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Post by Cranberry »

I don't see how this will even work, considering they won't allow videos with visible people, non-Neopets music, non-Neopets characters, or any kind of town-identifying information... and they dislike parodies, for the most part, so there probably won't be any Harry Potter spoofs or whatever. It's just stupid, and I'm not at ALL interested. However, if they stick it on some optional page, I don't care. I'll just never look at it.
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Post by Danish »

Were those rules on page one a joke or serious? I honestly honestly couldn't tell... sorry if I'm a bit slow.

Either way this will be a flop probably. And make the site even slower.

...and how will they possibly control the content? If someone posts a pornographic picture on their lookup it's bad enough... but a video??!! I feel sorry for the kids out there.
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Post by Buttersauce »

Yep, 'cause anything that makes me want to sing the Intellivision song deserves to crash and burn. =D

Honestly...why in the hell do they want this again? Podcast purposes?! THey don't really even have those. Plus, something like that is doomed to become yet another Viral Video sespool.

With the crazy crap they block from the site, I'd REALLY like to see them pull this off.
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Post by Danish »

A feature that would be somewhat more worthwhile to see would be an image uploading service... like photobucket.
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Post by Caz »

... Videos?

I wish Neopets would remember they were meant to be a virtual pet website. I can't even find the connection between videos and virtual pets.

As for what videos we make, maybe we're just meant to stick two Neopets plushies in front of a camera and chatter away, "roleplaying" the plushies. But then we'd feel like fools if we got caught or even not.

Because I can't think of much else, other than someone's chest talking about the site, maybe.

Great. Welcome to Neospace... :(
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Post by Crystal Firefly »

Ugh. Whenever Neopets does something I'm not keen on I generally shrug it off and am fine with it. It's funny that within 3 days they've basically changed the heart and soul of the site.

I never thought that I'd be one of the ones freaking out about the site. I can't see it really working out though. Who really makes/wants to make videos obout Neopets? (aside from cheats).
Anna the Red
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Post by Anna the Red »

I feel really sad now.

The pet site I loved for it's games and pets and challenges has become the bastard child of other popular sites. If I wanted Myspace or Youtube, I could go there. Why are they compromising their integrity for this....crap?

Personally? I blame the want for money, and selling out. I don't like the term 'selling out' because I can't say I wouldn't do the same thing. I picture them all sitting at a table, with Viacom at the head.

'Okay, Myspace and Youtube are popular, so we will integrate aspects of them, and doll dress up sites, and now we just have to figure out a way to include porn and webcomics...'
'Are you sure we should do this? We're alienating the target market we've had for six years!'
'Shut up! I OWN YOU.'

...I think I'm going to quit for a while. Maybe if I come back in a few months, maybe they would have come to their senses...

As for videos, the only videos I could see them having would be little kids holding Neopets plushies and going 'Your head is big LOLOLOLOLOL!'
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Post by Kantark »

Hmmm, so I guess that's what the news article I found on the net about a month ago meant when it said 'broadband player'.

I love my Thinkway Talking Scorchio (the 1st generation nasty-hard-plastic one) but right now I'd be ever so slightly tempted to film someone hitting it with a sledgehammer and upload that. Meets the criteria (which frankly are so restrictive to be laughable).

Why all this weird stuff all at once? Have they been working on this stuff since the takeover and we're only now seeing the changes? I never thought I'd say this, but I want Dohring back. Even the Scientologists wouldn't've messed the site up this badly when they were calling the shots.
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Post by Madge »

I agree, if the scientologists DID take over, they'd just make a world called Xenu Land or something, and probably would get rid of step out shoes because psychological illnesses DON'T NEED MEDICINE. Insert other taking piss of scientology related things here.

They wouldn't destroy the entire damn site

Whoever said that they're alienating the adults, the people who pay for premium, was right.

The kids won't be able to afford any really awesome clothing, either. Same as they can't afford paintbrushes.

I think I'm either going to quit or move my focuses entirely on the battledome/book award. Probably the book award.

After snowager gets zapped ice. Grr. He changed PINK yesterday. And his rainbow image didn't update on its own :P
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Post by FourEyes »

...I tell you. I never thought I'd even consider leaving the site. Hell, I was optimistic about the customization thing when it was still in beta.

But this is too much. This is just too much. I want to cry. No, I want to fly over to America and bomb their offices. And kill them all.
...Oops. *searching for a smaller sig*
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Post by roger9614462 »

Awww, the joys of Web 2.0 :|
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Post by kerg »

Wow, this is such a stupid idea. What's the point of being able to upload videos, with all those rules? I second the uploading pictures like photobucket thing, at least it would be useful.
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Post by NyauNyau »

O_O Pink Hissi??..

I guess thats one of the new colors for Hissi day.
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Post by Silverevilchao »

God, this is bad. I left a while ago simply because of INFLATION, not because I hated the features or anything. Now I'm happy I DID leave, because this would've been even more of a slap in the face to me than it is now. Uglyfying our already beautiful pets? Adding a customization feature that adds NOTHING? Changing the layout to make it inaccessible to EVERYONE (It's still difficult for me, with cable, to load), not to mention totally screwing up our lookup coding? Adding an UPLOAD VIDEOS feature?

Where the hell did Adam and Donna go? Are they replaced with Generic Hip Rapper #1 and Generic Sexy Pop Star #2?
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Post by immortal_janemba »

I've tried to stay optimistic about the layout and the different looking pets (which was easier for me because I got off relatively lightly) but this Neovision... it'll be so screwed up if it's ever released... As many have said it has nothing to do with anything and has many drawbacks to it. There's so much stuff that still needs to be done on the site I don't know why they'd want to take up their time at the moment with what is obviously such a stupid idea.
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