New neopets layout

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Post by Aurinona »

This is just disgusting. Cluttered layout, putting the personality choices from pet creation on the lookup (who even remembers what they chose? None of mine even come close to fitting what the final personalities were), the end of painted pets with interesting poses...

What were you thinking, Neopets?

Edit: Aaaargh they customized my faerie chomby... *stabstabstab*
Last edited by Aurinona on 26 Apr 2007 07:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Veo »

Seeing who is online or who isn't is cool. The new userlookups, while still getting used to, is coming off cool. Seeing your pet's hunger and shit on the side = also cool.

New art on the bottom of every page = AWESOME.


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Post by NyauNyau »

They shouldve kept the expensive pbs alone..Darigan, Faerie, Plushie..Mutant, Maraquan, maybe some robots.

:\ Hn..Maybe theyll reconsider? .. Boy, Neopian Times is gonna be flooded with questions!
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Post by solarith »

Urgh. Words cannot explain the reaction I had when I first saw this.

Though after a while of browsing through it, I could PROBABLY get used to it, though I still prefer the older version.

What really pisses me off is the pet situation. Here I thought we could optionally turn our pets to be Flash and customizeable. But here they all are - in flash!

And what in the world happened to the Circle poses? 3 of my pets seem to be in their Happy poses instead. And some of my pets I preferred the circle poses. And my Pirate Kougra randomly got customized when I didn't want him to. Ugh.

I hope this doesn't mean that the pet art is no longer going to have all the different poses, or that the poses are going to stink more now that this is installed. I can only wait and hope for the justice they mention next week.

:( They do say that they have a lot to fix, so hopefully as the week goes on they'll update it to be a bit better.
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Post by TCD »

I feel my brain leaking out through my ears with the cutsy-ness. My roommate feels the same.
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Post by Veo »

I just hope TNT will listen to the users --- some of the redraws were horrid, and if they don't fix them, a lot of older users are going to riot . . . 0_0...
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Post by Seerow »

duenorth wrote:My knee-jerk reaction is OH MY GOD WHAT DID THEY DO but I am... inclined to give it a chance?
I don't want to give it a chance. I've been on Neo for over 6 years now, and while my interest has been lacking recently, I still get on it for a little bit every day.

The new layout is completely hideous. No other words can describe it in my eyes. Its cluttered, confusing as heck, and I have no clue how to even get to my profile or the news. You wanna make pets customizable? Sure go ahead but make it optional. I had my lab pet as being in its custom form right now and I can't change it back.

Making Neopets customizable is a huge leap for Neo and it would take some time for people to get used to. That PLUS this freaking new layout it too much. Neo had had same basic layout for 6 years, it worked great and I never really heard any complaints. So why did they feel like they needed to completely destroy it?
Last edited by Seerow on 26 Apr 2007 07:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bonecrivain »

Oh my god.

I can't believe they did this without (a) polling us (b) telling us this might happen (c) giving us any ability to give them feedback about OUR FREAKING PETS.

Their news post was correct: we were not prepared. But how do they think that's a GOOD thing?

It's nice, I guess, that they allowed us the option of keeping our old pet art. But why can't I keep my old green cybunny? I don't...I don't...I don't even have words. I have far too many questions, and I don't understand why they wouldn't give me the opportunity to ask some of them BEFORE they implemented this huge change to the site. Is all of the old pet art outdated now? Will we get the nasty new art any time we paint our pets from now on? Where's the REST of the pet art? I only see a tiny image of my plushie kougra...where are the rest of the poses? Do they still exist?

I like certain aspects of it, yes. I can see the efficiency of the design. pets. I stuck with this site because of my pets. I don't know if I have a reason to stay anymore. I'm going to look over everything carefully. And then I'll decide.

But right now? Right now I'm pretty sure this is the last straw.
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Post by rebelheart »

Those bars are so fucking ugly. The Maraquan sidebar I loved so much, it's now just as hideous as the rest of them.
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Post by Fullmetal Dragon »

UGH. STILL ANGRY. And I just realized that the personality choices on my pets (and others I've looked at?) are ALL "_____ likes gathering food. When meeting others, _____ would act very friendly." They're all the same. I KNOW THAT IS INCORRECT, MY SNARKY SHOYRU DEFINITELY WAS 'INSULT FROM AFAR' ARRRGHHH. *SO MUCH CAPSLOCK*
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Post by DamionDarkheart »

Pets are born with the new art.

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Post by Wingsrising »

OK, I had assumed the customization system was going to be optional and was OK with it on those terms.

But if it's not execpt for a few chosen pets... then I am so not OK with this.

Is the Faerie Peophin one of the ones you can keep in the old style? If so, I will be VERY VERY pissed that I didn't already paint Dar Faerie so I got to have her in the old Faerie Peophin style. If not, I will be VERY VERY pissed on behalf of current Faerie Peophin owners.

Based on the comments in the news I'll wait until early next week before I go burn corporate headquarters down.

As for the REST of new layout... I'm afraid I sort of like it, though it will take some getting used to.
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

This is from the news... which I somehow stumbled upon:
We've had to update some of the Neopets art to make them compatible with the customise system. In cases where we felt the change was very drastic, we've added the option to choose. If you and your Neopet are eligible for that option, you'll see a "Convert this Neopet!" link on Quick Ref. Click that for more information.

We would also like to mention that if you aren't happy with the change to any of your Neopets, don't go hunting for a morphing potion just yet! You may find justice early next week. ;) If in the meantime you need to get out some anger or aggression, may we suggest playing a round or two of Whack-A-Staff-Member?
I'm having trouble finding this "Convert this Neopet" link, but it sounds like everything's not fully established yet.

Which makes me wonder why they even released it today if that's the case.
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Post by clsimmons1985 »

I spent so long creating pets so that they sit in the right orders on my accounts to look aesthetically pleasing - now they look horrible!
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Post by DamionDarkheart »

*strangles collective staff*
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