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Re: Tyrannian and Biscuit Gelerts

Posted: 06 Mar 2010 02:35 am
by Gibblywibbly
I painted my Gelert Tyrannian, which I'll probably regret once the laughter has worn off. Checked, the wings aren't removable, I don't think. The green toga thing is the only part that seems to be removable.


Edit: For the sake of things, I tried to put a little cape on him, and that seems to override his wings. Though I don't know if that's much better at all.

Re: Tyrannian and Biscuit Gelerts

Posted: 06 Mar 2010 02:35 am
by Huggles
Oh wow. That gelert has a serious case of the fuglies. Seeing the larger imagine allows me to see the well done shading and coloring, but the design is awful. I feel like it's something Napoleon Dynamite designed for a metal album cover, then ripped out of his notebook and threw in the trash. It's that bad. I can't understand the thinking behind this at all.

Re: Tyrannian and Biscuit Gelerts

Posted: 06 Mar 2010 02:41 am
by Larkspurlane
Sucks that nothing else is removable!! If it could be cleaned up a bit there's awesomeness in the stripey body & feathering. Rawrr.

Re: Tyrannian and Biscuit Gelerts

Posted: 06 Mar 2010 02:48 am
by Pyrostatic
Well, I wanted a Tyrannian Gelert. But this is kind of crazy. Way too much going on. Why have the wings? Take those, most of the mane/hair (?), horns and green sash off, and it's a really beautiful Gelert. I'm loving those stripes though.

Biscuit fails. What else is new?

Re: Tyrannian and Biscuit Gelerts

Posted: 06 Mar 2010 03:08 am
by cheepers
I edited away the wings and horns. I'm very disappointed that the Tyrannian gelert has the wings and horns. It looks really nice without them. I really like that it looks "thicker" than average gelerts. I think the bear legs and the sash covering the torso give the illusion that it is built heavier and thicker than usual. I like that idea for Tyrannian pets. If only the wings and horns weren't there ):


Shame, it looks nice that way. (sorry about the background color)

And really, biscuit is no surprise. I doubt many look forward to the release of biscuit pets.

Re: Tyrannian and Biscuit Gelerts

Posted: 06 Mar 2010 03:20 am
by TCStarwind
Hey look, guys! We have another sand pet! 8D Blah. It can go join the (aisha, was it?) in it's boring and totally not biscuit-ness.

Tyrannian is... I dunno... On one hand, I want to like it. The wings and the horns are way too much together, but without them, it still looks weird. For whatever reason, the head looks incredibly odd without the horns, so maybe just get rid of the tumor-ridden wings (and the green royalty sash), and it'll be alright. Adding claws to the back feet would be incredible. Otherwise, I like the stripes, color, and macho-fur. I think I kinda want one... o_O

Re: Tyrannian and Biscuit Gelerts

Posted: 06 Mar 2010 03:52 am
by Crystalame
I actually think that, compared to *a few of the colors we've been getting lately (read: Baby Lutari), the Tyrannian Gelert is actually pretty nice.

IMO, at least. Also, it looks way better without the sash.

Re: Tyrannian and Biscuit Gelerts

Posted: 06 Mar 2010 03:54 am
by Gazella Dama
Way too much going on with the Tyrannian for my tastes, but I do really love the brindle-like stripes it has going on underneath all the crazy. I wish the other bits were removable so I could get myself a greyhound-themed Neopet.

Re: Tyrannian and Biscuit Gelerts

Posted: 06 Mar 2010 04:56 am
by luvas
My gut reaction...


My reaction after examining the pet(s)...

Ookay, let's see here...We got a, um, Tiger-Striped, Tarzan-esque, sheep-horned, bat-winged, HAIRY A** beast.
Perfect idea, but such horrible execution because the creature is EVERYTHING at once! I think it would be much better off if they settled on a single theme instead, like removing the horns and Tarzan Cloth, and maybe making the legs and face look less furry, so that it would not look like a dog wearing Fluffy Women's Boots.

Removing one part of this beastie would make him excellent, which is possible with some wearables, so it still gets a thumbs-up from me. It just looks so...Un-Tyrannian, which is a shame cause I like Tyrannia as a theme myself.

The Biscuit Gelert is an absolute insult to Biscuit pets of old - It is not 1% cookie. However, it instead looks like a Sand-Coloured Gelert, with no biscuit influence (Almost like another Desert colour) so I think that it is good on its own.

cheepers wrote:I edited away the wings and horns. I'm very disappointed that the Tyrannian gelert has the wings and horns. It looks really nice without them. I really like that it looks "thicker" than average gelerts. I think the bear legs and the sash covering the torso give the illusion that it is built heavier and thicker than usual. I like that idea for Tyrannian pets. If only the wings and horns weren't there ):


Shame, it looks nice that way. (sorry about the background color)
That looks much better :)

Re: Tyrannian and Biscuit Gelerts

Posted: 06 Mar 2010 07:11 am
by Kinesthesia
The Tyrannian Gelert has too much going on at once for my liking but without the wings or horns it does look a little better and I do like the stripe pattern it has.

Biscuit is pretty much like everyone said already sand. To me it almost looks someone started on it but got distracted up right to the deadline said screw it and just uploaded the ugly unfinished version. It could make for a nice plain base to customize though.

Re: Tyrannian and Biscuit Gelerts

Posted: 06 Mar 2010 11:40 am
by Faun
I like tyrannian. I like how busy it is. I would probably consider getting one. It does look better without the wings but I think that I like the horns. I don't even see the point in that green sash.

Biscuit, Is sand. It is one of the most boring pets I have ever seen. It is a pretty colour though.

Re: Tyrannian and Biscuit Gelerts

Posted: 06 Mar 2010 03:11 pm
by MeZergy
I KIND OF like the Tyrannian Gelert. I wouldn't mind if the Lab Ray gave me one. It is a little busy, but the color scheme is nice and the striped fur is grrrrrowl!

Re: Tyrannian and Biscuit Gelerts

Posted: 07 Mar 2010 03:10 am
by Rah
Tyrannian: I don't understand it but I love it. It's so absolutely mental! I just want to draw it xD

Re: Tyrannian and Biscuit Gelerts

Posted: 07 Mar 2010 11:19 pm
by Chat-Alors
I'm not crazy for either one of these colors. The Tyrannian is much too busy for my liking, the wings being the main culprit here. Their placement is very odd, and they don't look like they're actually attached to the body. Of course, this has been a problem with many of the winged neopets post-customization. TNT really ought to work on that. :x

I also don't care for the horns. They look very out of place with the ears coming from the top of the head. If these two elements -- the wings and the horns -- were removed, as in Cheepers's picture, I think I would like this design a whole lot more. However, I would still find it to be a rather shoddy display. I don't think this design is one of TNT's best. :( The only thing I'm really fond of is the stripes.

As for the biscuit, when I saw it in the news, I wasn't even sure what color it was until I read the caption. Without chocolate chips or some other kind of culinary decoration, it just looks tan. It's flat, boring, and not even recognizable as a cookie. The only aspect that even hints at it being biscuit is the texture, but even that comes across more as sand, like others have said.

Overall, a very disappointing Gelert Day, I think. :(

Re: Tyrannian and Biscuit Gelerts

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 01:43 am
by Kantark
I weakened :-D

The first thing he said after he was painted was "Today doesn't seem to be a very good day".