Reading Drive

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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Ierosbats »

I'm actually kind of nervous about how the prize shop is going to be handled. I know it's the unpopular opinion, but I hope all the old prizes are retired this year. I don't trust that their costs will be scaled appropriately to the new point system.

Like Wings said, I already have more points than the Malice cost last time, and I did it by spending very little. In fact, I already have more than double what it cost last time. Right now, I have just under 950 points, and that's only from what I had sitting around in my shops/vault, and from filling in gaps by buying anything under 300k. I don't think I've spent more than 7 mil, and I already have nearly 1000 points. There must be people out there who have been preparing for this all year, people who have all the books I have, plus more (I never bother turning in expensive ones. I read those ones to my battle pet). I think this time around, it will be very manageable to get over 1000 points.

I think if the old prizes stay in, the cost of them needs to double, if not triple. If I'd bought a Malice for 400 points last time (and I think most people who did had to spend the majority of their points on it) and this time it was only 500 or 600 points, I'd be pissed. There's even an achievement for having one! It was a Big Deal to buy one. My understanding is that compared to some newer weapons, it's not *as* great of an item anymore, but it's certainly not worthless. Even if they introduce some new top prizes, I think the Malice and other formerly-top-tiered prizes still need to hold some prestige. I'm a little nervous about the One Ring. That was the big ticket item I bought last time (after months of deliberation). I use it all the time, and I don't care what the price of it is because I'm not going to sell it, but I'll be really irritated if people get it for much cheaper than what everyone had to pay to get it last time.

I get that it would be very frustrating for new players to not have access to the old prizes, especially if they've been saving up books all year in the hopes of buying some. It will also be very frustrating, however, for all the old players if their work from years past is completely ignored this year because of the new system. To be clear, I think the new system is better, but I think if the point structure is starting from scratch, the prizes should too.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Wingsrising »

I disagree. Speaking as an old(er) player and someone who wasted about 25 million sP on prizes after the first Reading Drive before I found out that the prizes were going to be re-used... I really want to see them keep the old prizes. I'm so tired of the restock wars and other site events where so many players can get only a fraction of what they want, and then never have another chance at any of the prizes. There are so many beautiful Reading Drive prizes and so few possible points, it's very hard to get everything you want the first time around. (There are even some older prizes I'd like to pick up myself, for the treasures of pets I didn't have yet last time around.)

The reasons you mentioned are why I was wondering if they were going to re-price it, though. I was actually wondering that even before the new point system just because so many new books have come out since last time around.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Ierosbats »

Yeah, I actually agree completely. I think in a perfect system, the old prizes would stay, and just be adjusted accordingly for the new points. I have friends who want some of the old items, and I really hope they get them. My issue is just that... Subeta doesn't exactly have the best track record for dealing with this kind of situation in the most professional way. I know everyone is sick to death of hearing/thinking about it, but... the Islander/Pirate prize shop fiasco is hard to forget.

I was thinking about this earlier today and really, a feature like the Hustler shouldn't have to exist. In Subeta's screwy economy, I'm glad it does, and I've used it many times, but the fact that he often sells Islander prizes because so few people were able to get them the first time around? It's messed up. I think it's a useful feature for really old items, or rare trivia prizes, that sort of thing, but every time he has a hibiscus flower or shell anklet or something, I can't help but be reminded of the disaster that was the end of that event.

So yes, I'm with you 100%. Ideally, I think the prizes should stay. I just have zero faith in The Powers That Be to keep the prizes consistent and fair from the old system to the new one, so I'm leaning towards "Leave the old prizes alone!" instead. Maybe it can't be helped, that this year will just be an awkward transition year and next year everyone will be more prepared. The points are so significantly different this year that I honestly can't envision this working out well for everyone, beyond just the usual "You can't please everyone" that we all know to expect. The prices are either going to be way too high, or way too low, I fear. I honestly hope I'm wrong, I really do. I hope they work out a fair system where the older players don't feel cheated but the newer players still get what they want, but... I just don't know what we can reference to be assured of that.

