Altador Cup 2011

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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by jinola »

I don't like the new yooyuball either. I'm just running around the field and trying to catch the damned ball. I think, I'm playing the other games this year like make some noise.

I joined Darigan again, the third time.
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by invaderhorizongreen »

ugh with all the YYB reports coming in i will call it quits this year for the cup. I am not supporting any team as i hate the slushie side game and YYB was the quickest way for me to go up in rank.
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by champagnesoup »

Good point on the Neopets Facebook page - surely this makes life a lot harder for lefthanded players? I'm righthanded but I still hate it, so clunky and slow and just plain awful. I really enjoyed YYB before this and now it's just terrible. Why could they not have made it possible to use the mouse OR arrow keys, like with Hasee Bounce?
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by Laniv »

So I joined Shenkuu for the third time in a row. At one point I was tempted to join Terror Mountain.
Yooyuball sucks this year. Half the time, everyone's running around like decapitated chickens.
Why on earth would they put in powerups? They don't hurt, but they don't help either.
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

From Facebook: ... 0382616034
Wow! We've sure gotten quite a response to the new version of Yooyuball.

Trust us, we understand that it may take some time to get used to the new version of the game. However, we are confident that with more practice, you'll get a feel for the game and the new controls. It took us a bit of time to get used to it ourselves. This is why we give you time to practice before the Altador Cup officially begins!

Please be sure to read the instructions for the game while you practice. It seems like many of you are frustrated because the correct controls aren't quite apparent to you yet. Here are a few helpful tips:

- If you press the space bar, you can steal the ball from your opponent.

- You *can* still shoot the ball at an angle into the goal. The ball will shoot straight depending on the direction you are moving. So if you are actively moving while you let go, the ball will go in the direction you are running.

- If you let go of the arrow keys and stop running before you shoot, the ball will shoot horizontally. If you want to shoot at an angle, be sure you are still moving!

- Be sure to try the different formations to see which one compliments your game-playing skills the most. This will be different for each of you.

- Keep your eyes open for power-ups on the field!

We appreciate your feedback and your overwhelming enthusiasm and support you show for the Altador Cup every year. While we understand that big changes on the site are disconcerting for many players, we put a lot of thought and effort behind the changes to Yooyuball to make the game more dynamic, interesting, and less repetitive. It has only been out for a small while -- just give it some time :)
Now, i'm not sure if this will help, but hopefully it will. I wish they had posted this on their news or announcement board.
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by zebru »

Did you know you can steal the ball from opponents goalie while there is a number countdown over his head? And than when you steal it 90% of the time goalie conveniently moves to the side you you just slide the ball in. (in other words just walk your player into the goal and click enter repeatedly while opponent's goalie is in possession of the ball).
Once I figured that out my scores went from 6:3 to like 15:2.

It wouldn't have occurred to me to do it until practice team player did the same to my goalie. Since you know, not something you should be allowed to do in a game involving a goalkeeper and a net.
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by Rakumel »

Fjorab_Teke wrote:From Facebook: ... 0382616034
Wow! We've sure gotten quite a response to the new version of Yooyuball.
"Golly, you kids know a LOT of four-letter words!"
We appreciate your feedback and your overwhelming enthusiasm and support you show for the Altador Cup every year. While we understand that big changes on the site are disconcerting for many players, we put a lot of thought and effort behind the changes to Yooyuball to make the game more dynamic, interesting, and less repetitive. It has only been out for a small while -- just give it some time :)

If by "dynamic" they mean "moves around so much that it's nigh impossible to tell what the hell's going on most of the time," then yes, they certainly accomplished that.

I like that the players are controlled with the arrow keys instead of the mouse now, but there's so much else that drives me crazy about the new game (like the automatic switching of players AUUUUGH WHO THOUGHT THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA DD:< ) that overall, I can't say I like it. Lining up my shots and moving around the field got easier with practice, true, but that doesn't mean it's easy, period. I've never stolen the ball because by the time I've figured out who I'm controlling, the player on the opposing team's already passed it. And so far, none of the touted power-ups have really helped me all that much.

I'll give it a little more time, sure. But something tells me I'll be doing more slushie slinging than anything else this year. Went with Krawk Island again, btw.
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by DamionDarkheart »

I actually really like the new version... it's mad annoying always having to fight off people trying to steal (you can push space to dash as though you were going to steal even if you have the ball), but I find it easier to score with everything but the Darigan ball. You just have to angle your shot. Annoying, yes. 'WAHHH THEY MADE IT IMPOSSIBLE', no.
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by Kantark »

The Editorial wrote:TNT, I'm very concerned about the amount of time ONE game of Yooyuball takes. In years past the timer would continue to count down during the cutscenes. Also, we could choose to skip the cutscenes (allowing us more time to score). With this new version, we're not allowed to skip them AND the timer just stops. As a result, for every goal we make, the game time increases. A lot of us are spending ten minutes on a single game. This makes All-Star quite a bit harder to reach. Could you please fix the timer and cutscenes to work how they did in the past? ~emberfusion
Yup, we're already looking into the timing issue. It's supposed to be the same as it was last year, where the time continues to tick down during the cutscenes (or it just removes the full block of time if you skip). You shouldn't be penalised for scoring goals!

