Admit it. I'm the fastest request finisher in the land.

Post finished and unfinished work here for critique and appraisal.
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Admit it. I'm the fastest request finisher in the land.

Post by PharaonicQuiche »

( ... If one were to replace the term 'fast' with a word meaning very, very... very slow. :wink: )

Stumpy's Fright (Darigan Bori)
The sketch itself is probably the very oldest of that whole group I took back in... last winter. I kept it around in partially finished form with the vague hope that I'd be magically shot with the inspiration beam and redo the entire bloody thing. Fright is an awesome bori with an awesome design and I wanted way more than this out of the picture but it's gotten to the point that I'm vaguely being forced to clean my computer out. I had six, count 'em six, PSD files corrupt outright two weeks ago and I'm still not sure why. No viruses, my drives are happily defrag'd, I reinstalled both my old and new version of photoshop and it's just gone to all hell to ensure I don't get my days worth of work back.
(Oh ho, but I did! In a way. Next picture, yush.)
So here's Fright, looking very green, very out of proportion, and very kinda sorta generally bad. I'msorryStumpy, Istillloveyourbori.
I am entirely incapable of figuring out a way to realism-ism bori anatomy. The front legs just sort of earn a 'guhhhwellgeeGOLLY' response every damn time I try to piece them together.

Seerow's StormFox (Island Bori)
Congratulations, dearest StormFox Ye Ole Purdy Bori, you've just won a very awesome corrupted image.
Yeah. That kinda miffed me off after I spent as much time as I did being obsessive over the clouds. You'll find I like oceans- haven't been to one since I was seven but darned if I don't like painting back-drop-like objects of them!
This time I actually like the lighting and the shading and I'd have been such a happy camper (aside from The Anatomy and Proportions We Do Not Speak Of)... but y'know, Adobe pulled the "Gosh, I can't open that!" trick so I pulled out my magical Advanced PSD recovery program and slapped it hard.
Still has 'demo' written all over it and yes... is not finished. Once I fork out enough moonies to pay for the full program, I'll finish the shading and the details and the taaaail. And the other leg. I did not spend that much time shading to give in to my computer's cranky issues. Free request or not.

Island Acara
Mm, fresh off the acara day rejection road. And it's toothless! :| Mmm'nom, mashed taters tonight. And I still really like oceans. Toomuch.

... And that's all for now. I'd include other recent WIPs but I'm not out to test Neocolour's text limits with my Pred hyper typer moment. (And they're mostly all fan-esque pets anyway. No one wants to see those ugly things. Much less any more of my italic abuse.)
Last edited by PharaonicQuiche on 18 Aug 2006 10:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Scimthary »

Awesome paintings :D *sorry, extremely short comment*
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Post by thelonetiel »


I'm still kicking myself for not putting up a request for your art when you had the board open. :P
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Post by PharaonicQuiche »

If I ever get those others (and two trades, gnar) finished, I might be tempted to take a few more. Part of me is just such an absolute sucker for punishment though I've learned I have to take things one at a time or I'm rendered kinda stupid under back-log for my fugly painting things.

I'm vaguely pondering dropping a few of those old requests, though, if just because the people haven't been around for ages... I'd be very flail-like to finish a picture only to find someone wasn't even online anymore or whatnot.

Many thanks for the comments, though!
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Post by Saphira »

Those are really awesome, you painted those? Are you serious?? WOW.
I really like the first one.
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Post by zebru »

Beautiful, all of them.

You have a knack for drawing stunning ocean backgrounds. The Acara one makes me wish the blasted temperature would go up (it's been raining for days now) so I can go scooba diving again.
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Post by bonecrivain »

Lovely. I adore your art, especially the picture you did of Algebar.

I'd suggest putting up the list of pictures you have yet to finish and asking people to respond if they still want them done; if they don't say anything, it'd be safe to assume that they won't be around to feel bad for missing out.
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Post by Stumpy »


*jaw on floor*

I... I... it's perfect. You did a WONDERFUL job on Fright's picture. And the green doesn't bother me... in fact, I think it adds to the dark and spooky look of the pic.

