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Re: Glade Pets!

Posted: 07 May 2009 05:33 pm
by C. Dagger
The Paralix is nice, but the pose feels a bit awkward. I love the eyes a lot, though.

The Telenine is INCREDIBLE. I LOVE how the back spikes begin as buds and gradually become massive blooms, that's a beautiful effect. I just adore this pet, seriously. I especially love how distinct it is from other Telenines, it makes it stand out that much more.

Re: Glade Pets!

Posted: 07 May 2009 05:34 pm
by Goldenchaos

Re: Glade Pets!

Posted: 07 May 2009 05:55 pm
by Seerow
The Telenine is quite adorable :D I like the shade of green used for the base, it's lovely. The face also looks sweet and innocent, which just fits this color. Nice to see the Telenine get some love :D

Overall I like the Paralix, however the front legs do indeed seem really long and the right one especially looks strangely bent. It doesn't quite look like it's sitting, maybe because it's tilted forward a little?

Re: Glade Pets!

Posted: 07 May 2009 06:13 pm
by Mayhem
I like the Telenine a lot, except for the color. I would have liked it to be a few shades darker. Oh well.

Re: Glade Pets!

Posted: 07 May 2009 06:40 pm
by stinkbomb
Of all the glade pets released so far, the paralix & telenine are my least favorite. While each is well done in their own right, the bar got set so high with the initial trio released. Sort of like neo did with the first grey pets. On their own merits these latest two are really really nicely done.. the only real gripe I have on the telenine is it feels as though it's missing the darker green all the others have had, so it feels a little..flat.

But truly, minor gripe, and even having said these are my least favorite, they are still amazing renderings of what is fast becoming my favorite non-bloody color on the site.

Edited to add: Just went for another look, and after the initial oh wow that's nice impression, the paws of the telenine are bugging me. They are just sort of.. pegs. I'm not sure what could have been done to make them less peggish in that pose, but they are lacking any sort of definition of being paws of a canine creature.

Re: Glade Pets!

Posted: 07 May 2009 06:59 pm
by Luxe
Just went for another look, and after the initial oh wow that's nice impression, the paws of the telenine are bugging me. They are just sort of.. pegs. I'm not sure what could have been done to make them less peggish in that pose, but they are lacking any sort of definition of being paws of a canine creature.
Unfortunately, that's just the anatomy of a telenine. All of them have peggish feet and legs. I think the glacier and the static poses are probably the best example of that.

Re: Glade Pets!

Posted: 07 May 2009 08:05 pm
by Aisu
I love the Paralix! 8D It's gorgeous, man~

Re: Glade Pets!

Posted: 07 May 2009 08:39 pm
by Jessi
I absolutely love the Telenine - and actually, I love the color xD It's so bright and springy looking, very pretty. I think the vine on its nose is a bit distracting, but I love the huge flowers going down its back!

The Paralix is meh to me, mostly because there's nothing interesting about it. Something naturely could have been done with its horns or mane, perhaps, to make it more interesting. Also, its right front paw is bothering me - it looks like it's bent quite painfully. It's pretty, just... nothing special.

Re: Glade Pets!

Posted: 08 May 2009 01:11 am
by TCStarwind
I want to like the paralix, but I agree that a lot more could have been done with it. The eye fringe could have been leaves like the chai's and the horns could have been some cool twiggy things. :< But it's just kinda decorated with flowers.

The telenine is nice, though. I love its giant flowers. :D

Re: Glade Pets!

Posted: 08 May 2009 01:19 am
by AngharadTy
The paralix is, to me, just a green pet with flowers growing on it, more so than any other pet (and I tend to love simplicity). The art is good (although I don't like the light green color of the horns), but it seems lacking.

The telenine is awesome, though. It may not have a lot to make it stand out as more than "green pet with plants on" but what it has works much better. The stone spikes are the best! A very good idea.

Re: Glade Pets!

Posted: 09 May 2009 07:57 pm
by Officer 1BDI
I think the Telenine is brilliantly drawn (although the feet threw me off at first because of their positioning; I had the same "peg" impression as stinkbomb), but the pale green makes the pet less appealing to me. I didn't even notice the mossy colored markings until I saw the full-sized version, and the beautiful stone spine plates are almost unnoticeable on the Subeta-sized version.

Despite the anatomy of the front legs I love the Paralix, and if I wasn't holding out to see other species' colors I'd be very tempted to turn Grendel into one. I'd really like to see the full-sized version at some point.

Re: Glade Pets!

Posted: 09 May 2009 08:08 pm
by Seerow
Fullsize Glade Paralix :) Most of the artists have them uploaded on Deviantart, so you can either search by the artists name or just type in "Glade Paralix" for example and have them pop up.

Full sized, I really like all the little flowers on him!

Re: Glade Pets!

Posted: 10 May 2009 02:54 am
by Officer 1BDI
Thanks, Seerow! I searched for it on dA the day it came out, but it hadn't been uploaded yet.

Re: Glade Pets!

Posted: 11 May 2009 07:59 pm
by Twofold Black
More new glade pets, the Wyllop and Dragarth:

Image Image

These aren't really doing it for me -- I'm particularly distracted by the apparently nuclear-colored butterfly on the Dragarth, which is a pet that just doesn't give the artist a lot to work with in the first place -- but I'm very amused that the scale of the mushrooms and butterflies indicates that the Wyllop is much smaller than e.g. the Irion. That's a clever detail, and it pleases me.

Re: Glade Pets!

Posted: 11 May 2009 08:03 pm
by Seerow
I think I lost my mind. I posted these new colors in the AaToW thread XD

The fact that I turned Gabriel into the Wyllop 3 minutes after the color was released should tell you how much I adore this color :D FMD did such an amazing job on it! It's got dew drops in it's leaf tail!!!

The Dragarth doesn't look much like a Dragarth to me. The muzzle is really wide and the wings look really small. I do really like the vines on the tail and the flowers and such are wonderful. The bird on the horn is nifty.