Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by shaelyn76 »

Well. The season ender last year was very anti-climactic. I actually felt let down by it. The season opener was almost the same....only more confusing. The Maya and Alejandro characters were kinda bleh. I am sure that I'll get more into them as they develop, but as of now I really didn't need them in the mix. Kinko's knock-off manager guy was another unnecessary addition IMO. I love that Peter is back because well...Milo is yummy(have you guys seen him in the Fergie video for Big Girls Don't Cry?...so very very yummy) and I love Claire. She is just cute and nice and seems more real than some of the other characters. Flying boy is a sad replacement for Zach. He even looks a little bit like Zach and that kinda bugs me. I too miss the Haitian. He was cool and mysterious...and bald, sexy bald. I missed Nikki as she was the whole good girl/bad girl all in one. DL and Micah were interesting characters as well that I was hoping they would delve into further this season. Hiro is a doll and I felt so bad for him when his hero turned out to be a complete drunken loser. I get the feeling that Hiro will become Kenzei(sp?) just to save the legend. Overall, I am glad I watched it, but am really hoping they will tighten up the plot as the season develops and let us really get to know the heroes both new and old. Oh, and Molly and her two daddys...lol! She is a complete sweetie and almost too cute to be real and her "daddys" are not too hard to look at either.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Ailiel »

Anyone else super bored with Heroes right now? yawn. It's been four weeks already and nothing is picking up.

But in other better news, TORCHWOOD THIS WEEK WAS AWESOME. For the Brits who've already caught it, it was the one in the country side. Countrycide.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Monkeyguy »

I thought this episode picked things up a little bit, but yes things have been moving slowly.

I'm really glad that Maya y Alejandro's storyline has taken a route other than run, kill someone, revive them, run again. You know Sylar is just itching to see what they can do.

Also Monica's power has the potential to be really great. What are her limits? Can she learn other powers or only actions that are within her own physical capabilities? It will be fun watching her develop.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Silverevilchao »

The biggest thing that made my day watching that episode was when Maya was going on and on about how Sylar was an angel sent by God.


(and I laughed for a good straight minute)

And YAY for Haitian being back in all of his sexy glory. W00t!

Oh, yeah, and that guy who tried to steal the money from the Italian criminal brother? None other than Star Trek Enterprise's Malcom Reed. Mom and I proceeded to squee for a long time.
Ahh, but wasn't Matt's wife pregnant? I wonder about this divorce thing then, since the baby might have powers and would need ...protection?
Nope. It was mentioned an episode or so ago about why he got divorced, and that was because the baby was not his.

(going a teeny, weeny bit off topic, who else thinks that Journeyman's a big, fat clone of Quantum Leap?)
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Tom »

Does anyone else get annoyed by the blatant theme of religion? It's a bit 'in your face'. It's not even subtle, it's just really rather silly if you ask me. Noah. Gabriel. 'Sent by God'. I think I've had enough.

Anyway, an episode review by me:
The Matt Parkman twist was so OMG OBVIOUS when they got the photograph out. Haha. Sylar shouldn't do tanktops. They didn't do him justice. Well, he was looking a bit dirty. And West and Claire was ever so cheesy, as their forbidden teenage love is. West is the poor man's Zach. I really don't like West. I liked Micah's scene, and his cousin has an awesome ability. I think my initial thought though, the power to artistically carve tomatoes, would have been a better power.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by AngharadTy »

Tom wrote:Sylar shouldn't do tanktops. They didn't do him justice.
Such is my love for muscle shirts that, for me, it transformed Sylar from "okay" into "whoa, I never realized he was hot." Normally, I can't get past his eyebrows. I think they're going to leap out at me, growling, in the dark of the night.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Spivsy »

Well that's bloody annoying. I watched all the episodes I hadn't seen on tv before on the internet, except for the last 5 minutes of how to stop an exploding man. Because the video player refuses to buffer.

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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Huggles »

I keep missing them and end up watching them online. My mom's computer gives about a 5-10 second lag between the sound and the video and it sucks.