However, you should already be able to skip cutscenes. There's a bit of text that pops up at the bottom of every scene that says, "Press Any Key to Continue." If you're not seeing that at all, please submit a Support ticket and let us know which operating system, browser, and Flash version you're using, as well as what happens during the cutscenes. (Does it play the whole scene without that text? What happens if you press a key? Etc.) That will help us figure out what's up!

Also, heads up that we've added WASD controls in the next build for you lefties and are looking into a glitch with the auto switching that we've been hearing about. We hope to have all of these changes in before the tournament starts or shortly thereafter. *fingers crossed* We'll announce in New Features when the game has been updated on the live site.
So... a different key set for cack-handers is in the pipeline, good good. And (I hope I'm not treading on toes posting this here) RD has published a post on her LJ from a user who now cannot play Yooyuball at all due to accessibility problems with control moving from the mouse to the keyboard (which I'll admit is not something that had crossed my mind, but must be affecting quite a number of users especially since Yooyuball was the only AC game available with non-keyboard controls)
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by FaerieInGrey »

I have some trouble with the new version since it's keyboard-only and I have pretty bad carpal tunnel in my hands/wrists. Not quite as bad as some people have, but it makes use of the arrow keys (or wasd) for extended amounts of time both painful and certainly against medical advice...

For people who have game lagging problems, here is a link to a low-resolution version: ... uality=low

It's pretty zippy in comparison :)
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by Ailiel »

I've always thought it's really strange to have a major site event center around how well you can play ONE GAME-- and a pretty repetitive, poorly designed, mediocre game at that. There are way better games in the Neopets arsenal, but old yooyuball was not one of them. New version isn't either.

I agree that it's not impossible-- I got the hang of the new game quick enough. But the fact is that they've really improved nothing, and made the controls a lot LESS intuitive if that's even possible. And don't get me started on the active player jumping around being whoever is closest to the ball, that is beyond irritating. It makes the power ups pretty much useless, because I can't make an executive decision to head for one before I'm snapped away to another player. And completely forget the goalie-- I am always trying to intercept the ball with some player when the other team takes a shot, and then that leaves my goalie straining in whatever direction I was pushing-- inevitably no where near blocking the ball.

But as long as I follow a pretty set routine in the beginning I can usually avoid all that confusion and get the ball in within ten seconds or so. But if I mess up that routine in any way, it's pretty tedious to try and take control again.

Tedious is the word, really. A whole site event around one crappy game is just RIDICULOUS. The reason why my altador cup participation record is spotty. I also hate that it happens every year. Remember when site events were fun and varied? A trophy EVERY year for this? Bleh.

My blood pressure's up, must be Altador Cup time!
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by Madge »

After reading all the posts here complaining about the new YYB I was reluctant to give it a shot, but I just tried it in the low quality version and I didn't really see anything wrong with it. But maybe that's just because I followed Zebru's strategy of stealing the ball from the goalie and then shooting a goal :P

I think the controls are fine now - and were fine before. The auto switching between players is surprisingly accurate/helpful, but hard to predict. The players you're not controlling seem to run along with the ball too, which is kind of neat. I do think this perspective *seems* more exciting/dynamic - because old YYB was awful and repetitive and the opponent's AI SUCKED. I think TNT was kind of damned if you do damned if you don't with this - nobody would have liked the old YYB to stay around for any reason other than they were used to it, right? I mean does anybody honestly think YYB was a fun game to play?

I can see how the keyboard might make it less accessible to some people, but arrow keys + spacebar is a well-trod combination so you can't really fault them for the oversight. Perhaps they'll introduce a new mouse-only game?
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by Cranberry »

Joined Roo Island again just because I have every other year. I'm sick of the Altador Cup, though, and while I didn't find the new version of the game too hard, I still didn't enjoy playing it. I'll play just enough for a trophy this year.
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

You know, the team customization frames alone are pretty enough for me to consider this year's installation worth it. :-) I'm going to go around and collect one of each.

As for playing? Maybe a few of each game. I may or may not pour much effort into it unless the trophies are nice enough to try for them.
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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Post by Xelio »

I'm feeling torn. I hate the new YYB (being on a laptop, I can't shoot at angles, as for some reason it's not letting me do arrow keys and press the space bar at the same time) but I wager the top prize this year will be a desert paint brush. Seems that in previous years a paintbrush themed around the reigning champions was given as the top prize, like with last year's pirate paint brush. (Kick myself still I didn't play enough to get one.) If that be the case, I'd love to have a back-up desert paint brush for one of my pets I have active whenever I turn in a faerie quest, just in case Boochi came along. It's sad that generally just the top paintbrush prize is generally the only one worth the effort of getting. At least with the last plot there were several spiffy prizes with the range of petpets, paintbrush, BD and wearables and random junk.
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
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