New neopets layout

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Post by AngharadTy »

My god! I wake up and there's a 13 page thread. And Neopets is so ungodly ugly that I don't even want to read through this thread to find out everything else that might be going wrong with the new layout. My god. This is a little late for April Fool's, so, what, they're serious? How in the hell?
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Post by miazilla »

The new layout? Meh. The new navi bar is GREAT. No really, it makes a heck of a lot more sense than the old one. All the MILLION CLUTTRING BOXES? DO NOT WANT!

The new pet art? Some good, some bad som FUCKING TERRIBLE. And what the FUCK is up withe the fucking eyelashes? NOT ALL FEAMLE PETS ARE GIRLIE!!!! Or want to look like hookers.

I'll probably stay on but if all the changes are permanent I am SO canceling premium. I can live without the ssw.
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Post by NyauNyau »

I want to see which pets look like hookers.

I , for one, like the layout, its ..streamlined.

Though, Im holding out for that mutant plot thing, and MAYBE..maybe, hopefully, a blue moon passes by and we get a Sloth plot
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Post by Caz »

I actually froze my lab ray account. Well, it just helps me to get back under the 5 account limit, and the only thing that unwanted lab ray account had was the lab ray so... yeah.

I'm not sure about quitting... I have a Uni to transfer tomorrow though, but after that, I don't know. I am quite happy about the fact my Flotsam is cuter than that bland dolphin thing (it's Green)

All I can say, is thank goodness I never saved up the 2mil to get a Grey Wocky. I was in love with the original, but the new one? Simply a Wocky that looks bored and is grey. =/

I'm slightly miffed that I paid so much to get the Valentine's sidebar this year and now it isn't even a sidebar anymore. I was still using the Altador one.

I think I can get used to the new layout and thankfully the pets I have weren't too badly off (apart from the Chomby, but that was on the lab ray account) so... I'm not sure what I'll do next.

Maybe I'm just very annoyed Neopets did this right in the middle of my Getting Back into Neopets thing...
NyauNyau wrote:I want to see which pets look like hookers.
Well... I DO think my White and Silver Kougra look a little seductive... it's the eyes. *shudder*
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Post by Kuroro »

What .. the .. heck happened to Nissuku?! :x My beautifull desert ixi is no more. Where is her quick reference?! That I can at least see her other poses.. Damn, she looked smart.. sofisticated.. now she looks like a dumb chick.. damned.

I wasn't very high anymore on neo.. but this does it. Why oh why change pets that much?! Is there a way to go back to the old images.. sigh.. still have to read everything in the thread.

And yes.. I can't find my way around neo anymore. Damn, that icky ixi has to go if she stays that way. Sigh.. :x
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Post by Rivka »

omg. nym's a whore.

Um yeah I had pretty much lost interest in neo anyways, but there is not a chance in hell of me coming back now.

its easier not to look at some of the pets Ive owned for 4+ years, drawn countless pictures of, written stories about... I'm sorry strider, flari0n, rauo, taou. you were good to me, and you didn't deserve to be cute-sied to death.
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Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

Me? I've gone through the cycle of emotions I always go through when unexpected trouble hits. From disbelief to anger, from anger to quiet sadness, from sadness to... survival, even optimism.

TNT does things for a REASON, and I find it hard to believe they won't listen to a huge amount of us wanting an uncustomise button. But in the meantime, what's to stop us dreaming? And fighting with our dreams as weapons?

Sure, Mem is represented on the site as a flirtatious teenager now. But she hasn't changed one jot to me. If the new images annoy you, make your own! If you can't draw, write! TNT has never been able to stop the pets in our imagination being beautiful creatures of creativity and love, not when pets were stick-type drawings, not when revamps changed the Neopets we knew... never.

Some of my best creativity has come out of darkness. Jachinthe might never have been a feminine martial artist if the lab hadn't changed her gender right on the eve of the Maraquan War. Maddie, my newest love, wouldn't have existed if not for a person I couldn't contact.

