RL Achievements and ToW-split 2/16/09

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Post by EofS »

Unless it's significantly warmer 100 miles south than it is here, I don't think you'll have a fun summer ;0)

That said, if your throat feels that bad and you've got a huge headache etc then it's probably dehydration, hay fever or illness. You shouldn't be feeling that bad from the weather we've been having, warm and beautiful though this holiday weekend has been.

For dehydration, make sure you don't just drink lots of water all in one go - it will make you sick. Sip at the water instead.

Also, if it was an antiperspirant as well as a deodorant then that will not be helping your temperature - unpleasant as sweat can be, it's there to serve a purpose, and that purpose is cooling you down.

For short term alleviation, run your wrists under cold water.
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Post by Charlie »

I didn't think it was that hot today - and i'm in Somerset - the sun is appreciated, but it's not more than 20 degrees C, here anyway... maybe you have a fever :P
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Post by nanabobo567 »

rebelheart wrote:But then 10k isn't really a highscore? I think my highscore used to be something like 400k.
And I just realised my Game Boy is older than you.
You wouldn't say that if you had an attention span as short as I. And yes, my NES is older than I am, I wouldn't be surprised if your Gameboy was.
Seerow wrote:Aww Nana, I didn't think you meant you were literally dead last night :(
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Post by Ellie »

WOE: Two of my dog's paws are really infected from walking on fertilized grass. The pads on the less infected one are puffy and pink but the really infected one's pads are searing red and look really painful (she won't stop licking them). It happened two years ago and we've been careful because of that, but we forgot about it last week. ;~;

We're bringing her to the vet tomorrow, but is there anything I can do to lessen her discomfort? Poor baby.

http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n139 ... rgette.png

How can you resist that face? xDDD
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Post by Strawberry Limeade »

Huge yay:

My boyfriend (who I plan to marry) is attending a private college and consquently has a lot of student loan debt. Today we found out that it is half as much as we were originally planning on! It's still a pretty good chunk, but not the monumental amount we thought. We're both very happy!
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Post by Buttersauce »

I know, I already mentioned it earlier, but after spazzing over the seller not sending me shipping notifications, I received that Godzilla figure in the mail. I swear, I had a nerd-gasim when I completely assembled the entire thing.

See, I got him up against(or selfishly holding back) my other Godzilla figure which I got when the movie first came out. It's about a foot tall so dare to compare. :D

Now for the woe:
I think my Pre-order for Pokemon Diamond had been revoked practically a week after putting it in. ;_; I looked in my Paypal staus and my history said expired and removed. Does that mean no D/P for Buttersauce?
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Post by Jessi »

Crystal Firefly wrote: Pokemon Achievement: After randomly checking my Ruby file I decided to go Feebas hunting and finally after all these years found one of my my 6 tiles. I hate that elusive fish so much.
Ahh, congrats! I envy you xD

I do have a question, however - I know Feebas is listed as 'rare' since it appears on only six random tiles, but if you're on one of those tiles, is it 'common'? How many battles should I let myself get into on each tile before I move on? I've been Feebas hunting myself xD
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Post by Slugawoo »

Achievewoe: I got all my college crap out of the way. All of it. I'm so happy I never have to put up with all that crap ever again. And I get to transfer to Georgia or California in two years. Yay for mostly warm tempertures and not having to wear my trenchcoat 24 hours a day! <3

But this college sucks for one reason and one reason only. No pets allowed. How do they expect me to live without my iguana? Huh? HUH? ;.;


Edit: And oh my god, that Godzilla is beautiful. :O
Last edited by Slugawoo on 10 Apr 2007 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Buttersauce »

jessibean wrote:I do have a question, however - I know Feebas is listed as 'rare' since it appears on only six random tiles, but if you're on one of those tiles, is it 'common'? How many battles should I let myself get into on each tile before I move on? I've been Feebas hunting myself xD
I'd more or less consider them "uncommon" once you find the right tile that is. Well, I did reach a feebas tile and saw about 1-3 for every 4 Carvanha. In other words, about 30 mins max in the right tile.
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Post by Jessi »

I was just making sure I wouldn't have to go through, say, 15 battles before I can claim a tile as a 'dead' one, as far as Feebas goes, and move on ^_^;
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Post by Trick »

Woe: my laptop is still not back, grrr. It's been over a month now and I'm so ticked off. I haven't been able to play maple story, I haven't been able to restock on subeta, and I haven't been able to be online while in the same room as my piggies for over a month ;___;

I was so happy with the company before this too, next laptop is most certainly going to be from someone who is not Acer >:/
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Post by Anubimon »

Woe: My hard drive crashed and died. Almost 250 GB of stuff, all lost. *Emo tear*
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Post by anzuronamin »

Win: My marks came : 3 Bs, 2 B+s, 2 As, and 1 B-

Overall, I'm pleased. :)
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Post by DamionDarkheart »

I got my portable hard drive back from my brother so I could download stuffs.

The first thing I download is the new Slayer album. TWO tolerable songs. Not even enjoyable, just tolerable.

Gotta love being completely disappointed.
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Post by Monkeyguy »

:(: I was bowling last Wednesday and somehow managed to damage my digital camera. It costs $30 for just a diagnostic check to see what's wrong.

:): I had a job interview Monday which went pretty well in my opinion, so hopefully I'll be able to afford a camera repair soon!
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