Colorfills and the disparity of base color pets...

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Colorfills and the disparity of base color pets...

Post by ICKessler »

I was thinking today about color fills, and how nice it would be to have some other tertiary colors for color fills. Magenta. Teal. Indigo.

Then I realized that several pets already come in magenta, as their basic 'red' version. In fact of all the colors, the four basic colors are the most inconsistant.

Image Pink pets, ecxept for their accents, fall into a pretty narrow spectrum of light pink. The Kau and the Elephante are a little more orange. The Jetsam is a bit darker. The Bruce (not counting his bow) is a bit lighter.

But red has shades from pink to brownish to purple:

ImageImageImageImageImageImageImage Pink, mauve, magenta...

ImageImageImageImageImageImage Chartreuse and Teal...
I'm guessing that they were trying to stay with 16-bit web-safe colors when they started painting red pets, but they could open up some color fill options by trying to get the red pets a little closer to red. Part of the problem is that in some cases they use pink for the body color and red for the shading, instead of using bright red for the body color and using a darker red for the shading. I think they were trying to push the red towards more natural shades for pets like the lupe and kougra, before they came out with the brown brush.

So... would you be more for homoginizing the red pets in order to open up colors like magenta and mauve, or would it be just to shocking to see your lupe in candy-apple red?

Also... there are other colors fills that could work if they wanted a new color fill brush. Personally I'd like to see a color like 'tequila sunrise'. Red on bottom fading up to yellow at the top. I think that would look splendid.

I'd like to see a grey that wasn't a redraw. They could call it roan or ash.

I'd like to see some more natural colors like brindled. Just color fills now, not redraw colors.
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Post by oogabooga »

Personally, I like the variety in the basic colors. I don't mind them tweaking them a bit when they add a new colorfill paint brush, like they did for pink (though admittedly none of my pets were involved in the changes; I might have a different perspective if they had been). Some pets look better in a brighter red than others do, I think. Your example of the lupe is good - since lupes are so close to real animals, they look better in a more natural tone, but, say, shoyrus are totally made up (and at the base, lizards) and they seem to fit a bright red better. Of course, I could just be making this all up because there are certainly exceptions. Maybe it's just what I'm used to that I like :) One thing I do notice is that pets with fur tend to have softer shades.
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Post by Kantark »

I'm all for the variety of hues for base colours to remain - if every red pet was exactly the same shade of red, for example, I think the site could begin to get bland. I like some of the shades used but dislike others (e.g. I love the shade used on the Green Pteri, Wocky and Gelert - but the Flotsam is just garish.) If Neo stuck to one shade it'd bound to be one I didn't like ;)

However it would be a benefit to do as you suggest and make more basic hues available, but I can't see TNT ever getting the time or inclination to keep that lot up-to-date. And even if they did, I bet artists would tweak the hues for individual pets still.
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Post by Shazzbaa »

Well, I'm with Oogabooga. I think not every pet is going to look good in the same shade of red, and for some pets, a slightly "off" shade may look better. For example, the Bruce looks good in light, pastel colours: they fit it very well. However, light pastel-y colours just make the Gnorbu look more bald. Trying to force the same exact shade of a colour onto every neopet would end up with a poor fit for many pets.

I mean, when they adjusted a bunch of pets closer to red for the pink and orange paint brushes to make sense, a lot of the pets just looked odd. The Aisha still looks too dark to me.

I do think it would be pretty cool to have a huge number of colourfill colours tho. ^^ Especially more natural colours... a brush to be rather like the direction that "Spotted" occasionally goes in. Or what about brushes with a set colour scheme,.... rather like Subeta does? I was looking at some of their pet art, and it seems that rather than an actual colour, some of their different colours are named things like "Dusk" or "Dawn" or "Blood Red." For most creatures, "Dusk" is a bluish colour, "Dawn" is a pinkish colour, and "Blood Red" is black with red accents. But you could take this concept another step: rather than making "Dusk" a fancy name for blue, you could actually have a sort of colour scheme. Going more the route of Blood Red, you could have things like black with red accents, purple with green accents (Jhudora brush!), etc. Or going with the time of day theme, a sunset brush with all the fiery colours (orange, red, yellow, etc.) incorporated. You could go on and on. Any colours that actually looked really good together (unlike purple and orange *koff*), you could feasibly make a brush for. The customization potential would be pretty awesome, too, for those of you who are into that.

But wanting this to actually be IMPLEMENTED is probably unrealistic. However, I'd rather they did something like that and quit with the freaking foods. Chias were special. Jelly I understood, due to the importance of jelly world not existing. Then it just got silly. -_-" I'd prefer colour schemes to, say, cookie brushes.
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Post by Elfwoman99 »

Shazzbaa wrote:I was looking at some of their pet art
Whoa, ick. Sorry but on this one, Neopets has it better. God forbid TNT ever redraws Eyries to look like that thing.

But yeah, some slightly more complicated colorfills would be nice. Camouflage is that sort of thing. Sunset would be a cool color.

Another idea would be Earth or something -- kind of like Fire and Cloud, it would have a brownish-grey background with leaves and ivy and things growing on the surface, like how Fire has flames going around on the pet's surface.
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Post by Lakota »

I like the variety in basic colours. I liked how they made poogles in pastels colours as their basic colours intially... though that didn't make sense when the pink paintbrush came out because light red is pinkish. :? It's no suprise that they needed to scrap that idea.

