Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Spivsy »


That's my brothers border collie/jack russell cross, Jake.

I tried getting pictures of my hamster, Pixel. But she wouldn't stay still or get out of bed.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Kari »

Hee, gomababe, my cat's name is Simba too. But we call him Bubba cause he's huge.
He's living with my mom, and I miss him so much. When I'd sit on the computer, Bubba would come up and claw at the armrests on the chair until I paid attention to him. The only time he runs is when there's food, or when people come over and he hides. He's very talkative, too.

He wasn't always big, though.

About a month later snuggling with my older cat Bud (who died about 3 years ago)

Bud did this all the time. He didn't like drinking out of bowls, so he'd yell until we ran the water.

They were pretty close. And no, they're not related.

This is what Bubba does all day, mostly. He's too fat to make a kittyloaf XD

zomg closeup.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Sagrei »

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you a real-world Poogle...

This is Piglet. She was a "your guess" dog, because your guess is as good as mine as to what breeds she was made of. She was the saddest, most pathetic, grey-muzzled and antisocial little reject huddled in the back of a run in the Found Strays section at the pound. She had a hotspot on her back so large that a third of her body was hairless. Clearly the only thing to do was check on her every day until she filtered into the Adoptable Dogs section, at which point we snapped her up and took her home. A cortisone shot fixed the hotspot, and three squares a day boosted her weight to a mighty ten pounds. Her legs were about as long as my ring finger. Her tail kinked sharply in two places, and after a thorough examination, our baffled vet announced that there were no breaks and she must have been born like that. She was variously referred to as "a loaf of bread with legs," "the platypus of dogs," and "a lump of cholesterol."

She was an absolute sweetie, though afraid of men, with one caveat: god help the large dog who wanted to play. Her mouth would hinge open AT THE SHOULDER, she'd emit one ferocious bark, and the strange dog would run away.

She died last year after a nasty bronchial infection. When a dog of unknown age refuses to eat no matter what you tempt them with... it's time for the final kindness. She had a good life, useless little blob that she was. I miss her.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Cranberry »

I took Scout to the beach today, so I am going to spam you with more pics of him!





He loves the beach. :)
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Monkeyguy »

Scout looks really good Cranberry! I'm glad he's out having fun again.

Here are the pets I have pictures of on my PC (My camera is currently broken :( ):


This is Puss. Her right eye looks incredibly creepy in this picture, but it's really normal otherwise.


This is Mooey. She is really old, fat, and sleepy.


And this is Lizzy. Also known as Beezle and Beetle Dot Doo...

I also have 3 goldfish that I won at a fair many years ago and two Hermit Crabs, named Turbo and Rook, that I just brought home a few weeks ago.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Joey »

I chased around my pets with a camera just for this thread!

My kitty Oreo. She's the sweetie who hates cameras with a passion. You bring them out and she tries to run away.

See? She hates us all. Actually an older picture, but I got the same glare in a bunch of my newer ones.

And this is the other kitty, Joey-Chan. She's evil. That's the bets way to describe her.

Unlike Oreo, she's a camera whore.

A rare picture of the two cats together. They hate each other. So no cute sleeping together pictures for them.

My dog, Jessie. She's half white lab and half German Shepard. She's a bit of a brat, and likes to lay around all day/play ball until her legs fall off.

She looks evil in this one. About the only German Shepard in her is her ears.

And this is Lucky, who died a few months ago. I miss her.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Rah »

I just have one pet, but she's my absolute star. My little furbaby. She's also my first dog, so she's even MORE special to me!

Meet Baby:






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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by zebru »

So many adorable pets. Cranberry which camera are those taken with? They look gorgeous.

I have just poor quality pictures taken by mobile phone on this computer. This is my 10 year old cat Bicho who hates having his pictures taken. He's not all that photogenic, but has bucketloads of charm when he wants something - if somehow his charm gets ignored he goes about trying to annoy people into it, mainly by destroying stuff around the house.


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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by checkers »

Very cute pets guys! ^_^
Honestly Rah I'm supprised you don't have a rabbit o: I love your dog, so cute! You know that is what you want a Ruffie to look like, don't deny it! Kari I love your kitty, and thats from someone who hates cats.

Well anyway, I have 6 pets, but I only have photos of two and I'll show you Amy, my bunny :3 as Sasha isn't actually my pet, so it might not fit here.


tada. Amykins. =D
Blurry pic, but all cameras in the house are broken, and this is the best one I could find!