But anyway, I love Sylar and his eyebrows. I don't think the religious stuff was over-the-top given the character, but now I wish Monica had been my namesake instead. Maya is going to be terribly dull unless she decides to turn evil. I mean, more evil than accidentally killing hordes of people with her powers instead of killing herself.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Monkeyguy »

I agree with Huggles on the religious aspects. It's how people in the real world rationalize things they can't understand, so why not the people in the Heroes Universe? It's not as though the producers are shoving it down your throat.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Spivsy »

Next week is the heroes finale, so I think that's a viable excuse for bumping the topic.

I really enjoyed mondays episode, I'm just so glad that Alejandro died. Also, MONICA AIRTIME! Such a rare present. I'm sad about having to wait again to watch more heroes, but the last episode looks like it'll be really fun, HIRO VS PETER.
Plus, Maya's turning evil =D That wasn't a look of happiness on her face on one of the last scenes, that was a look of pure villiany.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Illuen »

Just so everyone is clear, if Hiro is one of the two who dies next week, I will not only be extremely upset and pouty, but I will probably make vague threats about not watching anymore that I'll obviously not listen to as soon as the writers strike is over because I am totally whipped by the show and goddamn you, I'm Kring's bitch just as much as I am Whedon's bitch.

Also; thank god we'll never hear MAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYAAAAAAAA again. I'm hoping Maya becomes the ebil, cause the black eye sfx was not used enough on the X-Files.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Spivsy »

Poor Micah and Nathan :(
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Cranberry »

I don't know if I'm going to watch this show anymore. I loved season one (aside from the anticlimactic finale), but season two was a letdown. Characters who were previously intelligent turned into idiots to serve the story (I'm looking at you, Peter and Mohinder), the entire Maya/Alejandro/Sylar plot served no purpose other than to bring Sylar back to New York (and I'm so over Sylar and his crazy anyway), Hiro was stuck in the past for far too long, Ando had nothing to do, and Nathan and Niki were also pretty much wasted all season. Also, my favorite storyline in season one was Claire's, with all the HRG/Company stuff, and this season I couldn't stand Claire and her whining, not to mention her bland boyfriend West. (My friend Bryan was in charge of Claire's awesome arc in season one but left in season two to run his own show, Pushing Daisies, which is fucking great; everyone should watch it.) The finale was, like Volume One's, completely anticlimactic, and left some questions that will probably never be answered (what happened to Caitlin?). I hope that when they come back after the strike, they will fix this show. I like Kristen Bell (although Elle needs better dialogue) and I still care what happens to the Bennets, so I'll probably give the show one more chance... but I have enough TV to watch, and if it doesn't improve, I'm done.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Tom »

I can't believe Niki has been killed off (unless they pull the transfusion trick, again). >_> They gave her a rubbish season two storyline. I actually really liked her in season one. And with the Gina business? I am rather annoyed that they went and killed her. I know she didn't have a lot of fans, well, from what I can tell, but I really liked her. There wasn't enough development of her, well, of her at all, to be honest, in season two.

And Mohinder once again proves to be an idiot (if I recall correctly)... and not kill Sylar by not treating him correctly. Happy that Maya didn't die, though how she originally 'died' made me laugh. And that Monica is still alive. Wait, who's that? Oh yeah, they character they seemed to erm, forget about half way through. And I kinda... erm, knew something would happen to Nathan because it happened to be the second comment down on the page I watched it from. And yay more Sylar in season three. That could never disappoint me. Happy Peter came to his senses. Kinda. Well. I wish he would just die. Not a Peter fan. I also wondered what happened to Caitlin during the episode. And how Matt was supposed to stop Peter... by communicating with his mind... I didn't actually get the point of that.

I think there have been maybe two great episodes this season... I seem to have forgotten one of them, the other being Cautionary Tales. The rest have been lacklustre, to be honest.
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Re: Heroes SPOILERS! Yay!

Post by Monkeyguy »

First of all, Nikiiiiiiii!!! :( I was just beginning to like you and now you are gone.

Secondly, to anyone thinking about quitting the show: The reason this episode was treated as a season finale is because TPTB knew most fans were unhappy with how things were going and they plan to come back after the hiatus with some of the things we loved so much about the first season that were absent in the second. So at least give it a week or two after the break before you decide to leave it behind.
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