And I find it slightly ironic that the new system for announcing events is... the same one they had when I first set foot in Neopia. I'm glad to see it back.
Last edited by Rainbow Daydreamer on 27 Apr 2007 12:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AngharadTy »

NyauNyau wrote:I want to see which pets look like hookers.

I , for one, like the layout, its ..streamlined.
I dunno; I keep my browser window fairly wide, though not entirely fullscreen. And I have to scroll left-and-right to see everything. I wouldn't count that as streamlined, and I'd especially hate to be on 800x600 right now.
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Post by Kuroro »

Don't have the courage to look for the .. old desert ixi image.. but I can throw this art of mine away:


She changed into .. *shame*.. this dumb .. *wordless*.. thing.. god..



Still speechless.. the pain..
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Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

Kuroro, what about that is so much changed that it doesn't match the drawing? Every aspect you've picked up on still appears to be there.
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Post by Caz »

Rivka wrote:

omg. nym's a whore.
I'm not alone in thinking the Kougra looks seductive? YES! I feel slightly more normal now.

Oh, for those who aren't seeing it... the eye. The half-closed eye.
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Post by zebru »

Final straw TNT.

I never in a billion years thought TNT would do something to make me quit but they managed to pull it off brilliantly. Every single thing I loved about neopets disappeared in a single day.

My favorite pet on the site - white poogle - I can not bear looking at. It's hideous beyond belief. My second favorite pet on neo - camo usul - lost everything I liked about it. Ice Aisha I loved so dearly - became unappealing as night. I really don't have strength or will to abandon my signature pets and start looking for new dream ones inside this ugly feature.

Emotion poses gone, lovely look up Cyro made me - gone. My favorite past time - labing - is pointless as there is really nothing good to look forward to.

All my pets look ups are linked in a chain - I'd go through that chain at least 5 times to day just to enjoy looking at them. The process makes me cringe now.

Site lay out is very my space/cluttery mess, but I could live with that if my pets stayed the same.

I don't think I'll do anything on the site for a while (what would be the point in making np now?) and just observe whether anything will change for the better (old pet images/poses back). If not, that's it for me.
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Post by Buttersauce »

Gragh, I feel like a dog carrying a broomstick through a friggin' door. My precious Earthbound userlookup is borked beyond oblivion too.

I thought I somehow had premium. Niiice joke, TNT. :(

EDIT: None of your Neofriends are currently online. You must be lonely.

SCREW. YOU. :shock:
Last edited by Buttersauce on 27 Apr 2007 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Chandi »

...Wow. Shows me what I miss for not wandering outside of Offsite Games for a day.

The new art, for me, is less than inspiring. Especially my poor, poor Kiiro - he's been around for years and years now - 6 maybe? - and the new Tyrannian Krawk is shameful. For some reason, he's the only one I have a "Convert this Neopet" button beneath, and believe you me, I will not be converting him.

I also love how they redid the games room only what, a few months ago? And now it's different again. Change is scary. Maybe it's for the better, I dunno; I barely visit nowadays, anyway. I just like holding onto my little pixels, for better or for worse. o.o
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Post by yvonne_l_d »

I'm kind of regretting how quick I was to defend the customization when it first came out. :( I guess I know better now. Still, they did say to wait until next week, so hold back my final judgement.
Rainbow Daydreamer wrote:I find it hard to believe they won't listen to a huge amount of us wanting an uncustomise button. But in the meantime, what's to stop us dreaming? And fighting with our dreams as weapons?

Sure, Mem is represented on the site as a flirtatious teenager now. But she hasn't changed one jot to me. If the new images annoy you, make your own! If you can't draw, write! TNT has never been able to stop the pets in our imagination being beautiful creatures of creativity and love, not when pets were stick-type drawings, not when revamps changed the Neopets we knew... never.
That is a good point, though. I have to start learning to draw... Meanwhile, I'll just try to avoid looking at my pet so that the new image doesn't get too entrenched in my mind.
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