Robot and Glowing Cybunnies

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Post by uberstav »

I really like the color choices they made because it suits cybunnies very well..i really hope i can get one from the lab because its one of the few cybunny colors im really attached to...the others being royalboy and maraquan
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Post by ICKessler »

Whoa. I love the robot cyubunny. Personally I really like the golden color. The details on it are fabulous, the carrot missiles and even little stuff like the red and yellow hazard marks on its chest by its missile launchers.

I like the pinks and reds of the eyes/ears/forcefield and I think they contrast nicely with the golds. I don't think it's the colors that are throwing you guys off, I think it's the business of the image. Every pose has some special cool thing in it - forcefields, whirling ear-blades, glowing eyes, long range missiles... there's just so much to look at when you see all the poses side-by-side on a page. It's like christmas.

The only thing bad I can say about it is that it makes such a painful contrast against older robot pets, that you can hardly believe these two pets come from the same website:

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Post by gidget »

Ok, the Robot Cybunny just went on my Robot want list along with the Ixi and the Pteri.

I even like the colour. He's chock full of Carotene!

Glowing bunny? meh.
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Post by Moonstruck »

Cybunny Robot rocks. :D The carrot rockets are a very nice touch and I like the colors as well. Very nice.

Glow...let's not talk about it. *hides it under a rug*
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Post by rebelheart »

I *love* the robot cybunny :X I really like the gold, because it's so shiny, much shinier than the colour they used for the robot uni. and great poses, too! Now there's 5 robot pets I want :/
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Post by Deku »

Unlike everybody else it seems, I really *don't* like Robot o_o; It's....way too big. Something about it makes my head hurt, and I don't just mean the atrocious colours. Cyro's are better, but still....too big and blocky and eurgh. Badly drawn in some parts too. 3/10.

<img src= ... _right.gif>

...what the hell is that? It looks like something TNT would draw a few years ago.

Glowing is boring, but I guess it's exactly what you expect for a Glowing Cybunny. 4/10.
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Post by Angelique Elf »

I really like it as a robot color, but overall I wouldnt probably keep a robot pet.
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Post by Riddler »

Mm, I thought it was the gold I wasn't liking on the RoboCy, but on closer inspection methinks it is indeed the busy-ness, or p'raps a combination of the two. Beause Cyro's recolours I like.

That aside, the dynamic poses and awesome and detailed accessories make this a perfect robot pet. If it were coloured differently so that the complexities were toned down a bit, I wouldn't be surprised if the robot became the new mutant cybunny/faerie pteri of the forum x)

Glowing I actually like as far as originality goes - the changing auras to suit mood definitely liven up the colourfill. 'Tis just a shame the aura looks so solid in the poses =/
Thanks to Twisted for the awesome set!
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Post by daisybell »

I like the idea for the robot cybunny, and the art is good, but I too don't like the colour. I don't mind the eyes so much as the gold- it's so difficult to see the limbs separately from the body and so I can't appreciate the poses as much as I might. Sometimes the endless silver-and-grey robot pets can get a bit boring, but (as Cyro showed in her fantastic recolours) this particular robot pet would have been much better in colder colours.

I can't help but feel disappointed, because although it is one of the nicest robot pets I would have liked it so much more (enough to want one even) had it been different colours.

As glowing? Well, I hope there is someone out there who really, really wanted a glowing cy- I hate that eye-hurting green and would never want to own a glowing pet. But the colour exists, and it's been executed fine, so it would be nice if someone appreciated it.
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Post by Marah »

I'm going with majority here, loving the robot cybunny, but liking the recolours better.

But still, some-one had a blast coming up with chop ears and carrots of doom and it shows.

And as for glowing, the artist did the best they could with the concept and at least put some effort in it. That's good! And the aura is see through in the circle pose, not solid like so many pets are, also very good.
If you like glowing pets, this is a very good one. I just don't like glowing pets...
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Post by Kidnemo »

hrm, the bionic cybunny would have been awesome but I guess this one is ok, I wouldn't/couldn't have one. Oh and glowing... yeahhhh.
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Post by SeaNymph »

I love it. The color is fine for me. I'd would keep this if I got it from the lab. Along with a robot pteri, gnorbu, ixi and wocky.
Robot is becoming one of my favorite colors.
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Post by Settingshadow »

I love the movement poses of the robot -- very dynamic, with nice ear movement, and, of course, the carrot missiles. These are very slick poses.

The still poses; however, I agree with Deku. It's chunky and posed in a very frog-like (flat and wide) way.
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Post by Cheese »

Too many of the robots are sleek and cool. There should be more clunky, square ones. Like the chomby.

But I still like it.
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Post by Ziggy »

Fuck, gotta have that robot cybunny :O

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