base is done I'll be glad to do him. n_n Thank goodness the zafara adopts aren't so small, so his colouring shouldn't give -too- much trouble. And I'd looove some of your sleeping zafara adoptables if you've the time--but I'll ask after I finish Yocky. :3

<img src=" ... r_4321.gif">

I was a little unsure what to do with this since the point of chewgel is that they're flatflatflat so spotted isn't the easiest to figure out (look at starry to see what I mean about flatness) but I think this is quite cute. I'm probably just biased but I love my baby base, even if I'm not too fond of that actual baby gelert. *snugs*

Duskena: <img src=" ... uskena.gif">

I hope I got the colours right, just tell me if I didn't and I'll fix it right up. I can also give you an opposite flipped version, a non-flipped version, a backwards flipped version (facing outwards), an animation transitioning between the two versions, and two seperated images, if'n you want.

Float: sorry, not really doing non-pets... x: Is there any pet you'd want?

Anyway, I added a hissi adoptable I forgot earlier, and I'll be adding an eyrie and maybe another wocky and zafara, if I can find where I saved 'em. x_x;
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Post by Starr »

Eeeee! Thank you very much!

Don't worry, Sugar looks perfect just like that and your baby base -is- quite adorable. *hugs it*

And Duskena looks wonderful, they help me get a better feel for the colors as well. Hehe, lots of version...I'm tempted because an animated one sounds fun. So if it isn't too much trouble, I'd love to see that as well. =)

*saves and sticks in their lookups*
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Post by Float »

Mmkay, I'm now (yeah 5 minutes later XD) applying for a pet that I'd use that design for (Okendo) but I have a different pet I can request an adoptable of.
Adoptable name: Sleppupe
Pet name: Avoros
Pet nickname: none
Reference: ... abeth2.gif ... eragif.gif
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Post by solarith »

:D That's an awesome rendition of Nakhota! I don't see anything wrong with it. I agree that ref can be confusing ... I should probably make an official 'ref sheet' of him.

Many thanks! And I don't mind waiting for Robinton's at all. :)
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Post by TCD »

Ooh, so very cool! Could I get my to-be Maraquan Eyrie, FlameKing200? If you want to wait to do the base/other colors first I won't mind cuz I really heart the Smeyrie! (Wow, that was cheesy.)

Adoptable name: Smeyrie
Pet name: FlameKing200
Pet nickname: Flame
Reference: Maraquan Eyrie, with the colors of the electric eyrie. Wonderful MS painted original neopets artwork is: ... ceyrie.png

Not-so painfully awful version by Sykes: ... nflame.png
Last edited by TCD on 25 Jan 2006 02:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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