Thank you soooo so so much for doing this. I really appreciate it and I love the picture :D
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Post by Deriance »

Will you marry me? x3
Each picture is stunning! Apart from looking amazing, they each have a very different 'mood' about them which is something I can never achieve :P (The emotions of characters I draw range from apathetic to content xD )
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Post by Dead Webby »

Oh. My god! *loves*

They are awesome, you can bet i'll be as fast as possible into the queue if you ever do more requests! I'm still admiring the clouds in the third picture. I cannot paint clouds for the life of me, whereas yours are as cloudy as cloud gets.
Thanks VanillaCoke for the Set.
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Post by Seerow »

Storm may be missing a leg and some shading, but that pic seriously rocks anyway! I mean, geesh, he's awsome! I LOVE his head and his expression XD

And the background is gorgous. Such pretty waves and clouds 0_o Looks real. Makes me want to visit a beach, which is kinda hard considering all I have anywhere around me is corn. Such is life.

And Gwap (the Chuchuana) is cute XD
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Post by PharaonicQuiche »

Saphira - Aye, digital painting. My actual paintings with... paint-paint are far less clean. Really ugly blobs of watercolour everywhere and such. Ew, real media, too messy. Many thanks for dropping a comment, though! :)

zebru - Thanks! I'm probably overusing oceans lately but they're much more fun and easy for me... rather than trying to figure out rock texture or paint individual grass blades. Still have a lot of practice to do with oceans, though. I've seen some digital artists that just turn out insane looking water... so realistic with the waves and such. (And I wish the temperature would go down here. It's been so hot for weeks now with little sign of a nice shower or storm. Stop hogging all the raaaain. Scooba diving sounds awesome, though. Wish I lived near a coast. All we have are boring, muddy rivers nearby.)

bonecrivain - Yeah, there's quite a few on the list that I know are active and around and I don't mind finishing off the pictures for those... There's a name or two I'm curious about, though, so I might try posting that or just getting in contact with them in general. I'd hate to drop a picture then have someone show up a week later, shaking their fist at me. (And I'm still really glad you liked Algebar's picture. He was fun to colour but I still remember being kinda worried that the less cartoon-esque style would turn everyone off the picture.)

Stumpy - I'm so very, very glad to hear you like it! :D And even with the green, too. I tried desaturating the picture and just keeping the red eyes but it looked so flat and... not very spookyspooky. I love Fright's whole name/look/image, along with Darigan Boris in general. I'm kinda concerned I might have snapped his spine with the pose but still, very glad to hear you like it.

Deriance - Thanks! I'm never so sure about the moods and all... Try and get a basic idea of the pet personality but sometimes I end up going off on my own little bit and doing something terribly out of character. Whatever mood shows up is sometimes luck of the draw if/when I can get a sketch to turn out decent. "Ohwell, if I make the picture sparkly enough with colouring I'm sure they won't mind the character being... not himself!"

Dead Webby - Thank you! I really like painting clouds and such since they're so formless... in general. I'm terrible with buildings and such structures that require actual perspective. Not too many people complain when my clouds are unrealistic or just funky looking.

Seerow - Heh, yeah. He had that leg lined in but then I wanted to fix how the 'ankle' joint was positioned over the fruit he's supposed to have sitting there between his paws. Hopefully I'll get that all fixed up soon. Many thanks for the comments and I'm glad you like it so far! :)
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Post by Huggles »


I really like the way you did Fright's claws and spikes. I noticed the same sort of coloring on your aisha's spikes, and for whatever reason it makes me think of candy. Mmm candy. As an aside, I've been wondering what's behind Yazoou. Does he have one wing, is it a really fancy tail, or something else painfully obvious? I don't think I'll ever tolerate boris, but you've done a hell of a job in trying to convince me otherwise. And the acara has no tail! <3
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Post by PharaonicQuiche »

Thanks Huggles (who almost became Huffles in a strange lil typo there)! I tend to add random highlights to hard objects like claws, spikes, etc. Probably too shiny most of the time but it's randomly fun. Blinging claws.
Answer to the Yaz' question is that the big object off on his side there is his one wing. I couldn't seem to fit it in there quite right and not have the image turn obnoxiously wide. So it's just kinda smushed and broken and anatomically wrong. But yup, one wing.
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Post by Silverevilchao »

Any idea when you'll be doing more requests, if ever? :P
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