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Re: Altador Cup III

Posted: 19 Jul 2008 08:36 am
by Officer 1BDI
I just reached 1000 goals (not games), which was really my ultimate goal. I kind of feel bad for not playing as much as some of the others, especially now that Roo Island's in the finals, but I can only take so much Yooyuball in a given period of time.

Good luck, everyone. Even those of you on Krawk's team. =P

Re: Altador Cup III

Posted: 20 Jul 2008 08:28 pm
by Silver Link
Officer 1BDI wrote:I just reached 1000 goals (not games), which was really my ultimate goal. I kind of feel bad for not playing as much as some of the others, especially now that Roo Island's in the finals, but I can only take so much Yooyuball in a given period of time.

Good luck, everyone. Even those of you on Krawk's team. =P
Don't worry, I've only scored 300 goals

I struggled the past couple of days just to get to Rank 1. It just becomes boring after a while

Re: Altador Cup III

Posted: 20 Jul 2008 10:13 pm
by Cranberry
I made it to rank 11 (819 games) last year, and I have no idea how I ever had the patience to do that. I have 100 games so far this year (50 over the past month, 50 yesterday, heh) and I'm shooting for another 50 tonight to take me to rank three. I'm going to have to watch a movie or listen to some podcasts or something while I play, because I find the game incredibly boring.

I've been Roo Island since the very first Altador Cup, though, and I hope we win it all this year!

Re: Altador Cup III

Posted: 20 Jul 2008 10:24 pm
by Officer 1BDI
Part of me hopes we take it, but part of me dreads the idea after seeing what happened to Darigan and Haunted Woods in the aftermath of their victories....

I have to listen to music while I'm playing or else I start to lose focus. Last year my soundtrack was The Killers (now every time I hear "For Reasons Unknown" I see Lilo Blumario sprinting across the field with a mutant yooyuball -_- ). This year I started turning Pandora on while playing; I switch it to my "upbeat" station and it makes the games much less tedious.

Re: Altador Cup III

Posted: 21 Jul 2008 02:27 am
by zebru
I forced myself into playing extra 60 games during the last two days so I could reach rank 5 and the stone shield. I stop at 280 wins and a 2116 goals scored. It's more than I planned to do, so I'm ok with that. I'm with all who say YYB is boring in the long run. Even music can only do so much to make it interesting.

As for my very fortunate team choice - well, Altador isn't last, so that's something. I still doubt I'll change my method of team picking next cup - I think I derive more fun from liking each of the tiny neopets players on my team than from getting to the final four (can't say for sure as Terror Mountian I went with the past two tournaments didn't do much better).

Re: Altador Cup III

Posted: 21 Jul 2008 05:19 am
by Goldenchaos
I was gonna try for Rank 6. But YYB, boring.

Re: Altador Cup III

Posted: 21 Jul 2008 07:07 am
by Jamie
I had a goal to get much higher than I did last year, but then I played, and I'm on level 2 with no intention of playing anymore.

Re: Altador Cup III

Posted: 21 Jul 2008 08:22 am
by lavender
Not enough computer time... I was still around 20 points away from rank 6. Blah. Well, here's my final scores:

Rank - Level 5
Goals Scored 2,872
Goals by Layton Vickles 2,170
Goals by Tormo "The Terror" Frein 50
Goals by Kep Bonnefie 308
Goals by Tandrak Shaye 344
Saves by Reshar Collifey 125
Number of Wins 315
Number of Draws 0
Number of Losses 0
Goals per Game: 9.12

Slushie Slinger (lame)
Games Played 20
Top Score 518

Make Some Noise
Games Played 100
Top Score 7,646

Final results aren't in yet. I suppose they'll wait to announce it in the news. It's kinda amusing to see the past two champions battling it out for 7th and 8th :P

Re: Altador Cup III

Posted: 21 Jul 2008 08:34 am
by Officer 1BDI
Some people on the Neoboards think they found the links to the results. I saw the results for RI v. KI before TNT apparently pulled all the pages:

Linked for horizontal scrolling and possible spoilerage.

Not sure why the URL says 33 instead of 34, which is the actual match number; when you replaced it with 34 you got Thursday/Friday's results.

ETA: Ah, I see. 33 was yesterday, while 34 was today; so the pages would have only shown the results for the indicated day, then. I think.

Oh nevermind. TNT's just screwing with us now; they've made the results from the URL random so they change every time you refresh the page.

Re: Altador Cup III

Posted: 21 Jul 2008 05:56 pm
by mellaka
Here are my final stats. I fell just short of my overall goal of 2,500 wins. I'm so glad I can go back to doing other stuff on neo now.

Yooyuball (Darigan)
Goals Scored 24,837
Number of Wins 2,457
Slushie Slinger
Games Played 55
Top Score 630
Make Some Noise
Games Played 160
Top Score 7,311
Rank All-Star

Re: Altador Cup III

Posted: 21 Jul 2008 08:37 pm
by Alecko
I just limited the number of games I played in a row to combat the boredom. Mainly it was win five, take a break, come back later. My final scores ended up being:

Shenkuu-Rank 2
Goals Scored-642
Goals by Mirsha Grelinek-534
Goals by Foltaggio-50
Goals by Antola Maeir-47
Goals by Larcy Phu-11
Saves by Xana DiLanche-57
Number of Wins-100
Number of Draws-1
Number of Losses-0

Slushie Slinger
Games Played-10
Top Score-606

Make Some Noise
Games Played-50
Top Score-6,536

Re: Altador Cup III

Posted: 22 Jul 2008 01:48 am
by Officer 1BDI
The results are out! :D

...And the prizes suck. Seriously; 16 frisbees and 16 slushies, followed by 8 semi-decent prizes, none which have anything to do with the top three teams.

Re: Altador Cup III

Posted: 22 Jul 2008 01:50 am
by Bif
The prize shop is already open!

Having not really found YYB to be my thing (I get bored easily) I only reached rank 1. So I have 645 points to spend.

I really like that they were able to do it this fast though, opening the shop, it shows a lot of organization on TNT's part.

Re: Altador Cup III

Posted: 22 Jul 2008 01:54 am
by moonsyne
Poor Krawk island. Not even a Jersey! *sniff*
I already got several Fire Yooyus.

26,705 points to spend on NOTHING

Re: Altador Cup III

Posted: 22 Jul 2008 01:54 am
by Cranberry
...And of course people are blaming the Roo Island players for the prizes sucking. They say that if KI had won, a Pirate PB would have been the top prize, obviously. Heh. Remind me to ignore the neoboards entirely next year!

(There should have been a PB, though. We could have had rainbow, at least!)

I would rather have waited a few weeks for RI, KI and LD-specific prize shop items -- jerseys, plushies, whatever -- than have the prize shop open today and suck like this.