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Post by covet »

Some of these are hideous - who ate all the pies? The chombies, apparently.

They can't be replacing the standard pet images on lookups and quick ref, surely - most of this art is a downgrade at least in detail from the regular art. Perphaps it will be an extra link you can click - like the pet page link.

Some of the revamps I would cry (with joy) to have as actual pet art, however. Sooo confused.

Apparently you can even take pets manes off. I think I'm going to go play...

<b>Edit:</b> This is the initial info text...

You just couldn't resist that button, could you? ;) A handy tutorial box has popped up in the app below with information and instructions. Please read that before you begin!

You will receive 10 RANDOM species items for every Neopet you customise. This means that, even if you have a Pirate Mynci, for example, the items you receive could be themed around any colour Mynci. A Disco Wig with a Royal Robe? FASHIONABLE!

Note that any changes made to your Neopet WITHIN THIS APPLICATION are not permanent and any items you were given to test will be removed once beta is over, so don't be afraid to get a little wacky! (This means that your Neopet will look exactly the same as it did prior to Beta once Beta is over, unless you change it outside this application like with a visit to the Rainbow Pool or Lab Ray.) ;)

What you are testing is just the customisation application below. The only place you will be able to see your customised Neopet during Beta is in this application and on the Quick Reference page (simply so you can tell at a glance which ones you've already chose to customise). If you find any bugs (hats floating in mid air, Zafaras with Peophin tails, etc.), or if you would like to give any general feedback, please use the feedback button at the bottom of the page. (Make sure to provide the item name and a description of what's wrong if you're submitting a bug!)

If your Neopet isn't being displayed properly (meaning a head or arm goes missing), please try the "[Rerender Neopet]" button first before submitting a bug report.

Thanks for helping us test. (You're pretty awesome.) Have fun!

<b>Edit</b>: According to the info box, you will also be able to add backgrounds to the pet. The pet comes with two savable options, so you can save a normal outfit and a battledome outfit, for example. The battledome poses are drawn (my draik just showed up with two heads because of it)
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Post by Trick »

Wow, so this is the big thing that has pushed everything else out of the way and it is in fact a pet based thing!

I'm very interested in this, this is quite possibly the best thing Neopets has done ever *grins*
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Post by covet »

Just to note: There doesn't seem to be a 'remove from wardrobe' box anywhere, and paint brush items are listed as 'part of a luxury paint brush' so I'm guessing you won't be able to take off and sell paint brush items, though you can choose not to wear the outfit. Possibly any items in your inventory that are wearable will just show up in the wardrobe, or else they may all be non removable once in there. It says wearable items will be new items, so there is -probably- no point hoarding.

They also have a 'rerender' button that pops your pets head back on if it comes off, so it's not really an issue.

This is fun!

<b>Edit:</b> You enter the customisation page via buttons at the botton of the quick ref page. Under your stats it says 'customise!' which makes me suspect that it's not going to be just a game.
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Post by phoebemittens »

Battledome poses too? Anyone uploaded a full set for any dressed pet? I would be really interested to see how the new pet art varies between poses, since we often seem to get Circle poses drawn by different artists to those who've done the rest of the pet...
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Post by covet »

I've snapped a few shots of my own pets - I don't think changing poses is possible yet, but you can see one battledome pose behind the main pose on my draik. I'm a little disturbed by the extra long horns on the bdome pose:

<img src="http://www.astriell.com/neopets/draik1.png">

<a href="http://www.astriell.com/neopets/draik2.png">Here he is again, with one of him all dressed up in royal wear.</a>

Interesting that the royalgirl wig also changes his eye shape.

A headless acara looks just like a Bachelors Hug:

<img src="http://www.astriell.com/neopets/acara1.png">

My royalgirl dressed down in xmas duds:

<img src="http://www.astriell.com/neopets/acara6.png">

Linking the rest as some images are larger to show more of the app.

<a href="http://www.astriell.com/neopets/acara2.png">Jareth having fun with crossdressing (ironic if you remember what I accidentally painted him at first)</a>

<a href="http://www.astriell.com/neopets/acara3.png">A very regal x-ray?</a>

<a href="http://www.astriell.com/neopets/acara4.png">Naked Royalgirl acara and some of her outfit options.</a>

<a href="http://www.astriell.com/neopets/acara5.png">Fuchsia dressed up in her standard outfit (I think this looks great anthro).</a>

<a href="http://www.astriell.com/neopets/acara7.png">Halloween on Mystery Island</a>

<a href="http://www.astriell.com/neopets/quickref.png">And this is how your quickref looks when some pets are dressed.</a>
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Post by Illuen »

One thing that I thought was clear from messing around with it is that doing this to your pets is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. Even in Beta, you have to do many steps to customize it in the first place, and they mentioned giving you the chance to turn the customization From what I gather, you'll be able to show them off, but it will not be required, somewhat like what Subeta does currently. I'm also very certain, although I have no proof, that they will not be replacing normal pet poses, simply because that is lunacy.

