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Post by AngharadTy »

You're also going to see a marked decrease in responses to your topics if you're so indecisive. "Why should I bother offering petpets to this person when two days from now they'll have abandoned this idea and moved on to the next?" It's irritating to see that someone can't decide what pets they like.
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Post by Figment »

adi_gallia wrote:You see I don't find a topic every two days to be particularly harmful. I mean if it were once a day or more than once a day I would be worried.
I've probably posted around twenty or thirty topics in over three or four years of being a member of this forum, and that's a generous estimate. Now, I know I am by far on the low end of topic-posting, but it does say something about the accepted posting rate. It's just common sense to look around and see how frequently other people post and then gauge your own posting rate based on that. Because if you post more in two weeks than the majority of the members post in one month then you are going to be viewed as spammy and annoying, especially if the topics in question are pointless (see: indecisive) or could be condensed into one or two.

I don't see why a relative newcomer to the forum is so ravenous for our opinions on his pets anyway. How can we possibly know what to suggest when we don't know the person? As anyone can see from browsing through the new colours posts, aesthetic tastes vary wildly. I would feel comfortable giving petpet or painting advise to, say, Enriana, but only because she's my close friend and I am very familiar with what she likes and doesn't like. I wouldn't even bother trying to help checkers out with his indecision because it would probably not do a whit of good.
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Post by sureq »

I've been put off posting in petpets (not including the time I was complaining that my green wain wasn't released) since I last made a petpet suggestion and was told (in the most subtlest of ways) that it was a bad idea.

So I've kept my mouth shut since.

And used to really enjoy looking for matches for people, it's something I've found really fun to do.

Isn't it up to the original poster to decide whether they like suggestions or not, and not other "matchers" that consider themselves better at it than others?

I guess it's just something thats been on my mind, and it kind of fit in this thread, seen as I didn't feel like making a new thread about it.
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Post by AngharadTy »

sureq wrote:I've been put off posting in petpets (not including the time I was complaining that my green wain wasn't released) since I last made a petpet suggestion and was told (in the most subtlest of ways) that it was a bad idea.

So I've kept my mouth shut since.
I looked through your posts and I assume you mean adi_gallia telling you the mutant babyca would match a mutant meerca better? Well... yeah. The babyca is quite a lot like a miniature meerca; they were designed that way. If that kind of extremely mild comment is likely to put you off posting, all I can suggest is... don't let things like that bother you so much. It didn't matter, and I doubt anyone even noticed it.

On this board, we don't all just agree with each other all the time. We like to discuss things. If you disagree with what someone says, either get over it and don't let it bug you, or make a post discussing it (not in an angry fashion, I mean, but in a way that promotes discussion). You can't let it fester. It's silly.
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Post by Huggles »

I can't find the thread in question, but yes it's entirely up to you. If you don't like someone's suggestions you're quite free to tell them so. Contrary to much of what I see in newbie posts here and PPT, there are no such things as right and wrong matches. You will not die a fiery death if you give a faerie moltenore to your purple ogin. Sometimes it's nice to live vicariously through friends, but no one should care what you give your pet as long as you like it. However, again, people are going to assume that you're asking because you genuinely want their opinions, and not just because you can't think of anything else to post. I haven't posted there in ages, because I've learned that I know more about what I want than anyone else. I have gone through the entire list of petpet's at least 20 times this year alone, and there'd be no point in my asking for matches.
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Post by AngharadTy »

In this case, I believe sureq was one of the matchers, and another matcher told her that the match was not a good one.

But still, even as a matcher, if you don't like a match, you're perfectly free to say so.

And if someone disagrees with you and it bothers you, either stop being bothered by it, or respond to them.
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Post by sureq »

What more irked me was that I clearly stated it was a filler petpet until I focussed on it more. The three tails offset my hiss's hydra background, and until I finish saving up for my next big goal, I think it looks pretty good.

I could have gone into more detail explaining it (I should have I guess) but at the time I didn't feel like explaining myself, and since then with all the draik/krawk matching questions (and im pretty sure that isnt just checkers and magiics) i'm starting to not even bother looking at the forum anyway (without the slight grudge ive had).

what am I trying to say? I hold grudges. Its a personality flaw I guess. Sorry I was so bleh :P I shouldn't post when I'm grumpy.

So personal ickyness aside. You guys are right, next time I will just use a pm, I usually prefer to pm rather than post anyways.

And now im all embarrassed for this grumpy emotional display. :oops:
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Post by Gumshoe »

Lika and Adi Gallia seem right to me..I'm staying out of it since I'm a newb here *rolls eyes* but What is wrong with it? x.x
Feral Koala
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Post by Huggles »

Oh, what fun. Are you another "sibling"? Imaginary friend? Even if I do often forget to do so, I can check your IP and see what other users are posting from it.

I've locked your topic in Petpets and deleted any extraneous posts you've made there. You are not allowed to post outisde of this thread until you can prove you're a separate individual and that you're not an idiot. Good luck!
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Post by Daphie »

So Adi_gallia, Magiic and Checkers are the same person?
And now also this Gumshoe?
I find this quite hilarious.

*goes back to lurking*
f l i r t a t i o u s ♥
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