RL Achievements and ToW-split 2/16/09

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Post by Jessi »

Woe: ANOTHER ONE OF MY FISH DIED *headdesk* WHY. ARGH. I've only had the poor thing for two days, so I'm not going to blame my tank, which is clean, has no nitrites and virtually no nitrates, just got a nice water change, and has a nice salinity of .22. Sigh.

Achievements: My perculas are still doing great, and my other three remaining new fish - one domino damsel and two yellow tail blues are doing wonderfully and had a huge lunch of Formula Two pellets and brine shrimp. Yummy :P And my hermit crabs switched shells! And my star fish finally ate something!

BIG achievement: I got two turbo snails! XDDD I've been waiting forever to get turbo snails for my tank and now I have two! Named Ambernite and Slugawoo, haha (RO fans will recognize the first name as well :P) And next week, I'll be adding one of these to my tank!


A purple lobster!! Ee, I can't wait to get him!

Okay that's enough rambling about my saltwater tank.
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Post by Marah »

In true neo style I started my Saint Nicholas poem with a haiku!

Slight woe, I'm not sure if the rest of the people understood that it was a haiku, or know what a haiku is, for that matter.
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Post by davidsgurl1685 »

achievement: My fiancee is coming home early from Afghanistan! in time for our 2 yr anniversary, which i thought he was going to miss. i'm soooo happy. which means if he comes home on time, im getting married in feb. instead of june!

woe: im a procrastinator, and i have to go get my dress from Toronto, which is a hell of a drive for me. :? sooo i've been taking my sweet time with it, and now the pattern is retired, so it's costing me a bunch more. yay for overtime! oh well, at least i still get it.

whee i'm so happy! :D
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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Major achievements for me: moved on base into a nice little "townhouse" with my husband who is in the Army, the city we're in has a fair amount of decent stores (yay Super Target) and there's plenty of fun things to do on base, got a NICE fast computer with a wide-screen monitor, have cable now (yay no stupid flaky wireless to aggravate me!)

Minor woes: the Army people have a certain knack for doing stupid things and punishing the lower-grade soldiers for their own mistakes and his timing for joining is scary (the job market has been horrible for the past several years, and the job offers finally came rolling in AFTER he joined), the area is flat and windy and is full of crazy roads with stupid drivers and no decent gaming places, I'll be configuring my new computer with my old preferred settings (a mixed blessing of course), and my beloved old car is now having brake issues (which will hopefully be easy and cheap and quick to fix), although I do have free time a little more now I still don't have as much free time as I had hoped...but yay for progress, my little secondhand-gotten GameBoy Advance SP (classic Nintendo controller style) seems to be dying and I DON'T want a DS...so I may have to find a good replacement sometime in the near future
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Post by Noodles »

Achievement: I graduated high school today! :D And had the most amazing Formal. :D
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Post by Mesmirez »

(MAJOR) Achievement: It's my birthday today! 15 bigguns! My parents got me a freakin' TABLET, which I'm having way too much fun with :D -yee!!- and, besides that, I got a Farside book, a PotC calender, a book with funny cat pictures, a hat/glove set and some PJs. Good haul, now I won't get anything for Christmas :P.
Thanks TheLoneTiel for the siggy^^

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Post by anzuronamin »

Happy birthday, Mesmirez! <3 *throws confetti*

Achievement: TP is coming tommorow... So excited :D (not really an achievement, but ah.)

Woe: Math test today. Maybe failed? Wouldn't be surprised. All in all, not a happy math day.
oh em gee
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Post by oh em gee »

woe: my computer is infiltrated with trojans and adware somehow. =(
bigger, end-of-the-world woe: it has corrupted my WoW files and i need to reinstall them and download the patches, and most likely will not play again until the weekend. @_@

achievement: i have made mini cherry cheescakes. =)

edit: doh! happy birthday, mes!
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Post by Slugawoo »

Woe: My iguana's in bad shape. ._.; One of his legs is all swelled up. We're taking him to a vet sometime this week. Not only that, I can't concentrate for sludge at school with him like this. Can't pay attention, can't work, urrggg. I'd be better off at home. All the little kids at school are having coughing fits all over the place, anyways. I'm safer here. :P

I lost one of my dogs a few years ago and I'm still not over it. If anything happens to my lizard, I wont be surprised if I have a mental breakdown. Very, very, very little sanity left. <.<;

Achievewoe: It's December. I'm in upstate New York, at a "high altitude." Guess what? There's no snow at all. None. There was, but it's melted. Gone.
I hate snow. It's not freezing cold out. <3 Yay.
But there's a downside to this. No snow days. ;_; And I kind of said I'd dance on Xmas if there was no snow. <.<; (And I do not dance.)

Well, I guess I need an achievement: I'm planning on beating a few people at my school with a rubber chicken on Tuesday. Don't ask. x3
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Post by Alicorn »

Achievement: In just a couple of weeks (Dec 29th) my fiance is comeing down from Canada to visit me for 2 months! I'm so excited, I can't wait! It's going to be great, haveing so much time with her all to myself, well when I'm not working, blah. And without asking, my work gave me that Friday off so I'm able to pick her up at the airport, I loved how that worked out. Also I'm almost done with christmas shopping, going to get the rest I nee this paycheck, yay! Just had to share those few things. ^_^"

Slugawoo: sorry to hear about your iguana, I hope it pulls through and will be alright.

Jessi: that lobster is soooo pretty! **snuggles it and is pinched**
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Post by gomababe »

Achievement: Finished all my exams on tuesday and I think i did pretty welll on most of them

Woe: I got two species of seal completely mixed up in my head for the carnivores exam, i was so sure the grey seal was smaller than the harbour {oe common} seal...ARRGH! hopefully i wont get tooo many point docked because of it, a whole hours work down the drain due too a stupid mix up *headesks repeatedly*.
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Post by Kidnemo »

Achievement: Managed to do the first Zelda dungeon without killing any monkies. ¬_¬
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Post by Twisted »

Achievement: Finished college for the term and got passes on all my projects so far (yay!)
Woe: We're getting a kitchen extension and our house is more of a tip than usual.
Returned for the moment...I guess.
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Post by lavender »

My sister's cat, which had been missing for almost a month, randomly came home today! We are so happy to have him back ^_^
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Post by AngharadTy »

Kidnemo wrote:Achievement: Managed to do the first Zelda dungeon without killing any monkies. ¬_¬
Haha! Tempting, though, innit? eekeek. EEK.
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