New pound with transferring feature going live Monday!

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Re: New pound with transferring feature going live Monday!

Post by Madge »

I like naked pound pets as a concept, as it means that people can't get pb clothes without paying for them or whatever, but I dislike aishas without their collars and bruces without their bows. I wish they just set it so the clothes of say desert/island/robot/etc pets didn't go with them and all other clothes did.

Actually, I guess the major point is to stop people harvesting clothes from pound pets (like some people used to and probably still do with petpets).
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Re: New pound with transferring feature going live Monday!

Post by varii »

This is a little bit off topic, but if you can't (/couldn't) send pets from account to account wearing clothes not specific to their colour, how do people offer 'customs' when trading pets? Is it just with neopoint items?
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Re: New pound with transferring feature going live Monday!

Post by Seerow »

Custom pets, as far as I'm used to, are a bit different then that Varii. I've gotten two custom pets, a Royalgirl Peophin and Elephante.

Basically, I'd create (or they can create the pet, makes no real difference) then paint it the color specified. They would then trade that pet for yours and you would stripe the clothes and do with the base as you see fit.

For Kynsari, my Desert Royalgirl Peophin for example, I created two separate Peophins, one to paint desert and one to paint Royalgirl. I sent the to-be-Royal to the guy to be painted then got it back, put its clothes on the desert base, then just adopted out the Royalgirl base.

Hope that made sense XD
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Re: New pound with transferring feature going live Monday!

Post by bluelightning »

I didn't think you were aloud to do that?
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Re: New pound with transferring feature going live Monday!

Post by covet »

Seerow's post was made December 6th, bluelightning. There have been alterations to the system since.
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Re: New pound with transferring feature going live Monday!

Post by thelonetiel »

Have petpages and and descriptions always traveled with the pet in transfers?

I just traded (rather than use two transfers) a pet on my side for a pet on my main and to my surprise, Ecl arrived with both intact.

Also, a reminder to those with Unconverted pets, when a pet is offered for transfer or trade, or asked for, it is removed as your active pet. So if that's your Boochie guard, watch out. I went kinda stiff when I realized this and had my beloved unconverted Darigan Eyrie as my active pet for a few page clicks.

And one last thing while I'm bumping this up that I don't recall seeing here. There is an option in user preferences to block user-to-user transfers, which for the above reason might be a good thing to activate, especially if you use a Boochie guard as your active pet and don't want to risk your others. If someone offers a trade on your pet, it won't ask you for confirmation before removing your pet essentially from your account and it'll waste your transfer for the month even if you don't accept.
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Re: New pound with transferring feature going live Monday!

Post by Jessi »

Sometimes petpages and descriptions travel, Tiel, sometimes they don't.

I traded two of my pets to transfer them around; Saelotra lost all of his info and Kepheus kept his. Who knows why?
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Re: New pound with transferring feature going live Monday!

Post by Cranberry »

I'm a little confused about this whole transfer system! Maybe you guys can help. I have a FFQ I'm not going to use, so I offered to paint my friend's pet pirate for her. I already have four pets, so we'd have to do a trade, hers for one of mine. Would we be able to trade back the next day, or would we have to wait until the next month? And are there currently any issues with pets getting stuck or anything?
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Re: New pound with transferring feature going live Monday!

Post by TCStarwind »

You'd have to wait the whole month. The double transer uses both your sending and receiving a pet for the entire month. D: I don't know about any pets getting stuck, though. Users on the pound boards will, though, so you could always ask.
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Re: New pound with transferring feature going live Monday!

Post by Madge »

Wait for the next calendar month, I'm afraid. Just do it on the 28th of Feb and then the 1st of March for minimal pet downtime. If you're both online at the same time you won't even miss out on zaps (if applicable) :D

No bugs that I know of, except that pb clothes go with pets even if they're not wearing them (eg my rainbow shoyru might be wearing my pirate shoyru's bandanna; I transfer my pirate shoyru to another account, the bandanna gets wrenched from my rainbow shoyru and goes along with my pirate shoyru). This is apparently to prevent trade scams where they don't include the clothes in a trade. If you don't have the appropriate clothes on your account they won't suddenly appear, the pet will just travel naked.
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Re: New pound with transferring feature going live Monday!

Post by Cranberry »

Thanks! Good to know. We'll just wait until the end of the month -- I can't keep her pet for the whole month, as he's her battlepet... and only pet, for that matter! Also, neat (but unfortunate) about clothing being ripped right off of another pet in your account!
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Re: New pound with transferring feature going live Monday!

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Oh, that brings up another question for me then. I have a labbie that I'll eventually adopt out. If the labbie gets zapped to another species, will the clothes from its previous species colors go with it in a transfer?
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Re: New pound with transferring feature going live Monday!

Post by Kamil »

I can answer that, having sent a snow pet to my main for a day and a half, so I could get the avatar. She had five or six sets of clothes, from about as many species (she's that account's permanent lab rat), and nothing but the coal in her eyes and the carrot on her head went with her. =D

Same as when she went back, even though she was wearing the robot Uni casings I have on my main at the time. They stayed where they were and she went back.
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