The way it seemed to me is that this is going to be is that it will show up a few places, such as pet lookups, but I'm sure at the same time it will all be completely optional. This is considered a new feature, not a complete reworking of the site, which it would be if they made these perminant everywhere.

Also, do you think they'd simply throw away some of the gorgeous art on the site, such as the Royal Pteri, to replace it with a non-redraw copy of the other pteris? I understand people's fear in this case, because it is something gigantic, but IIWY, I'd pack my towel, and make sure that you don't panic.

One other thing I thought was clear from looking at this, your pet will not in all likelyhood have access to all of the clothing they do not for free. Reason I believe this is that, for example, I know some people who only got the Royalboy set for one species, where as other people got only the Royalgirl set, and some got both. It seems most likely to me, like I said, that they just threw in some easy, species specific clothing, as it is already matching the pet's bodytypes, and this is in a testing stage right now.
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Post by Slugawoo »

I think the draik came out fucking gorgeous.

However, the <strike>royal</strike> robot poogle... will haunt my dreams forever. <.<;

Edit: Note to self: STOP typing early in the morning!
Last edited by Slugawoo on 18 Apr 2007 12:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sgt_pooh »

I love the Draik redraws...for the normal colors. Redraws are just awful. Especially my Mutant Draiks.

I just checked my Plushie Krawk and my Grey Krawk. No, just no.

I'm glad this is optional.
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Post by gomababe »

If the clothing is going to be optional I am going to love this feature for some of my sides ^_^ {my main pets are going to remain as is thank you}. I love that some of the pets look even better when theyre dressed up, but some of the pets don't looks so good :?. Ah well such is life, I'll avoid dressing up pets that don't look so nice that way.
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Post by zebru »

*takes one look at customizable poogle's lopsided smile and runs away screaming*
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Post by nanabobo567 »

This looks awsome, assuming that it's just a little picture linked to off of your pets lookup. I like the idea. Sure, redraws will probably be poopied, but it's still cool. I have things to say about it, but I leave this post on the note of: I like it. I hope they keep it separate but equal, and the Robot Poogle is AWSOME.
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Post by adi_gallia »

So when this feature is released will we have to pay NP for the clothing? I mean, this sounds like a fun idea and it looks alright from what I've seen, but if we actually have to buy all of this clothes then I don't think I will bother. I can see it all costing like 100K for one piece of clothes and it wont be worth it.
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Post by Danish »

Hmmm... I like some of the redraws. Especially of the Aisha, Draik, Flotsam and Gelert. But I don't like how all the unique colours are all conformed to the exact same dorkish pose with one arm down, one arm up and clenched. It looks especially bad on the Koi. :|

I think that you can see any pet from this link http://www.neopets.com/customise/?view=PETNAMEHERE but I'm not sure. If you could, then I'd love it if someone could search my pets Darkolaw, Furellow and Leurch to see what they look like...

and screenie them would be extra nice. =D
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Post by Madge »

First off: This is lovely and looks wonderful!

Secondly, with my habit of constantly trying to think of ways to remove neopoints from the economy, it would be awesome if to get the clothes, you pay money to the site, and the clothes can't be bought or sold, they're not even items, they just appear in your wardrobe or whatever (like, say, pet abilities).

Because it's all so pretty, lots of people would probably be paying it, and taking money out of the economy.

And it can be like in RPGs, where you can sell the clothing back to the bank, but at a loss.

Of course, they'll probably just be normal items, but a girl can dream, can't she? :)

<knows she won't be able to afford anything what with her mission of target zapping a certain hissi>
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Post by Monkeyguy »

I'm mildly interested. I don't really play Neopets anymore, but I might log back in to mess with this once it is released. I like most of the art, specifically the jubjub, kiko, and meerca.

In regards to "ripping off Subeta", I'll agree that they aren't technically stealing the idea, but I would argue that Neopets finally finding a use for clothing items is a response to Subeta's avatar system.

I'd just like to comment on the robot pets about which there seems to be some confusion. These are not new versions, they are simply what the pets look like without their casings on.
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