New neopets layout

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Post by Madge »

Everyone, while the notes in your lookup are lovely, SEND FEEDBACK TO NEOPETS.

I sent a rant to the editorial.

Neopets are far more likely to read something you send to them :P
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Post by adi_gallia »

We could just cover up our pet images with the old ones if the coding works?
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Post by NyauNyau »

You know, they SHOULD keep the old poses in the rainbow pool..cuz you know, the way they are putting them on the news now its WAY to tiny to see any sort of details. I don't know, I still do like neopets, I love the games a lot, and the plots , hopefully the up and coming plot will help redeem the site, a bit, at least.
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Post by Cranberry »

I've stayed (relatively) quiet for the past couple days, just letting it sink in, trying to decide how I feel. I think pretty much the only reason I'm not throwing a fit is because Alaskawolf, my favorite pet (and battlepet), still looks nice, and the battledome is unchanged. The BD is pretty much all I do on Neo (besides the world challenges and stock market/food club playing I do to earn money for training/weapons), so as long as that's the same, I will stay.

However, I am REALLY not liking the pet revamps, and am seriously considering disowning a couple of my side account pets (brown uni, darigan ixi) and moving a couple main pets (baby eyrie, fire cybunny) to the side so I don't have to look at them all the time. I also no longer want to make my namesake pet into a royalgirl kau -- I wanted to before as a joke, because it had the same color hair and similar expressions as me, but the new version looks awful (the hair looks like a mop on her head, and I have and like GOOD hair, thank you). And I'm just... saddened by the fact that from now on, all new colors we get will have one lousy pose. I'm also sad that gorgeous redraw pets I never owned, but liked to look at, are now stuffed into some ugly template.

I can't believe that the majority of editorial comments were positive. I regularly post on three different Neopets forums, and the customization threads at all three are overwhelmingly negative, as are the neoboards. I think we all should definitely write to the editorial and politely and "constructively" let them know what we think.
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Post by Fish »

I sent them some feedback in the most adult tone I could muster... but the editorial makes me think they won't bother. The don't want to keep the old redraws because both systems are "too much" for the artists, they definitely won't want to install "adult art" for those of us who don't like cutesy fluffy-bunnies, even if it's not got clothing options.


I desperately want to freeze my accounts before more of my pets get ass-raped ("Oh, well, those species we liked... they're bad. Get rid of them.") but I'm afraid this might be some really late April fool's joke, or that it'll backfire so badly TNT is left with no userbase and try's to go back, but... I doubt that too.

I don't understand the image thing. Wajas has only ten-ish breeds, but they have 2349108520 markings and mutations, and there are well over 100k Wajas on the site, all with different images and things. And the moderators have to MAINTAIN those images, and fiddle when there's a bug, and they don't look killed. There's even GROWING-UP images. Would it be so hard to make child and adult images? Would it?
<a href="">See: Feezl</a>
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Post by Cranberry »

This is what I wrote -- I kept it pretty polite and short.
TNT: My Neopets are animals and I have no desire to dress them up; therefore, I have no need for redrawn pets. Why can't people like me have the option to keep ALL of our Neopets in their original circle (or happy) pose instead of the select few you deemed worthy enough to stay as is? The "revamp" has me seriously considering disowning several of the pets I loved because they just don't look like themselves anymore. The fact that we don't have the option to revert any pet is the major thing making me hate this whole "new era."
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Post by Madge »

What really gets me is it's *one more* image per pet, which by DEFINITION doesn't have to be a redraw or even be done by anyone higher up on the evolutionary scale than a demented bee.

Sure, they have to draw all the clothing, but they'd have to do that anyway. Surely if it's that bad they could just hire more artists? I mean all the money they're making from the extra ads...
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Post by AngharadTy »

Now that we know it's permanent and irreversible... well, Neopets lost me entirely. My robot bori alone is enough for me to quit. 90% of my pets being worse, well, I'm definitely gone. I know I haven't been playing much, but I have been playing, and... I never want to see my poor deformed krawks again. Sorry, babies--I'll keep your old art safe in my head and on my hard disk.
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Post by NyauNyau »

Good one, Cranberry. THAT is what they should do. Make it optional, I don't figure resizing the happy or circle pose to fit into the flash thing would be too hard to do. And the artists wouldnt have to draw that (Maybe for some pets, yes, the ones with the horridly old art) :\ Sucks that no one from TnT posts here, Id like the opinion of an artist.

Royal, Faerie, Mutant, Maraquan, Grey(Any Im missing?) deserve a normal 150x150 or whatever sized image, like a lot of the other pets have, to replace the "mold" they have on them. THIS will make people VERY happy. :| TNT YOU READING THIS? Do this, and you wont have so many pissed off people.

Also, keep the BD poses where they are at.
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Post by Cranberry »

Yeah, I probably should have said that I'd like all pets to be the same size as the new versions, too -- my pet Sebastiancat (who thankfully got to stay as is instead of being revamped) looks teeny-tiny on my lookup and his pet lookup, and I don't understand why he can't be the bigger size, or even his original size.

Also, my suggestion still isn't optimal -- I'd rather all pets have the eight emotion poses than just one pose -- but it would still be better if we could revert any pet to its old circle/happy pose.
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Post by Slugawoo »

I haven't sent in a feedback form yet. If there's one thing a miserably fail at, it's keeping an adult tone. :| If I were to send anything in, I can guarentee it'd just wind up: "You suck. I hope you die." Which doesn't really help anyone. But I have to say, that's exactly how I'm feeling at the moment.

I'd go for a normal 150x150 image. My pets still wouldn't weep as I pound/zap them, or look like they have the crap beat out of them at 0 HP, but I think I could live with it. I can't stand the "I'm holding an invisible frying pan, har har" look they have right now. But you know... they'd probably just screw that up, too.
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Post by NyauNyau »

Shroomy isnt please about the change either, if you check out her LJ.
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Post by Iggy »

NyauNyau wrote:Good one, Cranberry. THAT is what they should do. Make it optional
This is what they did during the Beta test, and I liked it that way.

Let people customise, and leave the hell out of my pets alone.

NyauNyau wrote:Shroomy isnt please about the change either, if you check out her LJ.
I suppose most artists aren't. =(
Last edited by Iggy on 28 Apr 2007 03:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by checkers »

Even the Stop! Chia has a revamp .__. looking at my account being frozen was going to be the only oldsite thing to do.
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Post by Elfwoman99 »

Wow. This is unbelievable. Horrible. I can't believe they're throwing away ALL of the pet art on the entire site.

Is there any way to preserve all the art of the old pets, with all the poses? I know that it's a massively huge number of images to keep on the Neocolours servers, but what if instead, each of us downloaded all the poses of a particular color/species combination? Or all of a particular pose for a particular species? Otherwise when TNT deletes the art from the servers, it will be gone forever.
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