New neopets layout

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Post by hebdenhippy »

Now my only userlookup is a little rant about the new layout. It seems my Yellow Shoyru has also fallen victim to the now common "thumbs up" pose.
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Post by Wysteria »

I'm going to go and save circle/happy poses of my pets, while the old images still exist on their servers.
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Post by rebelheart »

You don't get the envelopes anymore if you get a neomail so it took me sometime until I realized my friend had already replied.
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Post by Wingsrising »

So after the way they've ruined our pets for the sake of being able to wear clothes (never mind all the people who never cared about wearing clothes)...

Are there any actual wearable clothes?
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Post by Lou 500 »

I have mixed feelings on this. Yay! They're moving forward with the site. It's confusing and new but I should adapt to it, we all should...

But my scorchio looks so ugly now. I'd revert him back but I'm interested in putting accessories on him. Damn, damn, damn.

But you know what? If I want pictures for pets to look just the way I want, I can draw them. That what our neopets are, just pictures.
Last edited by Lou 500 on 26 Apr 2007 08:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Seerow »

rebelheart wrote:You don't get the envelopes anymore if you get a neomail so it took me sometime until I realized my friend had already replied.
Yeah you do, they are just VERY tiny. You can see it in the upper left of the screen. Its really really small and easy to miss. I'm amazed I saw it actually.

Why is everything in the new version so small and fuzzy? Its really hard to see on my comp.
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Post by Ailiel »

ALL REDRAWS SUCK in this. This is like Neopets Armageddon. It's judgment day, and hardly anyone has been spared.

They have got to be fuckin' smoking if they think I'm going to let them "customize" my grey ixi and grey gelert! Or my Darigan ixi and hissi! Look at this shit:

Image Image Image Image

Now all my pets are miniature versions of themselves, smaller than the petpets. At least I got a choice with those though. They totally fucked over my baby jubjub, MUTANT DRAIK (hello just spent 3 mil np, thanks TNT I got to enjoy it for like two months), ALL LUTARIS (of which I have 3).

My carrot chia has no mouth now. Probably better than the old mouth I guess. I can live with that. My krawk doesn't look terrible (but has lost ALL the menace of the old fire krawk, which I paid 500k+ for). My faerie draik's art has been fucked with, but the new art doesn't TOTALLY suck. But it looses a lot of grace, I'm conflicted.

All in all, this is the worst day I've ever had on Neopets. I had JUST gotten all my accounts the way I want them, and then they change ALL the art. What the hell?

EDITED to add: All my custom sidebars look much more awesome now (I have all except xmas and that world cup one). Qasalan isn't that great, but it wasn't before-- all the others are markedly improved. Altador got rid of it's weird orange text, and the tale of woe is downright dank, scary, and depressing-- perfect for this new Neopets! That combined with my grey pet has set my mood right now.

I'm not doing anything drastic because the collective mood appears to be "this sucks!" so hopefully tnt will do something about the pet art. I don't CARE if they want to put clothes on my pets, Darigan and grey are REDRAWS, they need to be redrawn. And my mutant draik needs to be redrawn again or switched back. And my pets need to not be tiny. And...

a million things I guess. I can't believe I was just arguing with some people on the neoboards yesterday (I know, I know) that this new customization was going to be "great" and "if you don't like it, don't use it!" and everyone who was worried were "stupid" and "idjits". Who's laughing (actually crying) now???
Last edited by Ailiel on 26 Apr 2007 08:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Illuen »

Just a note: I'm not saying that this wasn't a stupid move on Neopets part at all, because it is, and I'm not saying that you do not have a reason to be angry, because you do. I just think that, perhaps, before anyone on here puts royal PBs into your shop for 1NP (which just happened on the neoboards) to give Neopets a couple of weeks.

For all we know, they could change things to where you can uncustomize any of your pets on a whim. They are far from done with this thing, and if people complain, I'm confident that they won't totally fuck over the userbase.

So, just as a piece of advice, before you self freeze or give all of your things away, maybe you should wait, see what comes of this?
We would also like to mention that if you aren't happy with the change to any of your Neopets, don't go hunting for a morphing potion just yet! You may find justice early next week. ;)
While it is probably no comfort to most, look at this as a sign things may get better?
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Post by oogabooga »

Well, I think I like the new layout. It sucks that all the lookups have been ruined, but I expect people will be able to make new ones.

But I HATE that we lose all the pet poses. Never mind the bad art (by no means a small problem), if we don't have the different moods we have lost a huge part of the personality of the site. DO NOT WANT. All I have of my beautiful grey jubjub now is the happy pose - thankfully not customized and never will be as long as I have the option. Am I never to see the marvelous beaten pose again without coming here?

What does this mean for us, anyway? If this is how it's going to work from now on and there'll only be one pose for every color, there's a lot less to comment on and discuss anyway.

So, just as a piece of advice, before you self freeze or give all of your things away, maybe you should wait, see what comes of this?
Oh, of course. I won't be taking any action for a week at least (because I'll be traveling, but that's beside the point) and I think it's probably wise if everyone holds off on doing anything drastic. But I am not optimistic.

Incidentally, for the people complaining about the inventory not being accessible - it's linked if you click on your neopoints up on top, as it has been for a while.
Last edited by oogabooga on 26 Apr 2007 08:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cheese »

Have some hope kids, during beta the darigan grarrl looked like this:



But look at him now! He's pretty(ish) again!

I liked him better before but all hope is not lost.
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Post by Illuen »

oogabooga wrote: Edit:
So, just as a piece of advice, before you self freeze or give all of your things away, maybe you should wait, see what comes of this?
Oh, of course. I won't be taking any action for a week at least (because I'll be traveling, but that's beside the point) and I think it's probably wise if everyone holds off on doing anything drastic. But I am not optimistic.
Well, like I said, I saw a person on the neoboards, about 50 paint brushes in his shop for 1NP. I'm not saying that anyone here is that mad, but... you never know, and I try and remain calm about these types of things D=.
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Post by Fish »


I might not play Neo, but my signature pets have been DESTROYED.

Spencer, Kwey-Kwey, Kayjra, I'm sorry.

-Gathers up sharp objects, stalks off towards Viacom-

It's their fault.

Bloody, trendy MTV assholes.
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Post by k1rb3h »

I was happy for a while that some of my pets escaped the new designs, but now I'm starting to discover it doesn't even matter. Their images were made so small now that I don't even enjoy the old colors. They don't even have poses. Not just the new designs, but the old designs are completely ruined as well.

My only hope is that NOBODY likes these changes, everyone revolts, and we get the old layout and pets back. There's no way that there were more people asking to use clothes than there will be who hate these changes.
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Post by FourEyes »

I agree with Illuen, TNT is still working on all of this. I hope they'll redo most of the art though. My pets don't look that bad, but... I feel your pain, Ailiel.
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Post by daisybell »

It's a huge change and a big shock, and I'm not taking it all in at the moment, but I'm not up in arms- all my redrawn pets are still as they were, apart from the faerie acara, and that's not a great loss to me. They badly needed a new layout, and as with any new layout, it was going to take time to get used to.

I feel sorry for everyone who has had redrawn pets changed without having a choice, although they may be allowed to revert back yet, we don't know. I don't like the emotion and BD poses being removed, effectively, and I don't like the ad spaces in the middle of the pages. i

Things aren't in their final form yet, though, so as Will says it's worth not throwing things away rashly in grand gestures. It might not be as bad as it seems, and even if it is, you won't lose out by waiting to find out.
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