I think she was looking for her strawberry when this was taken, I just wish I got a pose of her on her hind legs, eating the strawberry between her front paws, its just the cutest thing alive.

(= uh.. quotation "Oh, found it. Call off the search party!"
I might edit this post with pics of my Doggie too, and sometime later with pics of Guineas and more Amy if Camera is fixed -pesters aaron-

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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Rah »

Lol checkers, actually, yes, I'd love Ruffies to look like my dog!

I used to have lots of bunnies, but I wanted them to live in the house with me, and my dad wouldn't let me, and I hated cleaning them out in the middle of winter, or I would be checking out my window every night to check that foxes hadn't broken into their hutches and eaten them :p Which was very tiring! So for now, no bunnies :) I just draw them instead!
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by checkers »

Rah wrote:Lol checkers, actually, yes, I'd love Ruffies to look like my dog!

I used to have lots of bunnies, but I wanted them to live in the house with me, and my dad wouldn't let me, and I hated cleaning them out in the middle of winter, or I would be checking out my window every night to check that foxes hadn't broken into their hutches and eaten them :p Which was very tiring! So for now, no bunnies :) I just draw them instead!
Aww! I wish I was allowed my pets inside, but fresh air is better than a house that has a smoker in, although the smoker isn't constant it isn't very nice, plus big dog + small animals = trouble.

Cleaning out my rabbits hard since whenever I open her door she walks out onto her...well..its like a platform and sits there xD sometimes if I forget to change her water I lay awake at night pondering wether to get up and change it, and eventually give in at like 12AM to go outside and change it or something, I'm annoying like that because I even say to myself 'You'll give in eventually'

Foxes aren't common in the area that I live in, in england, and I think a fox wouldn't be able to get into my bunnies hutch even if it tried, I hope to get some pics by christmas, amy looks lovely at christmas for some reason. :s

Edit: I know Rah lives in england, but I hardly see foxes around my area. XD
Last edited by checkers on 25 Sep 2007 10:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by daisybell »

Foxes are actually pretty common in England, checkers, especially in urban areas nowadays- there's lots of food waste left around for them to eat. Also, Rah lives in the UK so her situation is hardly that different to yours ;P
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Rah »

Oh goodness, I have a whole family of foxes living in my garden. There's this really huge one that comes right up to our back door sometimes, he's beautiful, big lovely bushy tail which is quite a rarity round here - mostly they're all mangy looking! But I would always hear them fighting at night, and my bunnies would my thumping in their hutches in fear, so I would be scared and i'd have nightmares about them getting eaten!

Then one day, with my last two bunnies, I got my dad to put them away one night because I couldn't get back home, and he didn't shut their door, so they both got out and probably go eaten. They were so lovely, too. One of them especially, Willow, who would lick your hands and she was so docile! I didn't really want to get any more after that, I didn't feel like I had enough time to look after them.

Then I had no pets for about 3 years until I got my puppy recently :) I MAKE time for her!
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Cranberry »

zebru wrote:So many adorable pets. Cranberry which camera are those taken with? They look gorgeous.
It's just a crappy Sony Cybershot, a 4.1 megapixel one (DSC-P73). It takes nice pics outside, but it's really inconsistent in artificial light -- just moving the camera an inch to either side can result in the same light looking yellowish, orange or bluish in the photo, and I hate how the flash makes everything too bright, so I never use it and a lot of my lower-light pictures turn out blurry or too dark (see the below pic of Scout for an example). I want to get a better camera sometime soon.


I do like how it looks like he has creepy glowy eyes in this one, though!

How about a couple horse pictures? These aren't my pets, but I love horses and I stopped to see them on my way home from the beach. There were six adults and four babies in the field.


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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Wingsrising »

Ooo, pet pictures! I can't remember what I posted last time, so sorry if there's repeats.

Misty in her lair (one of the cubbies under my coffee table):

Stormy in her lair (the shelf above my computer):

But we thought we were your laptop devices!

Wait! That's not a DVD, that's my sister!

Oh, wow! Packing paper!

Misty and Stormy are basically indoor cats (much to Stormy's dismay) but I occasionally let them out on supervised outings.

Is the vacuum cleaner gone? Are you sure? I think we'd better stay in hiding a while longer, just in case.

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