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Post by checkers »

Baby pets are the only things to have gained:

1) Shrunk heads
2) Shrunk eyes
3) Smaller and more Baby-Like

And to think..I was going to use a Royal paintbrush on one of these species not moments before the drastic change. I feel sick looking at some.

Buzz, Aisha and Cybunny have been made to look bauld.
Poogle and Grarrl lost all sense of Female look to them
Kau and Mynci Crushed shrank and look like men in suits.
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Post by daisybell »

The royalgirl grarrl always looked like a male in drag to me... and the royalgirl cybunny never had hair. I do think the cybunny is less nice than it was.

I think the grarrl and mynci actually survived not too badly, the rest not so well. It's not all bad though since the royalgirl zafara is hugely improved IMO. If you want to pick pets that did badly from the revamp, I think grey and plushie are worse in some ways.
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Post by DamionDarkheart »

Okay, the talking pets thing is starting to get obnoxious.
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Post by Silverevilchao »

DamionDarkheart wrote:Okay, the talking pets thing is starting to get obnoxious.
o_O;; Talking...pets? Where?
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Post by DamionDarkheart »

Silverevilchao wrote:
DamionDarkheart wrote:Okay, the talking pets thing is starting to get obnoxious.
o_O;; Talking...pets? Where?
_8_skritch_ocy_21 says:
* ho hum *

The active pet says crap while you play. Trash there has been on a ho hum streak for a good 15 minutes. He also wants to play Destruct-o-match really really bad.
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Post by sterlinglyons »

While looking at the page showing the new Pet designs (, I came to the sudden realization that TNT has essentially replaced our pets with the equivalent of adoptables. Check it out, every pet forced to conform to a set pose and small image -- adoptable art.
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Post by Fish »

Do not demean my adoptables! I make some most adorable Wajabeans that I will not have compared to new Neo art.

New Neo, it's like two positives.
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Post by Aqua »


Does anyone else find that incredibly creepy? D:

*waits for her faerie buzz male to get its proper wings back*
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Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

OK, now I have a chance to look at ALL the redrawn pets on a petpage, my views:

~ Pets that make me go "oh why, oh why, oh why" are relatively few in number, but horrific. Darigan Aisha, Faerie Grarrl, Faerie Lenny, Faerie Techo, Glowing Buzz, Hallowe'en Lupe, Ice Bruce, Pirate Xweetok, Tyrannian Krawk are the ones that depress me on sight. I can't help wondering what these pets have in common-- they all seem very different from one another, yet they all got blasted in the redraw while others of their species and colour came out OK.

~ Eyelashes. Why?

~ Some pets are actually better-looking IMO. I don't know about anyone else here, but I like the new Faerie Acara, which isn't such a garish shade of yellow. The Mara Gelert also looks more aquatic, the Mara Kougra doesn't have that odd expression that made it look like it was trying to catch an invisible beetle on its tail. And I can finally respect Elephantes now they don't have that silly grin.

~ Why, in the name of meepits, couldn't they have taken the much-needed opportunity to make the Chia look a bit better? Is it because Chias are Adam's sacred species or something?

~ There still seems to be an inconsistency on whether Ghost pets should be happy or not. Also, the Gold pets haven't all had their lowlights put in-- some of them look like blobs of honey.

~ Several bugs (?) to report. Someone forgot to colour the Dari Shoyru's eyes, the Grey Kougra is smiling like a Silver, and several Xweetoks have blue eye-lights where they ought to be coloured. The Silver Grarrl HAS NO TEEETH!

~ Does the fact that they haven't taken the orange spots off purple pets mean there IS still a reason for having them? After all, they must know how we feel about that, and a wholesale redraw would have been a great opportunity to paint over them.

~ I know, I know, I'm a bad bad person. But I can't get past the fact that some of the Bruces and the Baby Lupe are in the nude.

~ Why have the Royal Aisha's and Buzz's hair been cut, while the Kyrii's has been lengthened? This seems unnecessary and arbitrary.
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Post by gomababe »

I really hate to say this, but I'm slowly getting used to my pets as they are at the moment. what I@m most upset about is that I can't paint Queza nad Aequus in redraw colours anymore because they'd look ugly as hell ;_;. I also wish they'd kept the blue eyes fro mthe old spotted Tuskaninny, the brown eyes just look weird :?. Like I said I *really* don't want to like my pets like this, but I'm starting to tolerate them ><;
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Post by daisybell »

I think people will mostly get used to how their pets look now, just as they did after a species revamp. Of course, there were always people who didn't like the revamps and repainted or adopted out their pets, but many got used to it. This isn't a million miles away from that scenario, but there were lots of big changes so it's taking people longer to get used to it.

