New neopets layout

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Post by strange_infatuation »

hebdenhippy wrote:Lol, headless Lupe, can you change him or does he have to stay like that?
I really hope they'll fix him. ._. I don't think I can change him back.
PennyLane wrote:How do they decide if someone is online or not? Because I hadn't been on neo all day, until an hour or so ago. I logged on about 9 hours ago and did my dailies. After that the site was down. But on the screenie that Seerow posted earlier it shows me as being online o.O I didn't even have my browser opened, I was on Maple Story.
I think they're having some problems with that. My friend got offline a half hour ago, but it says she's still on. o_O
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Post by Tom »

At first, I was pretty happy. I like the new site layout, and they finally gave us basic options to change our sidebars too, and improved some of the ones I didn't like (thinking mainly Qasalan and Altador Cup here). I was pretty pleased, actually, despite my lookup being ruined. I never did like it that much. The guild I'm in has slightly exploded though, weird layout changes there.

Then I went and had a look at my pets. All of them were customised. I didn't think it'd be a problem, I could just change it back, you know. Except I couldn't. And now I'm stuck with ugly pets. Particularly my Blue Krawk, which looks awful. My Baby Gnorbu is so small, but maybe the lab ray will change that. I really just want my old pets back. My Maraquan Buzz didn't fair too badly, but still, I preferred the old art set.

I'm feeling pretty bad to anyone who's lost something like a Faerie Pteri though. I hope we can change our pets back. I really don't like these new designs much.
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Post by hebdenhippy »

Ouch, can't change him back? That's unfortunate

I agree, having some new colours for the sidebar is a nice idea (however this could easily have been done with with the old layout)

I havn't seen the faerie Pteris, are they bad?
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Post by TCD »

Now that I've looked closer....I might give it a week. But probably not. I'm going through my sides and I am PISSED AS HELL that they've changed my Robo Kougra. Instead of the cool stalking pose, with a defnite jaw, he's now...pathetic. With no jaw. I don't think I want Kyn to be a royalgirl elephante, and I'm afraid to see the mutant and darigan draiks for fear that Contextual will no longer have a paint job. Then again, that'd be more than one less brush to have to save for, and I won't have any reason to stay on Neopets and even half-heartedly make money! Anyone have pictures of them?

EDIT: Also, poor badass before...*whine* Must get all the lookups fixed, if I am going to stay on. *snicker* Now the Royalboy Lupe has his tail.....*continues going through the pet chain*

And who was wondering about the two different faerie kougras? Here're the options.
Last edited by TCD on 26 Apr 2007 09:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by daisybell »

Those of us with faerie pteris thankfully didn't lose them. I do feel sorry for people who were planning to get a faerie pteri because new pets won't be covered by the grandfather clause, but already existing ones where people already paid out for the pet are safe. I think that the option to customise should have been given to more pets, though- ones where the art is new enough that it doesn't make the site look unprofessional to keep it. I wouldn't be in favour of retaining the old art for basic kaus though, for example, because it was due for a revamp.

Getting rid of the emotion poses is a big mistake, though. It was one of the barriers to allowing clothing pets, but it was one of the charms of Neopets.
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Re: Ouch

Post by Wingsrising »

hebdenhippy wrote:Ouch, can't change him back? That's unfortunate

I agree, having some new colours for the sidebar is a nice idea (however this could easily have been done with with the old layout)

I havn't seen the faerie Pteris, are they bad?
Hideous, but they're one of the pets you're allowed to keep as is. Assuming you already had one, of course. Anyone who was hoping to paint a new Pteri Faerie is SOL unless they start allowing all pets to revert to non-custom form.

As an aside: it may well be the case that they won't make any new colors in the old formats. That will in my opinion be unfortunate, but honestly not as bad as not allowing pets to revert to the old formats at all.

EDIT: Thanks, TCD. It was me. I actually sort of like the new Faerie Kougra (largely because I didn't like the old one) but it's certainly a lot less of a redraw than the old Faerie Kougra was.

Faerie Kougra was one of the colors I was considering painting one of my pets if I liked it, that's why I asked. I'm not sure it's different enough from the current Kougra to justify the expense anymore, though.

Which means I clearly should have sold my Faerie PB before all this happened. Unless we get to revert our pets, of course.
Last edited by Wingsrising on 26 Apr 2007 09:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Anna the Red
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Post by Anna the Red »

strange_infatuation wrote:Image

I don't know, maybe I'm just spoiled, but it would be real nice if my Lupe had a head.

I don't exactly mind the new site layout, because it is easier to navigate, but they should still have a lot of this be optional. I don't want my pets redrawn. They looked fine.

Luckily my Royal Kyrii seems okay for now. If they change him, I'm quitting.
That gave me a really good laugh and helped disspate my built up rage.

That said,

I'd like to think of myself as a pretty open, nice, overall tolerant person. I'm a pretty okay girl. I get angry about some things, but that's cool, 'cause they're usually pretty big things to be angry about. I'm an alright person. I like to keep calm.


I hate the new layout! HATE HATE HATE. The advertisements take up SO MUCH of the page now, your eyes can't just pass over them like they used to. Also, I don't need to see my pet on EVERY SINGLE PAGE I go to. I KNOW what my pet looks like! Again with advertisements: I don't want to hear about how I can lose weight when I'm feeding my pets, THANKYOU. Everything is completely cluttered, and I would prefer to be able to scroll down rather than having everything crammed into a set of boxes.

