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Posted: 11 Jul 2006 07:13 am
by bolebeau
I like the poses, the colour and the idea of the design. I'm not really a fan of the red in the face. It looks rather... flustered? That, or it hung out with his faerie buddies all night and got drunk as heck.

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 07:22 am
by gidget
I have to admit that I winced when I saw the phrase "Faerie Tuskaninny." But it works much, much better than I expected. :)

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 07:49 am
by Mistress Morbid
gidget wrote:I have to admit that I winced when I saw the phrase "Faerie Tuskaninny." But it works much, much better than I expected. :)
Ditto..but I don't think I 'un-winced' once I saw it. Eh, something about the face just bothers me. I really don't like Tuskaninnies. I wish they could just make them more like a seal instead of some freakish human-faced....thing.

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 07:49 am
by Ierosbats
Yellow is quite easily my least favourite colour. So that's a shame. Still, lovely pet.

Apparently I'm in the minority, but I adore the hair. I think it's my favourite aspect of this pet. It's really... flippy. Cute.

The head seems sort of awkward in a lot of poses, especially angry, but I think that's mostly because the pose itself is awkward. Don't get me wrong, I like the pose, I hate when faerie pets look like they can't actually fly, it's just sort of strange overall. I really like how the tail bends in the circle pose.

I sort of want one, but not enough to pay for one. I'd gladly keep one from the lab, but there are a couple things that bug me a little too much to actually paint one by hand.

I can't wait to see some fanart, they look really fun to draw. Maybe I'll go do that now.

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 07:52 am
by Ruud
Nice work :) But I don't like Tuskaninny's at all :P

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 07:57 am
by Phlizz
gidget wrote:I have to admit that I winced when I saw the phrase "Faerie Tuskaninny."
That was my reaction, too; but this is surprisingly well done. After staring at it for ages I still can't quite warm to it, though - I think that's because however nicely it might be drawn, a winged walrus is something that's just never going to appeal to me. I might have liked it a bit better in the more usual pastel faerie colours, but probably not; and it is nice to have something different (although it does remind me of the Faerie Pteri. A walrus that's trying to be a phoenix!).

The orange markings around the eyes strike me as odd; rather like a mask. Combine that with the bright colours and the ability to fly, and this makes me think Superhero Tuskaninny rather than Faerie Tuskaninny.

Overall though, a nice addition to Tuskas :) a species I'm somewhat partial to, so I'm glad to see them getting some (more) good redraws (I've always loved Robot and Tyrannian, and own both).

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 08:07 am
by phoebemittens
Hmm, I like it. The colours are gorgeously warm, and I have no problem with the hair, either. I'm less keen on the treatment of the flippers - very flipperlike in the happy pose, very much like arms in the angry pose. But it's a small quibble.

If Tuskaninnies didn't have such a "punch me" expression on their faces, I'd consider getting one of these.

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 08:36 am
by tigerlilyleah
gidget wrote:I have to admit that I winced when I saw the phrase "Faerie Tuskaninny." But it works much, much better than I expected. :)
Me too, it surprised me nicely :)


Posted: 11 Jul 2006 09:40 am
by Deku
I don't like it. The hair bothers me, the awkward pose bothers me, the face bothers me. The colouring around its eyes make it look like it's blushing or something :?. I like the colour scheme, though, and the different wings.

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 10:09 am
by Trick
First reaction? I hate it.

Second reaction? I love the sad pose. I like the ranged pose. I like the colours.

This makes me hate it all the more as I can't stand pets with circle/happy poses I hate. The head looks disconnected which makes the whole pose look awkward. Also it looks somewhat like a shopkeeper. The colour scheme and sad pose are lovely but the happy and circle poses seriously bother me :/

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 10:15 am
by Silverevilchao
Wow, I love the colors, love the look that it's underwater yet's so pretty.

But, I hope this doesn't make the Faerie Paint Brush price inflate even more...

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 11:44 am
by daisybell
I'm very much mixed on this one. I do like the colours, which is odd, because usually I don't like yellow and orange (and to me, the yellow colour of the body is very different from the default yellow tuskie, it's much brighter and more golden). I don't like the poses it's in for happy and circle, among others- as Trick said, the head is somehow a bit off, plus it's awkward the way the wings and flippers are so close to each other. And I don't like the anthropomorphism of the flippers into arms and fists much, either, though plenty of other tuskaninnies are drawn like this. Maybe it's the elbows. I don't like the hair, to me it looks like it's swum through some red seaweed and got it stuck on its head.

I like the smoothness and shinyness of the body and wings, except where the mouth and eyes are unusually angular for a tuskie. I like the way it's not trying to sit or stand, but is floating/flying (I would rather it was floating, but either way works). I really like the flippers in the sad pose, which overall is my favourite pose.

I do think the wings have been done well, compared to the faerie koi and flotsam this is really good but it's just not for me, I guess.

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 12:21 pm
by lavender
It has really nice colors.... and I think that's all I like. :?

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 01:10 pm
by Jessi
I don't want to lie and say I LOVE IT and be the odd man out, eheh. What I do love are the angry and sad poses. Oh, and the colors - I happen to LOVE yellow, orange and red together, so I'm pleased. And the pattern on the face is both pretty and non-distracting.

I hate the happy/circle pose though, and the hair... wtf is up with the hair?

edit - okay, I'm a douchebag, they always have hair, I just suck at 7 AM ;_;; bahhhh.

Posted: 11 Jul 2006 01:39 pm
by Cheese
jessibean wrote:wtf is up with the hair? It looks so.. random. I guess they decided a faerie pet wasn't a good pet to leave smooth-headed? O_o; Kind of retarded if you ask me.

Maybe if they ever redo the faerie kiko, they'll give it a wig.
...They always have hair.