Choosing a new petpet for a Starry Hissi

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Choosing a new petpet for a Starry Hissi

Post by Skiler »

I know it isn't the best (and I hate the revamp). However, since my hissi is very, very far from the Faerie colour (unthinkable how it will look the revamp of a faerie hissi now), I painted him starry. Then realized the huge amount of glitches wich I hope they will fix soon, as they did with my ghost ogrin on a request.

So, now he is no longer green, but blueish. I wanted to know what ideas about petpets will match his new colour. About personality, he have a dark mind, always gazing back at Darigan Citadel, his former home from where he was taken when child. He do likes to slither around ruins and temples, mostly because he likes to be surrounded by ancient backgrounds and by the echoes from the past. He also loves to soar in the sky when it is soaked with stars (that's why I painted him starry) because he feels the stars are the ancients calling for him for an unknow purpose.

Yeah, he is weird, and quite melancholic. When going with the rest of our party, he is the one to point out the answer to the hardest riddles, mostly by casually, mostly because he loves to ponder riddles and to see his brothers brainstorm to death while he already got the last clue. I wished to painted him faerie because always I saw him as a feathered snake but, well... Now it is just a dream. He was viewed as a portrait of a little snake-like dragon, similar to the japanese ryuu, with the same wisdom and sensei mind.

Eurh... Long description. Hope it doesn't bothers too much to read :( It is my first petpet match request.
PS: Shees, I forgot to say I don't mind the prices of the petpets. I can afford whatever petpet.
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Post by Bif »

<img src="">
Starry Faellie
Although they do not share your Hissi's tendency for darkness, they do have wings so that they can join your Hissi in his starry flights.

<img src="">
Starry Wuzzle
Now there is a petpet who looks like he has dark thoughts.

<img src="">
Starry Meowclops
I just think that they look cool.

<img src=""><img src="">
Erisim/Yellow Erisim
Snake like, blue and with a cunning look about him. He would definitly indulge in the dark side of life, as well as the occasional puzzle - provided that it was challenging enough.

<img src=""><img src="">
Blue Wain/Wain
Dark, intelligent, and I bet that he could fly without wings too. Mind power!

I'm sure others will come up with better matches. I hope you find the right petpet for your Hissi. :)
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Joined: 13 Dec 2006 09:07 pm
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Post by Skiler »

Oi, the Wuzzle seems to fit a lot :D what a shame there is not a starry wain around, but well, thanks for the suggestion :)

NP Balance:
Starry Wuzzle 103.5K

I will accept more suggestions until this weekend, so, don't stop to suggest plz :twisted:
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