It's so unpleasant to look at, and just over complicated and too sleek. It's like seeing your Dad in leather pants - they're trying too fucking hard.

I like the userlookups though, but I took that back once I saw the pet lookups and realised they fucked with my not stellar lookup.

I didn't think Neopets would ever do anything that would make me consider quitting, but this is REALLY making a go of it. If they don't have some option to fix this....this crap, I think I'm going to leave.
Last edited by Anna the Red on 26 Apr 2007 09:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hebdenhippy »

I miss the emotion poses, and those cool battlebome poses on their lookups. i was actually planning on painting Cass Faerie when she (thanks to the lab now a he) was done labbing. But i guess not now, do you know of any revamp Faerie Pteris i can look at?
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Post by Hawk »

Why? Why did TNT not ask anyone? I know they have a sort of policy of non-communication, but with something this big, you'd think they'd at least mention it beforehand...

And why did they revamp the games room AGAIN when they just revamped it recently? Did they suddenly think to themselves a few days ago, "Hey, let's turn the whole site into random blocks of disorganized text and not tell anyone, while also changing the pet's art! No one will mind, right?"

I don't really like the site design. I think I would have liked it better if they had actually mentioned it beforehand and maybe ASKED OUR OPINIONS. But fortunately, Insinuez, Serpentila, and Winged_Reaper are unchanged. I still find it difficult to forgive them though.
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Post by ladynight6 »

Is it just me or does it look like the Christmas Zafara is doing some kind of hip thrust?
They, they ruined the desert Cybunny! She looks bald without her wig...And the Tyrannian Uni! My babies!
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

rebelheart wrote:I don't know who had this argument back in the customization thread, but: They may not want to update two sets of art. So even if we ever get an option to get our old pets back I doubt there will be old style poses for new specie/colour combinations :(
I had to leave for class, so I was boiling in silence for the last hour, but something occured to me during that time.

If... if this is really the future of Neopets, if these are the new images, then why did TNT release new Krawk, Lutari, and Kougra colors in the old style this month? What was the point if they knew they were going to do this?

I have to hope (I HAVE to or else I'm going to go mad looking at my hideous new Lutari) that TNT is planning on maintaining the old poses for a reason. I have to hope that the reason is that all pets will have the option to be uncustomized in the near future.

I'm 99% sure I'm dead wrong, but there has to be a reason, right? :(
Last edited by Officer 1BDI on 26 Apr 2007 09:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ava »

Reading Wingsrising's post just made me realize that we'll never get an actual redraw again. All poses for all pets will have to fit within the same cookie-cutter shape so that they can have their all important clothes choices. There will be no more unexpected shapes and so forth. Cute little grey kacheeks? No more. Flying faerie pteris...or flying faerie anythings? Only in the past. This just blows. Not only have we potentially lost our beloved pets as we knew them, but we're also condemned to a future of similar posed pets ALL THE TIME. ::sigh::
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Post by Aaron »

When I first went onto neo i was just like 'what the fuuuuuckk!'. I can deal with the layout change, although as someone else said there are just so many boxes! absolutely everywhere, and half of them seem to be there simply for the point of being there.. But yes, I could just about forgive them for the layout (even if the old one didn't even look dated to me.. :s ). Also, is it just me or does the site look so wide now?!

BUT. the pets. I just don't see WHY they are making this compulsory, it makes no sense. i didn't even like the idea of customisation anyway, and was pissed they neglected the site so long just for some crazy anthro shit.. but now theyv just gone and pulled this one out too.. what is wrong with not wanting to dress your neopet?!

Bah. fucking bastards. I feel so sorry for everyone who put a lot more effort into the site than me. All there is to hope for now is that they actually listen to their players for once and go and change everything back. Although I think they have proven where they stand.

incidentally, I can't actually see any adverts at all.. My adblock thing must be doing its job well *pokes it* .. where are all the ads now then?
Last edited by Aaron on 26 Apr 2007 09:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by danceu4ia »


And if this stays, it'll save me a lot of money because there is no way I'll be paying for a darigan bruce when it looks like that. Sorry to those who have one, and it's converted...
I'm not sure how that works.

At least my robo-kacheek is untouched-my grey ixi as well, but that's it.

*sob* the rest of my pets look like poop :(
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Post by Fabled »

Like others, I did not spend millions on a paint job so it can look like that. Give me back my proper pets! I want the big images and the moods. I don't give a damn about putting clothes on them. If I want clothes, I'll use one of those paint brushes. Speaking of... my Pirate Kougra was my favorite painted pet. Took me ages to earn the NPs for it. All of that time and those points were wasted on.... that .... thing.

I wouldn't have freaked out about this as much if it weren't for the horrible change in pets. Are they just going to throw away all of the pet images now? It's a pet site. That's one of the things I loved about Neopets that Subeta didn't have... different moods and poses for all of the pets instead of one.

I prefer not to have others know when I'm online, thanks.

Layout wise, everything now looks insanely cluttered. There is no purpose for this. I don't need the battledome and job info on my pet's lookup when they've never participated in either. I do, however, love the theme banners. Very pretty.

Pet Central is about pets so why were the links to edit pet pages and descriptions removed?! Does anyone know how to get to them now?
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