And for the record, I'm not just trying to play Devil's Advocate, here. It really is something I'm concerned about. I don't know why this whole thing bugs me as much as it does, but... hey, that's how it goes. I just want people to get what they worked for. For me, what it comes down to is that I don't want anyone to feel like something they worked really hard for was a waste of time, or like their time was worth less than someone else's. When you run a petsite, you're in the business of making your dedicated players feel appreciated, and hopefully that's kept in mind when they adjust the prizes people worked so hard to get last year. Fingers crossed!
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Wingsrising »

OT: Hustler sells Islander/Pirate items? Often enough to be worth playing? Those are some of the other WL items I've been laying out a lot on. I had wondered why suddenly you can find them in the shops (albeit for a LOT of sP) and I guess that must be why.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Ierosbats »

Oh, not like... the Official Hustler, but the little area of the cash shop he runs.

It updates randomly and he sells items underrepresented in the market for 250 csc.

There's a group here you can join that will ping you when he updates. It fluctuates from happening nearly every day, to not updating for weeks. The pinging can be helpful, he often sells out in minutes, especially when he's selling Islander stuff.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by bonecrivain »

I think it actually went up to 300 CSC recently, which is a bit of an annoyance, since I'm less likely to have that amount on hand when the Islander prizes do show up. Initially, it seemed like a temporary rise in the price, and I thought it would go back to 250, but the last few were all 300. (Another Keith decision that doesn't make a whole lot of sense? Surprising.)

I agree, though; I guess it's a bit off-topic, but it's hard to resist referencing past event planning failures when you're talking about your worries for how a current one will progress. I don't have a strong opinion on the availability of the old reading drive prizes. There are a few I'd like to grab this time around if I have a chance, but I won't be terribly distraught if I don't manage to get them. I am concerned, though, that the inflated points for this drive will be reflected TOO well in the price levels of the new items. I can't help imagining all of the new prizes being set at 500-1000 points, with the previous ones staying at their old (and suddenly far more buyable) prices. I've already started thinking things like, "Well, if I don't need or can't afford any of the new things, at least I'll be able to grab a Malice or two." In previous years, the Malice was far out of my reach, so it is a little strange to have it feel like more of a consolation prize this time around.

I think I'm going to aim for 950 points this time, which is doable without spending a whole lot of money on books. I already had a lot of books stockpiled, waiting for this event, and went through subetalodge again this weekend (which, by the way, is SO TIRING aghhh all that clicking). I'm excited to see the new items. A little nervous, too, but I'm hoping the price levels are managed well this time around.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Rakumel »

Re: the prices on prizes:

Even though this is my first year participating in the Reading Drive, I still probably wouldn't have too much of a problem with them going up if I knew in advance that it was for certain going to happen. Right now I'm setting my goals based on the prices currently showing in the price shop, because I assume that's where they're going to stay...and I'm assuming that because I haven't heard anything official to make me think otherwise. If they wait until the shop actually opens to readjust the prices, and I fall short of my goals not because I didn't work at them but because someone decided at the last minute to double the price of everything without telling anyone, then I will be pissed.

If they're going to adjust the prices, they need to do it NOW (and by now I don't mean right this minute, I mean before the shop opens), or at least give a heads up in the news or on the main Reading Drive page (not just on the forums, damn it!) that the prices currently showing in the shop are subject to change due to the new point system. That way we can all plan accordingly.

Right now I'm at 132 points out of the 400 I need for wishlist items (add another 225 points for prizes I'd like to have, but don't absolutely need). Total's real piddly because I only saved a few books beforehand, and I don't find restocking terribly exciting, so I have to kind of do it a bit at a time.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Kali_Lupine »

I've heard that the hustler is going back to 250CSC (Ali read it somewhere on the forums) which I am glad of as I am a bit of a Hustler stalker ^_^

I still need a few things from the old prizes...I really hope that they don't change the prices. I didn't try really hard last book drive and don't have any of the really expensive items. But, being the way I am, I'd rather everyone get what they want rather than some people feeling like they tried hard last time only for it to become easier this time.

For example, when the Limited Edition Delish stuff came out, I bought every item from the cash shop, plus extras for pet's TCs. Then they were stuck in the free shop. Rather than being upset, I was very excited that I could try and grab some extras for friends.

