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Posted: 09 Dec 2006 11:44 pm
by AngharadTy
Kidnemo wrote:Conker's Bad Fur is fun at first but it does get silly.
Isn't that... y'know... the entire point of the game? ;P

Posted: 10 Dec 2006 12:01 am
by EofS
I absolutely loved Snowbow Kids. Think it was called Snowboard Kids in the UK release. You need a memory card though if you want to actually save your game progress.

Otherwise, I think you've got the most important ones covered.

Posted: 16 Dec 2006 10:30 pm
by nanabobo567
Yeah, the stupidity of Conker's Bad Fur Day is just the kind of thing you need. Pokémon Snap is a really awsome one. Also, I'd get Kirby 64, not because it's a good Kirby game (or good at all), but because any game where you can shoot missles out of your mouth and tear your face off to throw it is okay with me.