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Posted: 31 Aug 2007 04:18 am
by Fjorab_Teke
Oh this is nice!! But now something I wrote won't make any sense. :P Ah well.

I keep thinking I should make myself an avatar and a signature graphic. I'd have to make it recognizab;e, though, since I bet everyone's used to me having this old Space Faerie one. Being artistically inclined (but unfortunately NOT inspired for way too long), I should make something of my own...sometime.

Posted: 31 Aug 2007 04:23 am
by Xelio
I don't get it, I do decent enough with drawing, and yet, I can't do forum sets to save my life. I can't seem to make crisp boarders and interesting backgrounds to save my life. I managed to do my subeta forum set (I had to have something to stare at while doing my 100 posts for the blue building) by using a pre-programmed background in photoshop elements (the only program I have) and using various tools on it til I got lucky. I just don't have an eye or skillful hand for these things.

Posted: 31 Aug 2007 04:47 am
by Figment
Huggles wrote:Me too! Up was down. Left was right. In was out. Cheese was pudding. The world ran amok because I made a Halloween avatar.
Worst of all, Figgy's brain asploded and leaked out her ears. There was much weeping and gnashing of teeth!

Jessi, I totally have not been recognizing you ever since you changed your set. Same for Xelio as I've read through subeta. I keep reading your posts and puzzling. "Who are these new people and why do their writing styles sound so familiar to me?"

Me, I just go with a small rotating phalanx of the same half dozen avatars. Spicy change AND continuity, all rolled into one! They're a mix of the same avatars I've used for years, though, so it isn't all that different.

Oh! Also. Mr. Black, identity vertigo aside, Xelio's new set is great. I am also a card-carrying font addict, and have immediately run over to check out that site. Though, glancing at it, I think I am such a font addict that I actually already have a lot of those. PATHETIC. I don't even use the greater percentage of them... This, my friends, is why I had to buy my computer a second brain.

Posted: 31 Aug 2007 04:53 am
by Jessi
Figment wrote:Jessi, I totally have not been recognizing you ever since you changed your set. Same for Xelio as I've read through subeta. I keep reading your posts and puzzling. "Who are these new people and why do their writing styles sound so familiar to me?"
XD Well I had to change it from Hoban after one too many people told me they kept confusing Slugawoo and I, and I had to make THIS set to match my WW game... and because Lindsey drew me this cute picture and I couldn't let it go to waste *laughs* It's funny how attached to everyone's sets we get xD

Posted: 31 Aug 2007 04:56 am
by bonecrivain
Well, I start vaguely compiling my mental images of NCers based on their sets. I have no idea *how* Ty looks like a purple slorg while remaining human and a woman and Ty, but she *does*. Figgy obviously looks like the girls in her avatars. And, er. So on and so forth. It doesn't really make sense, because obviously I don't imagine Ty running around in a slorg suit, and I know perfectly well what she actually looks like, but there's a weird connection there.

Posted: 31 Aug 2007 05:00 am
by Huggles
It's easier for me if I imagine that your avatar is a t-shirt. I mean, I tried to do that, but I still do the same thing Bon does.

Posted: 31 Aug 2007 05:00 am
by Figment
When I first saw a photo of you, bon, I was surprised to find that you are neither purple nor whiskered. The association isn't so bad with Ty -- I think of her more as some of her lj icons, possibly because I've worked so closely with her on obsessiveicons for so long. But for all we know she is hiding slorgish spots beneath her clothes.

Though I totally DO look like the Delirium girl, the brown-haired one with the blue eye. Consider it my accurate and realistic NC doppelganger.

Posted: 31 Aug 2007 06:20 am
by AngharadTy
Now I want a slorg suit.

Posted: 31 Aug 2007 09:11 am
by gomababe
I'm sure I confused everyone with my current forum set when I eventually decided to make one ^_^;. I'd make a neopets/Subet related one but I'm no good with graphics, and besides I am insanely proud of those two drawings since they're the best I've managed for ages. Though I'm sure noone was really able to recognise me with my teeny avatar before anyways ^_^;.

ETA: The two drawings that make up my set were finished with the advice from the lovely people here on the art board so basically I have you lot to thank for me having it in the first place *huggles all around*

Posted: 31 Aug 2007 08:38 pm
by Xelio
I'd be lost if bone wasn't plushie and stripes, forab wasn't spacey, etc, etc. I do think though that Figgy has a great idea with the cycling of forum sets. I'll certainly keep my grey ixi one in the wings and pop it back up every so often.

By the way my dear Black, would you be opposed to me resizing the avatar to also use on subeta? I don't think it would get too dark and loose too much detail shrunken down and it'd be more fun than just having the Melancholy item as my avatar methinks.

Posted: 01 Sep 2007 01:39 am
by thelonetiel
For the record Xelio, yes, I made your old set. xD That was a while back.

I read this and wanted to try a new one for you, but I wasn't on the right computer and I didn't feel like battling with bogged down RAM and Photoshop in Spanish, at least not at the same time. Twofold made you a gorgeous one anyway, he should take requests so there are more pretty graphics around the site (well, except that they aren't loading for me currently, curse my internet).

I need a new set myself, but no inspiration these days. I like the aisha I have now anyway, and doubt I could come up with a decent signature to match.

Posted: 01 Sep 2007 01:53 am
by Twofold Black
Xelio wrote:By the way my dear Black, would you be opposed to me resizing the avatar to also use on subeta?
Not at all. (Edit: In fact, feel free to do any other thing you want to do with it too.) I'll bet you ten sP it's going to look like crap scaled down, though; if it does I don't mind making you a tiny version to use on Subeta.

Posted: 01 Sep 2007 09:48 am
by Fjorab_Teke
OK, my avatar's changed. It's just one of my own "horsey self-portraits" I've used everywhere, so a few people will recognize it already. I shall have to very promptly do something with my signature that's Space-Faerie-ish but my own art. I've been meaning to do that for quite some time now.

Wow, we really hijacked this post...sorry! :o

Posted: 01 Sep 2007 05:24 pm
by Xelio
Twofold Black wrote:I'll bet you ten sP it's going to look like crap scaled down, though; if it does I don't mind making you a tiny version to use on Subeta.
That would be awesome. I'm visiting a friend this weekend, but after I get back I'll have to scale it down and see what it ends up looking like. If the details look cruddy when scaled down (which you're probaby right about) I'll give you a poke.
Fjorab_Teké wrote:Wow, we really hijacked this post...sorry!
Nah, I don't mind at all. I'm kind of flattered that a post I made attracted attention from dear Mr. Black to get me such a lovely set and its a post I made that got to page two. Usually I'm a thread killer, not a tread...breeder? o0

Posted: 02 Sep 2007 11:54 am
by dandelions
I do feel obliged to point out here that having both the avatar and the signature makes your set a bit wider than it ought to be (there's a width limit of 500px). I'm not forcing you to take it down right now, but you probably shouldn't have it like that for too long.

That said, lovely set, Twofold!