NaNoWriMo Support Group!

A general writing-based forum- stories, poetry and the like, as well as roleplays and Werewolf signups.
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NaNoWriMo Support Group!

Post by Illuen »

And it's off! Since I know quite a few people here are joining NaNoWriMo this year, I thought it would be neat to have a thread where we can share pieces of writing, ask for advice, maybe share songs/movies that inspire our writing- pretty much anything, even bitching about how your work is coming out. So yeah, Converse!
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Post by Jessi »

Haha, this sounds perfect. Cause I'm getting off to a bad start already. I'll just copy and paste from my LJ so you can all hear my tale of woe ( no way related to Sophie's)

"Getting a late start on NaNo writing today. Here's why! Enjoy my story:

Lindsey and I were getting a lazy start to our day, thanks to a little bit of bar hopping from last night. Not -really- late, but we did laze around in bed together until 9:30 just talking. Finally get up, relax for a few minutes, then she goes to take a shower and I go to do a big water change in my tank before we order lunch and I start with the NaNo.

So I remove about 20% of my water, and go to pour the new water in. Pouring in, lala, about halfway done -

When I suddenly hear this loud pop! and there is SMOKE EVERYWHERE.

I freak out, put down the bucket, panic and turn off the entire power strip that runs the tank.

Turns out that somehow or other, doing a water change caused my glass heater to SHATTER. Glass was in the bottom of my tank, it's smoking up a storm. I call Clif (thank god he was at work), and he tells me to unplug EVERYTHING, get the heater out, hook up the filter again, and we'll take it from there.

So a good part of my day was spent trying to get the old heater out, going out to buy a NEW heater, having Clif come over to make sure my fish were okay, putting in the new heater, and fixing up my tank.


And with that out of the way, I'm off to try and get some writing done on this x__x
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Post by Spivsy »

I'm doing a story about bigfoot and stuff like that. I've got 2000 words done so far, trying to do 2k a day.
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Post by Jessi »

2,000 words a day is my usual goal, but I have the next 5 days off and am aiming for 5,000 words a day instead. heh.

Edit - I guess I'll add what my story is about, even though it's difficult to explain. It'll be fantasy-genre based (actually, its based off the Ragnarok characters of my friends and I - I've written RO based stories the past 2 years, and they always go by real easily, so hence this one too).

If you want to read it, I'll be posting it in my writing LJ daily, with a total word count for up to that point and what not :3 Hopefully I'll be posting a little bit in the next few hours!
Last edited by Jessi on 01 Nov 2006 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Wysteria »

I am camping out in Texas with a friend, lacking time, motivation and even an outline.

World-building prologue time! My story is set in a semi-original semi-Arabic-based fantasy world, so there's always time for worldbuilding. Maybe if I worldbuild for a few days, I might even have characters by the time I have time to spare for the story. I hope.
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Post by FaerieInGrey »

My story is about a waitress. There's more to it and all, but... yeah. I spent a lot of time today designing characters and setting and such. I just broke the 1000 word mark, and I'm hoping to hit 3,000 today since I have a decent amount of time and motivation.
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Post by oogabooga »

Yay, just what I needed! Particularly since the NaNo forums seem to be hopelessly bogged down at the moment.

As I said in my LJ, I've decided to try for 100k this year, since I feel like I can't possibly finish the story I have in mind in "just" 50k. That means my goal is 3500 words a day. I made it the first day, but the second day has just begun (Paris time) and I have to do it again! Not to mention homework.

I'm not sure what my story is mainly about. It's fantasy, and the magical ability of the main character to make anything she's seen made before was what inspired me to write it, but now I've got her parents who used to be pirates, and a long-lost heir to the throne, and a girl from another dimension who's in this world for some mission, and maybe one of them is the main point of the novel now. I don't know.
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Post by Enriana »

Mine is starting out as a rather Neil Gaiman-y story of a <i>very</i> unusual high school.

I've never done NaNoWriMo before, but I was inspired by how many YA books getting published right now are <i>complete crap</i>. Their horrible quality was my main motivation.

I'm usually a poet/song writer, so something with plots and characters and major length will be a challenge, but I'm looking forward to it.

I haven't, in fact, started yet, because I've been sleeping, trick or treating, playing puzzle pirates, and watching Buffy. I'll get there eventually, though.

... I think.
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Post by Joey »

I haven't started yet. I should, but I am le tired. Totally burned out from pumpkins last night.

But my story kind of spins off the thing I stickied. I've got the angry guy, who still has no name so I may just call him Steiner until I think up a better one. I've got a mage named Angel, and his wife who also lacks a name. And my main dude is a mercenary archer named Sebastian. They're going to steal something and then run away on a journey to avoid being killed by the guys they stole it from.

And that's all I've got so far. ^-^
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Post by roger9614462 »

I'm going to try NaNoWriMo for the first time this year, but it will be in french. Well, I don't have any big plans in mind, except that it will be the story of the world being invaded by gingerheads... :|
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Post by Aurinona »

I'm still waffling on whether or not I want to go for it. Today has not been a good day for writing, though, between some icons I had to finish up and a huge sinus headache.

Maybe something will magically come to me tomorrow.
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Post by Figment »

I didn't officially join NaNoWriMo because I am not starting a new novel, but I hope to finish the one that I wrote half of in Europe. The rest of it is the hard part -- research research research -- but I want to finish it off in a month. And then if I want to I can try to do a novel-in-a-month in December or January.
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Post by Iggy »

I don't do NaNoWriMo either, because it's going to take me more motivation to continue my project, which is in progress since, oh, 20 months?

But, good luck.
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Post by anzuronamin »

I'm not going to do Nano this year, but I will next. I just have too much on my plate right now.

Good luck to those doing Nano this year! I want to see them when they're done *_*
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Post by FaerieInGrey »

I just hit the 5000 mark, after falling a bit behind my self-appointed schedule yesterday. How is everyone else doing?
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