Anyway, that's just me.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Jessi »

You heard right, Kali, the Hustler did drop back down to 250CSC - I guess they were trying to figure out which prices worked the best and went back down to that.

I think it'd be best to assume that the prices will change in the reading drive shop and not necessarily rely on the old prices - because yes, the 400 points for the Malice would be a little questionable now. I have close to 1000 points and I've turned in most of the books I planned on (decided to sell a lot of my old cash shop books, haha) - so dishing out 400 points for it would be really, really silly. The reading drive shop has NEVER been updated during the actual turning-in-books stage of the reading drive so I doubt that's going to change now.

And not trying to get off topic, but I LOVE the cash shop hustler - most of the time. Sometimes it releases things that make me go "huh?" but for the most part, I love it - and not just to get old pirate/islander items, but I've managed to grab some old free gifts/trivia items as well, which is why I think it's rather useful. Also, Kali, your attitude always makes me smile xD You are so sweet and thoughtless!

ETA - Lindsey has told me wrong and says the prices of the battle items that are going to change already HAVE changed - and I just double checked and sure enough, a lot of the prices have changed. The Malice has only gone up 100 points, from 400 to 500, and the One Ring has changed to 150, etc. I'm sure to match their 'usefulness' as battle items as well as reflect the new system. So yes, @Rakumel, some prices are already updated (though I don't know if all of them have been, of course!)
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Seerow »

I got 1082 for the books I had stockpiled, about 540 all together. I still have a few more in random places that I need to hunt down later, and I'd like to get to a more even number of points, but I'm happy.
I'm especially happy that since some stuff has already got their updated price and the malice isn't say 1000 points now, I should hopefully be able to get quite a bit of the items I want and not have to shell out more sp like in previous years buying points off others. Super excited to see all the new items going to be released this year :D
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Wingsrising »

So it has already gone up? Interesting. I guess I don't clearly remember how much stuff cost before.

Rakumel: I'd make sure you have extra points for all the cool new stuff that will likely be released. :-) If you don't like RSing, I'd just buy them in user shops. Maybe I'm wrong (we've just verified I don't remember how much stuff used to cost) but my impression is that only rare/special/etc. books really inflate much, I assume because everyone spends so much time RSing, vending, etc. books during the Reading Drive. One of the new books I've been watching because it was on my WL has already dropped 15k since before the start of the drive. Granted, it's a new book so it was deflating anyway, but still.

OT: Oh, the CS Hustler! I'd forgotten he existed. Pinging? How does that work?
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Rakumel »

Looks like I just need to plan on getting extra anyway, hm. That's fine. I've actually been doing okay just going down the list of books on Subeta hq and buying the relatively inexpensive ones. Still a little shy of the 400-point mark, but...I really think I need to just stop for a while. How long does the book drive usually last?
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Wingsrising »

Yep. That's two Drive's worth of prizes in the shop now, so if we're really lucky we could get 1/3 again as much cool stuff to buy when the shop updates. :-)

I don't recall how long it lasted in the past, but more than just a few days.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Kali_Lupine »

^_^ awwwwww Jessi thanks! *kicks dirt* I just really, really love giving gifts

anyway, i am super, super excited about this years drive. I wasn't really into a lot of fiction books last time, I mostly only read true crime and other non fiction...but I am a die hard literary fiction fan now. I will seriously freak out if there are items from any of the like 100 or so books I have read in the last year heh heh.

Edit: I LOVE the cash shop hustler, I've only even been able to get a few islander things...but I have been able to grab a few wishlist items for myself, as well as gifts for friends. Also random things like the Burnanator (spelling?) that I grabbed for some reason that I can't quite figure out @_@ it's still sitting in my vault. *pokes*
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Griffin »

Well, I hit my goal of 1000 points, and it only cost me about 26m. x_x I got around 470 points from my stashed books, then I bought the remaining books under 400k, and the last hundred points were from 500-800k books. I kinda wish we could see the prizes before taking a dive like that, but even if I don't want anything I guess I can just buy the elite weapons to resell. I suspect stronger weapons may come out this time.
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