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Posted: 01 Apr 2007 06:10 pm
by Moskau bleeds XD

Posted: 01 Apr 2007 06:12 pm
by Arviragus
Huge font still burns my eyes :(

Posted: 01 Apr 2007 06:12 pm
by Moskau
lmao, did Huggles edit that or checkers? Wow...conspiricy!!! and yes, I cannot spell XD

Posted: 01 Apr 2007 06:14 pm
by checkers
twas all Huggles the Almighty, May She Live Forever ;so she gets uglier and uglier as the years go by;.

Posted: 01 Apr 2007 06:26 pm
by dandelions
Don't call the mods ugly- once this site is providing our incomes, our tolerance is going to be severely reduced.

Posted: 01 Apr 2007 06:28 pm
by checkers
dandelions wrote:Don't call the mods ugly- once this site is providing our incomes, our tolerance is going to be severely reduced.
Pay you? I'd never pay you lot! ~ if thats what that means.

Posted: 01 Apr 2007 06:29 pm
by dandelions
I wrote:It's mainly because April 5th is the start of a new tax year. If I turn this site over to Subeta, owing to Subeta's laxer rules on copyright and intellectual property, I can actually make money off this site...but I don't want to fall foul of the taxman. I currently don't earn enough to pay taxes but will do once the banner ads are up.
Emphasis added.

Posted: 01 Apr 2007 06:31 pm
by Huggles
Subetocolours will be pay-to-post. The posting fees will range from $2 for normal posts, $15 for slightly stupid posts, and $50 for each slice of spam. There is a $100 or Wii nonrefundable desposit for all those requesting to post spam, plus a 25 day evaluation period per spam post. Payble by check, money order, Paypal, direct deposit, or cash mailed directly to the collective SELGGUH savings account.

Posted: 01 Apr 2007 06:32 pm
by checkers

Posted: 01 Apr 2007 06:32 pm
by TCD
Seems there's a bit of a mod disagreement, there.

Posted: 01 Apr 2007 06:33 pm
by Huggles
Not really. The banner ads will cover our taxes, the rest will go towards our yachts.

Posted: 01 Apr 2007 06:35 pm
by bonecrivain
Essentially, we'll be earning money from this forum in any way possible.

Awesome. I can stop looking for jobs now.

Posted: 01 Apr 2007 06:35 pm
by checkers
ugh. ha. not POTATO.

Posted: 01 Apr 2007 06:37 pm
by TCD
I think it's hilarious. They think that people actually click on banner ads, which is how you get money off of them.

Posted: 01 Apr 2007 06:39 pm
by EofS
TCD wrote:I think it's hilarious. They think that people actually click on banner ads, which is how you get money off of them.
If you're smart, you can cover the page with ads in such a way that you can't avoid clicking on them. Combine that with a popunder triggered by clicking "submit" and they'll be rolling in it.