Pirate Xweetok

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Post by Marah »

Can I ask if redrawn means that it were somewhere an old version of this painted pet previous to this one, or does it means that it was made from scratch (without using the default image for the pet)?
Yes, redraw means that the pet was made from scratch, when the poses are different then those of the standard coloured pet. This forums specially dislikes it when expensive paintbrushes don't get redraws. :D

Also most of the bandana is now red, except for one pose. Bit sloppy.
Other than that, I'm not sure what to think of it. I kinda like it, I like the ponytail in the circle pose (like some-one said: very Will.) but I don't like the pegleg. It's too much and what is it doing in the close attack pose? shattering against the border of the square?
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Post by Huggles »

Yeah, they've still got the happy and hit poses left to change, but it looks much better. I think the peg is awkward, but I've never liked peg legs or hook hands.
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Post by AngharadTy »

Could a peg limb truly look natural? I think by definition it has to look awkward. ^_~
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Post by Huggles »

If it wasn't also used as a hand, it wouldn't be so weird. Artificial legs aren't natural, but are even less so when they're stuck to someone's shoulder.
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Post by AngharadTy »

Well, then, explain how you would make a fake limb for a quadruped that also uses its hands to manipulate objects. It'll basically lose half of its manipulative ability no matter what, so it might as well have a pegleg, which I assume are in great quantities aboard pirate ships. What else would they keep in the hold? Booty? Pff.
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Post by Huggles »

I like to keep my booty on deck at all times, but srsly, stick it on one of the hind legs or not use it as a hand? Or... add a hook to the end!
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Post by Xulael »

I have mixed feelings about this pet. On one hand, it's one of the best pirate pets I've ever seen (redraws ftw!), on the other, it's a xweetok and I have no burning love for xweetoks. Could grow on me, but pirate's one of those colors that's either FFQ or paintbrush and that makes me sad. Won't be getting it, as I can't find it in me to spend that kind of NP on a non-krawk or non-draik. -loses-

... On the topic of its peg leg, the sad pose makes me laugh and think it has got a splinter in its eye. XD Giving it a hook wouldn't work in the poses its currently in, unless we're going for surreal or we're making the hook obviously flat and able to support weight. And still? It'd be rubbing at its eye with that hook, ow.

[ X goes by Xulael on most sites ]
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Post by Symmie »

It's boring, but the art is okay. :|
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Post by NyauNyau »

A hook wouldve been cool. But the only problem is the that the Xweetok is on all fours, so it'd be ackward...but ..funny
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Post by AngharadTy »

Ah. Yes. So, Huggles, your logic is that they shouldn't have drawn the forelimb missing, but instead, a hindlimb. My logic is that if a critter has a forelimb missing, it needs a pegleg. We don't exactly disagree, but we're arguing on different levels. *laughs*
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Post by Usul_Princess »

*sigh* I don't like it. I really want to like this thing, but I just don't. Xweetoks have amazing redraws, (Mutant and faerie to be specific) but this pet is just too cute to be a menacing pirate. Although POTC has a lot to do with inflation and why I almost hate this color. (I'm so not kidding about this! Does anyone even remember how so-so this brush was when it first came out?) That's part of the reason I almost wanna gag everytime I see pirate pets.

...(and yes, I have a pirate shoyru, AND he has a POTC name, and I hope for this reason neo comes up with their very own Enchanted Hypnosis wand so I can love him again :P)

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Post by Farseek »

It's a really well done pirate pet and yet somehow I don't like it :shock:
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Post by Sodapop »

I somehow Like it. It must have something to do with the fact that I used to be in love with Xweetoks. I gave up on my ambition to get every colour and adopted them out. But I really would like to have one. I have never made it past 800k so there is absoluetly no way I will be getting one. Unless I get a desired FFQ. But even then I would have to choose between a Pirate Lupe and a Pirate Xweetok.

But for the peg leg, I think it adds a nice feature to him. Haha, either way I WILL get one. It will take quite a while but I think I can make it...
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Post by danceu4ia »

MUAHAHAA! More Xweetok colours! They're taking over!

I think the pirate is very cute. Unfortunately, my xweetok is female, and with a name like Skyirose, that's not going to change anytime soon.

I don't think she'd appreciate excess "facial" hair. ^^
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Post by Gazella Dama »

I like it. I don't ADORE it to death, but it's better than some of the other doofy pirate and xweetok colors, respectively. The hair pleases me a whole lot, and actually so does the scar. I'm sure that I'm the only person who went "*ding!* One Piece!" at it, however, as the main character from that series is a pirate that has the same scar under his left eye.

Shhh, I'm a dork 83
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