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Posted: 28 Apr 2007 03:23 am
by Iggy
TCD wrote:
Sagrei wrote:
Iggy wrote:Obviously, these guys have never checked what happened if you searched "Neopets" on YouTube or MySpace.
Not going to look. Not going to look. Really not going to look.
Nothing dirty, at least not on the first page of Youtube. A couple of "Get Cheats Here!" pages, but that's it.
In the past, there were some PATHETIC drama crsis about people who got frozen know...SO deserved it.

Obscene RPers, multi-accounters (They froze all 47 of my accounts) and cheaters.


Posted: 28 Apr 2007 03:24 am
by NyauNyau
The drama people on youtube was hilarious

I really hope they don't go bankrupt..:| My main concern being the know, the artists, the programmers, those people.. D:

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 03:29 am
by uberstav

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 03:31 am
by PharaonicQuiche
... What? No, seriously, what? How did all of this happen? Just a few days ago, it was Neopets as usual and now they've got the layout/revamps from hell and Neopet videos in beta? I can't even begin to imagine what sort of videos would be appropriate- pft, I can't even imagine the toddler to preteen audience they're apparently trying to target having video cameras and making up songs for Neopets.

If this is real, hello giant waste of space and time.

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 03:36 am
by Kidnemo
That is... the stupidiest idea ever.

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 03:42 am
by Rivka

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 03:44 am
by NyauNyau
@________X ROFLMAO

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 04:13 am
by Jessi

I wish i hadn't read this.

Fuck. God damnit, I was one of those people saying 'lets wait and see where this goes!" when Viacom/MTV/whoever took over Neopets.

I'm eating those words now.

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 04:19 am
by Symmie
I would... get mad about this but I'm laughing too hard.

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 04:23 am
by Fullmetal Dragon
What the freaking... ugh. What are these videos supposed to be -about- then, anyway? They already have the random contest for songs and neopet-related crap like this. WHY. WHY, NEOPETS, WHY. Waste of time, space, effort, and probably money too. *sputters incoherently*

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 04:26 am
by Usul_Princess
......Subetocolours anyone?

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 04:38 am
by Wysteria
April Fool's joke.

It has to be.

No corporation alienates its target market this way. It's stupid. they?

Agh, world, stop making me cynical.

(Eight year olds, last I checked, did not have the skills to make videos. Eighteen year olds won't, I hope, bother. Who is this aimed at?)

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 04:47 am
by varii
Wysteria wrote:
(Eight year olds, last I checked, did not have the skills to make videos. Eighteen year olds won't, I hope, bother. Who is this aimed at?)
When I was 13 my best friend and I made a Hee-larious claymation video of an aisha dancing to Young MCs 'Bust a Move' for a class related project. But we may or may not have been under the influence of a certain illegal substance. So...maybe those kids?

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 04:48 am
by Alicorn They are trying to become like my space. I mean it's bad enough haveing to put up with peoples shops, lookups and petlooks with a bunch of mis-matching, animation on animation, makes your eyes explode lay outs. Now we'll have to put up with videos too. I mean I know I won't be doing it myself. Then there is the chance of haveing some really fun neopets videos. Makes me wonder though. Shall these videos be on lookups that will start playing when you look at the lookup or will they be a seprate link. If they have a seprate link that will take you to where you can see the videos, so you have the choice to view them or no, then it won't be so bad. I don't really get why they are doing this. They are probally wanting to get into the in thing or something. I know I won't bother with it.

That video was quiet cute. Gave me a good giggle! ^_^

Posted: 28 Apr 2007 05:00 am
by bonecrivain
What's weird is that watching that video makes me incredibly sad. At first I was laughing at it, then I got really quiet and wistful. Even though it's a bunch of Neopets dancing to a Shakira song, it reminded me in a lot of ways of why I loved that site. I spent over 7 years on Neopets. That's a really long time, and I have a lot of memories attached to those pixels.

This is just...sad. It's kind of awful how disappointing all of this is.