The Golden Compass

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Post by danceu4ia »

tallan wrote: Oh, and he told us about this letter he'd got, that I will never forget, and which included a picture of a squirrel. The letter went something like "See this squirrel? Isn't it absolutely adorable? Don't you just want to hug it and pet it? IF YOU DON'T FINISH YOUR BOOK SOON, THIS SQUIRREL WILL DIE."
GENIUS. Why did I not think of doing this to multiple authors? *Grumbles about Chris Paolini being slow*

And I am now SO looking forward to December...just when I thought there would be one disappointing boxoffice winter season (now that HP and LOTR are done)
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Post by ladynight6 »

tallan wrote: Oh, and he told us about this letter he'd got, that I will never forget, and which included a picture of a squirrel. The letter went something like "See this squirrel? Isn't it absolutely adorable? Don't you just want to hug it and pet it? IF YOU DON'T FINISH YOUR BOOK SOON, THIS SQUIRREL WILL DIE."
He told us that story too! :D It cracked me up

I read the books years ago, in Finnish. I need to re-read them soon, but the movie has got me a bit worried. Usually movie versions of books don't turn out that well, and I'm really worried about the Daemons. How are they going to do those well? But I'm still going to see the movie! :D I wish they had used the European title of "The Northern Lights" though... :(
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Post by Spivsy »

yeah, I was a bit sad about the golden compass, it's such a crappy title. So...Bland.
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Post by ladynight6 »

Spivsy wrote:yeah, I was a bit sad about the golden compass, it's such a crappy title. So...Bland.
Worst part for me is that in the Finnish books it's also "The Golden Compass" *headdesk* People, we are the country of Northern Lights, we could have used the original title!
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Post by Cranberry »

ladynight6 wrote:
I read the books years ago, in Finnish. I need to re-read them soon, but the movie has got me a bit worried. Usually movie versions of books don't turn out that well, and I'm really worried about the Daemons. How are they going to do those well?
Did you watch the (newish) 5 minutes of footage? It features Pan (talking!), Roger's daemon, Asriel's snow leopard, Coulter's golden monkey, a host of dogs and a few other animals. They look pretty good to me.
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Post by ladynight6 »

Cranberry wrote:
ladynight6 wrote:
I read the books years ago, in Finnish. I need to re-read them soon, but the movie has got me a bit worried. Usually movie versions of books don't turn out that well, and I'm really worried about the Daemons. How are they going to do those well?
Did you watch the (newish) 5 minutes of footage? It features Pan (talking!), Roger's daemon, Asriel's snow leopard, Coulter's golden monkey, a host of dogs and a few other animals. They look pretty good to me.
Ooooh thanks! :D gah...Nevermind it works now!:) Yay the daemons look neat! *phew* Man I really need to re-read the books!
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Post by Elzaim »

I cannot wait for this movie to come out!

I read the books when I was back in high school and loved them, and then - just recently - a co-worker of mine had the audio book with all three novels on it, and let me borrow it. I fell in love with this trilogy all over again.

If you ever get the chance to get your hands on the audio books for these novels, please, please listen to them! Phillup Pullman actually reads the entire thing, with different voice actors as the other characters, and it is a joy to listen to. The way he and the other actors read make you feel as if you are actually there with them - it's truly amazing. I bawled like a baby during the final chapters of the last book simply because of the emotion and feeling the actors put forth into their work.

These novels greatly influenced me religion-wise as well. Some of the things he says in the last book really hit home... and made me think long and hard about everything I'd considered as 'religious' and how I'd been brought up. These three are definite must-reads for anyone, I think.

Oh, and that 5 minutes of movie footage was bliss! Thank you for posting it, you've just made my day. :D
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Post by Officer 1BDI »

Waitwaitwait.... This awesome movie that I've been seeing previews for has really been from this "His Dark Materials" series that I've heard so many good things about?

Excuse me while I finally get off my arse and run out to buy this book.
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Post by oogabooga »

I confess to having avoided the books because of their anti-Christian viewpoint. I simply don't think I'd enjoy them. I'm fine with reading other viewpoints, but I'm not sure I could stomach a book that was specifically attacking what I believe the entire time (that may very well be a mischaracterization, all I really know is what I've heard). If they do leave religion out of the movie... maybe I'd go see it.
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Post by Twofold Black »

It's ... pretty accurate, oogabooga. When I said anti-Christian upthread, though, what I should have said was anti-Christianity. I don't get the impression Pullman has a thing against Christians as individuals, but he clearly does not like the institution of Christianity.

How they'll leave religion out of the films without neutering the story, though, I do not know.
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Post by bonecrivain »

Hmm, the third book is a bit disconcerting at points because of the anti-Christian(ity?) sentiments, but even so, I thoroughly enjoyed the trilogy. The third book falters for reasons other than his religious diatribes, I think. I loved the first two books enough to forgive the third its shortcomings. I have no idea how they'll make the third book into a movie, to be honest. It'll be interesting to see what happens when it comes to that.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Cranberry »

The (brand new!) theatrical trailer is amazing. The only thing I'm unsure about is Ian McKellen as Iorek. I love him, but the original voice they had for the bear ("I have a contract with the child") was perfect, and McKellen sounds too grandfatherly and wise for me -- Iorek's more of a wild brute. Still, like I said, it looks amazing. The wolves, the birds, the bears... so gorgeous. I can't wait.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by danceu4ia »

NO!! They changed the bears voice!!

He sounds so feeble. I can't take it...this might ruin the movie for me. :(
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Cranberry »

Yeah, it was a studio decision -- the director, Chris Weitz, was against it. It sucks.

Another thing they've apparently done is change the ending -- well, not change it, exactly; they've just moved the ending of this one to the beginning of the next one. I'm a little concerned about that, but apparently Weitz and Pullman himself discussed it and worked out how to do it... so if Pullman's okay with it, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.
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Re: The Golden Compass

Post by Wingsrising »

Having now read these books and thus feeling qualified to join the discussion...

If moving the ending means what I think it means, I'm guessing it's because there's only going to be a 2nd and 3rd movie if the 1st one does well enough. They probably don't want to end the first movie with a cliffhanger knowing that they might not get to finish the series.

I have to say I don't see how they could possibly make the next two movies and expect them to play well in a country as religiously conservative as the US. I mean, an evil church is about as shockingly original in a fantasy novel as if Will had turned out to be a long-lost king and everyone had communicated with their daemons using telepathy (indicated by dialogue in italics 'cause everyone knows telepathy is italic) but it's not something the American moviegoer is comfortable with (and of course Pullman goes a lot farther than that, but I don't want to spoil things.)
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