AaToW, and posts which are neither.

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AaToW, and posts which are neither.

Post by Jazzy »

Okay, so we have AaToW back, and it's getting to the point where yes, we are getting the "I found a codestone in nq2!" type posts again. For example:
I'm playing Dice-a-roo and have won 47 NP. I'm on the blue level. My only problem is, should I collect the NP or not?
There are a few topics which were in there and have been moved for being neither achievements nor woes, and there are some which are really quite minor, like winning common items or lab woes where a permanent lab pet goes a species you don't like. Sure, if you zap your painted pet by accident and it changes species, that's horrible, but if you're just going to zap the pet again tomorrow, is it turning into a bad species that awful?*

Should something be done about really minor achievements/woes? We're already moving things which just fit better elsewhere (Aesthetics has a little bit of overlap with AaToW in certain cases), but what about minor achievements and woes? Should we create a sticky so people can post about codestones and winning a Cheops from the fruit machine and getting a Custard pet from the lab?

*I say that as someone with a Pear Chia, whose spots look even more like a disease than the ones on purple pets; my only species changes have gone to my plushie ixi and a mutant ixi I was target zapping. Believe me, I know all about getting crappy species from the labs :P
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Re: AaToW, and posts which are neither.

Post by EofS »

Jazzy wrote:Should something be done about really minor achievements/woes?
I think we'd be better to just try to get people to use their common sense a bit more about what <i>really</i> constitutes an achievement or a woe. Perhaps a sticky?
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Post by Cheese »

If I did something like find a codestone I wouldn't consider it worth making a thread about. Today I won 10k on the wheel of excitement and got the crappy little avatar...woo.

Perhaps there should be guidelines on what constitues an achievement worth making a whole new thread about, and like you said a place for minor ones.
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Post by daisybell »

I think some guidelines might be helpful, as there isn't actually anything to say what's appropriate and what isn't. At the moment a new person might not know it isn't a free-for-all, although there are 'unspoken rules' about what's topic-worthy and what isn't.

Maybe a rough np guide should be set, say winning/losing a day's np earnings? Nothing less than 10k is very significant, IMO, but it could be higher. Or give examples, perhaps.

I did prefer it when achievements and woes were in Misc, but deleting the forum would be excessively drastic, obviously.
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Post by Twisted »

I say go for the minor achievment sticky, with some guidelines :D Because there are some achievments (for example-there's lots of name achievements recently which no one is really going to care about unless it's a really personal reason) but then again what someone calls an achievemnt varies.
Like if I posted my BC achievements, I'm sure not amny people would consider it an achievement but I would. Varies on the person.
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Post by Spivsy »

Just put a minor acheivements sticky up, like they do on achyfi.
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Post by Phlizz »

I actually enjoy the ridiculous things that get posted on that board; they amuse me :twisted: at least when I have too much time on my hands, which is the only time I find myself looking at AaToW in the first place. (And for that reason I like having it separate to Misc, where generally more useful and interesting things are posted.) I suspect it would lose this dubious charm if all the trivialities were shovelled into one big stickied post, also I'm doubtful that many people would bother to post there; posting something in a sticky isn't as attention-grabbing as creating your own posts.

For the sake of those (moderators) who have to plough through it all though, I agree it might be helpful if there were some guidelines about what can/should be posted. As well as the obvious not posting about the really trivial NP/item gains/losses around the site, you might ask people not to post things along the lines of "Something really good/bad nearly happened to me!", or "I'm so excited/worried about this thing which might be about to happen!", which I've seen a few times and which I find even more pointless than the "Yay, I won a Tchea Fruit!" type posts.
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Re: AaToW, and posts which are neither.

Post by Trick »

I think a sticky for minor achievements and woes would do the trick, with the first post perhaps having the guidelines for what goes in it?

The main problem with setting stead fast rules is that achievements differ so much from person to person. Getting a win on a certain game may be a huge personal achievement, or the name achievements, or even how much nps you make.

Jazzy wrote:Should we create a sticky so people can post about codestones and winning a Cheops from the fruit machine and getting a Custard pet from the lab?
I'd think anyone lucky enough to get a Custard Chomby should be encouraged, nay, instructed, to post on the main board! ^_~
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Post by Illuen »

*pets custard Ruki* Personally, I would rather see us go back to the way it was before, with Misc and AATOW together. Sure, it made Misc a little cramped, but I would much prefer than to "OMFG, I GOT A BURNT CHEOPS PLANT!!!!". I know personally i felt bad because I made two or three (what I thought was big) boards on there, so when I painted a pet, I refrained from posting there because I was upset about being spammy.
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Post by Ailiel »

I say give it a month or two and see if things don't settle down. Ignore posts which are really boring and trivial; people will get the hint and stop making boring and trivial posts in achievements and tales of woe. I mean we've had the board what, not even two weeks? I say give it at least six weeks before we go changing and reordering things again. Anytime a new board opens up there is going to be some confusion about what belongs there and what doesn't, but I think eventually this problem will straighten ITSELF out.
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Post by Huggles »

Except on the old old board, there'd still be tons of threads with 0 replies. I'd prefer it not existing at all, but I'd settle for a sticky for "I moved my arm" type posts.
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Post by Kamil »

I'm for the sticky - simply because it will give a central place for smaller squeeage. As for example, if we had one now I'd post, gleeful that the Tooth Faerie just dropped off her avatar again. ^^

Not important enough for its own thread, no, but something I'd happily mention in a thread devoted to smaller achievements.
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Post by Wingsrising »

Honestly, my main beef with AaToW isn't the triviality of the accomplishements, it's the nonspecificity of many of the subject lines. "Achievement!" "Woe!" "An Achieveawoe!"

I wish people would be more specific with their titles so that I have some idea what the thread is about, which should tell me whether or not I'm interested enough to click on it.
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Post by oogabooga »

Excellent point, Wingsrising. Maybe a sticky in there with guidelines, as others have suggested - and make one of the guidelines be that your thread title has to be clear. That's easier to make judgments on, as well.
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Post by Jazzy »

Done, sticky created- and I've added a note at the top that if you do create a topic to give it a clear title.
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