Variety is a good thing. :) Besides just look what they did when they did try to make a colour similar across the species. Do you really want a repeat of purple?? :lol: >_<
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Post by AngharadTy »

If Neopets made a graveyard colour like Subeta has, I'd have to give up sooo many pets just to get all the graveyard ones. >.> Incidentally, that's the only thing that made me regret leaving Subeta, but... well, we've discussed that before. *chuckles*
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Post by Kamil »

AngharadTy wrote:If Neopets made a graveyard colour like Subeta has, I'd have to give up sooo many pets just to get all the graveyard ones. >.> Incidentally, that's the only thing that made me regret leaving Subeta, but... well, we've discussed that before. *chuckles*
*ears perk up*

If it's not private, I'd love to hear about it, what you liked, what you hated, etc..

I've a Subeta account, mostly so if I ever wanted it in the coming months/years I'd have a (somewhat) aged account with my psued of choice, and not have to pick through what was leftover after 242432468789 people had already made theirs.

Again. n.n

And some of their basic pet art is pretty good.


Not bad for a fresh out of the box pet -- although that's the only color they come in so far, no choice so far as a red/blue/green/yellow version -- but then again, I'm not sure how that'd look in the first place. 0__o

I like this guy too, and he's got some nifty recolors.


To be honest, I'd probably have played more, but the site tells you upfront it's not compliant with Firefox - and I just can't keep an active interest in something I've got to do in another browser.

If I could keep it in a tab or three of its own, that'd be one thing, but an entire separate browser -- probably not going to happen often.

Oh well, I check in on them every now and again. They'll, erm, live. =D

/thread hijack>

Back to the topic at hand:

It seems to me that there needs to be some variety amongst the four default colors themselves, as the red that suits a Grarrl, with its large expanses of blank space and image as a strong, fierce pet is most likely going to be a different, more vibrant, shade of red from the one that suits an Acara, that is not only a softer pet overall, but has paws, and inner ears, and a chest area to consider.

So, no, I doubt any one size or one shade of any color will ever fit all, but I'd like to see a little more of a push into the middle areas. More colorfills can only be a good thing (more colors period can only be a good thing)(well, unless you're target zapping an extremely expensive species, then more colors are bad. very, very bad 0__o), and having more of a standard for the four basic pet colorss should make new colorfills easier to pull off.

It seems to me. Not being an artist, I could be entirely mistaken.

/caveats & addendums>
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Post by AngharadTy »

Oh, it's not private at all.. plus I don't even have a personal privacy setting, haha. Months and months and months ago, the site went kaboom, and everyone had to start over. They gave everyone who signed up... something like 100k instead of the usual 10k... numbers go fuzzy in my brain. But it was poor recompense to me, as far as I was concerned, because I'd spent months on the site making my pets perfect, and they were all gone--<i>plus,</i> when I tried to come back, someone had taken my username and a different person had taken one of my pet's names. Altogether I thought it was a really shoddy way to run a website (not having off-site backups?!) and I never wanted to start from scratch again only to have it possibly deleted offhand once more.
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Re: Colorfills and the disparity of base color pets...

Post by phoebemittens »

ICKessler wrote:would you be more for homoginizing the red pets in order to open up colors like magenta and mauve, or would it be just to shocking to see your lupe in candy-apple red?
I'd like to see some more natural colors like brindled. Just color fills now, not redraw colors.
Yes, actually, I would. I agree that lupes and shoyrus shouldn't be the exact same shade, but I think that's an issue of tone rather than hue. If lupes are a darker, more "natural" red and shoyrus are a bright red, it should still be the same red, just darker or brighter. When the territory strays towards orangey-reds, pinky-reds and bluish-tinted reds, I don't think you're dealing with one "colour" any more. Same with the shades of green that range from turquoise to lime.

I also think it would enable more colourfill shades, and more quick easy paintbrushes, and would reduce the competition in the marketplace for existing brushes, making them all more affordable. And they can always add in a curveball like the pink lenny, which isn't a redraw but isn't just a colourfill either.

And I would like some more natural shades too. I wish "speckled" was a brindled colour, rather than that ungodly green.[/i]
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Post by KasiTL »

If I could keep it in a tab or three of its own, that'd be one thing, but an entire separate browser -- probably not going to happen often.
IE Tab - Firefox Extension

I agree that more colour/pattern fills would be a good thing. ... Didn't we just have a discussion about this?
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Post by Kamil »

KasiTL wrote:
If I could keep it in a tab or three of its own, that'd be one thing, but an entire separate browser -- probably not going to happen often.
IE Tab - Firefox Extension

I agree that more colour/pattern fills would be a good thing. ... Didn't we just have a discussion about this?
Ohh, yay, thank you! *installs* I need to go browse their extensions more often.
AngharadTy wrote:Oh, it's not private at all.. plus I don't even have a personal privacy setting, haha. Months and months and months ago, the site went kaboom, and everyone had to start over. They gave everyone who signed up... something like 100k instead of the usual 10k... numbers go fuzzy in my brain. But it was poor recompense to me, as far as I was concerned, because I'd spent months on the site making my pets perfect, and they were all gone--<i>plus,</i> when I tried to come back, someone had taken my username and a different person had taken one of my pet's names. Altogether I thought it was a really shoddy way to run a website (not having off-site backups?!) and I never wanted to start from scratch again only to have it possibly deleted offhand once more.
Eeep! That sucks! Hard core suckage, in fact. I'd fall the fuck out if Neo ever got a server wipe and lost their backups too -- *casts salt circle around pets*

*shudder* Bad, bad mojo, man, bad mojo. I'm so, so sorry you lost your pets like that, it's terrifying to think of losing my pets at Neo, and I'm sure if I'd invested similar effort into my pets at suBeta it'd be just as horrifying to lose those. I don't blame you for shaking the dust off of your shoes and shunning them forevermore.

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