However, there isn't any reason to hate the art just for the sake of hating it- either you like it or you don't, and hating it because it's new seems to me to be an unhelpful way of dealing with things. You can dislike some of the new art and like some of it, and that doesn't make you a hypocrite; you can dislike how they added eyelashes but still like the basic pet art; you can like how the basic colours improved and dislike how colours like grey and faerie are no longer redraws.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you (as in, anyone posting here) don't have to pick a side- "hate" or "love"- either way you'll not be able to really appreciate how nice/horrible the art is because you'll be blinded by emotion.

You know, all that might as well just be summed up as "keep an open mind". And I'm going to add again that I'm not aiming this at any one person- I hope we can have discussion about some of the new art in New Colours once people have got over the initial shock and surprise.
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Post by gomababe »

Oh I like most of the basic pet art, I just don't see how on earth the redraw colours are going to look special from now on. The best part about the redraw colours was the fact that they were, well, redrawn. This cookie-cutter pose thing doesn't suit the majority of them at all.

The lack of emotion poses bothers me as well, though I guess I can buy TNT's explanation for the lack of them. Some of our favourite art was the emotion poses though and those are going to be very sorely missed The more complicated looking pets look very cramped in this new pose and size and you can't make out what's suppposed to be special about them, the royal pets have suffered a lot from this revamp as have most of the newer faeries {like the faerie xweetok}. I will agree that the vast majority of the baby pets have been vastly improved though some still suffer from heads far too big to be supported by their relatively tiny bodies {I'm looking at you Tuskaninny ¬_¬}.

I guess I'll sit back and wait to see what happens with the redraw colours now, though I know for a fact that I'm going to be very sorely disappointed with them as they'll need to be much simpler than many of the redraws that I loved so much with the older pet art.
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Post by Seerow »

I never realized how much I missed the emotion poses. I just lost at the Buried Treasure game, and here Starz was just smiling away as happy as can be. You just lost you stupid Zafara, act sad! Well at least now she can act happy, she was missing a head for two days there.

Their is also a bug with the the old style Tyrannian Ixi. It used to be happy in the happy pose, but now it looks like they switched it with the angry pose. Hope they switch that back, don't want Musical looking like she's gonna bite my head off everytime I see her.

They really need to make eyelashes an option. My pets aren't hookers and I don't like them being potrayed as such.

I'm still a bit confused on the whole customization thing however. Can clothes from one pet be transfered to another? Say you have a Island and Shadow Uni. Could the Island accessories be taken off the Island pet and moved to the Shadow Uni? That seems rather redundent to me. I'm gonna assume that whoever got the Island Uni likes the accessories on the pet and doesn't want to remove them. And if items can only go between speices, then most people won't be able to do this as I know very few people who have two of the same speices on the same account.
The only pets of mine that have accessories I can take off are two Island pets, and removing the clothing just makes them look like a yellow pet with white swirls. If I wanted them to be yellow, I'd paint them yellow.

Edit: Thanks Slugawoo.
And am I the only one who keeps trying to click on the differnet catagories (ie just clicking on the explore option rather then waiting for the drop down menu). Its really annoying. I'll get used to it, but right now I'm not liking the drop down menus.
Last edited by Seerow on 01 May 2007 03:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Slugawoo »

Yes, items can be moved from one pet to another. I striped Hallowisp and put his pants on Tsuki.
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Post by Illuen »

One pet nobody has talked about on here (although I've ranted and raved about it multiple times to people on AIM and MSN and the like) is the Mutant Usul. I had a Tyrannian Usul, but after the revamp, I felt they were lacking, and then I saw this beauty:


And instantly painted my pet and fell in love. I think this is perhaps my favorite pet on the site now =D It has the goofy innocence that characterize the bets Mutant pets, in my view, and it is just filled with win.
No spoony bard could spin a sweeter tale.
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