Neo glitching for you?

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Rainbow Daydreamer
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Neo glitching for you?

Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

For me, Neo's just been laggy all day.

But the HC are in bigger trouble than I am, apparently. People are being told that they, their Neofriends and their boards don't exist. One girl was told her pet belonged to an owner who hadn't logged in for a year. Apparently when she zapped the pet's petpet with the lab ray it came right again.

Any idea what might be going on? Lag I'm used to, but those things-- pseudo-petnappings, missing friends, locked boards-- all seem pretty separate from one another.

So yeah, heads up. Don't worry if things look a bit odd, because it seems to be everyone.
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Post by rebelheart »

Yeah, I went to the symol hole and it told me I had no petpet. Scared the hell out of me because I'd just been zapping another petpet on another tab and thought I might have checked the wrong button. And when the petpet lab result page loaded it gave me an error and said I hadn't selected any petpet at all. But the petpet and everything else is still all right so far.
Feral Koala
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Post by Huggles »

Didn't have any problems until last night and now everything's slow as molasses. I tried restocking and I'd be lucky if I'd get the "click the neopet" picture to load in the time it normally takes to have bought something and priced it in my shop.
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