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Re: Piercings.

Post by Iggy »

I only have earrings. Needles and insalubrity are 2nd and 3rd in my worst fears list. ;)

So, I'm not going to get pierced again. ;) Yes, I know most piercing places are hygienic, but sorry, they won't touch me with a ten-foot pole.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by AngharadTy »

Heh, I don't know if I'd rate "most" as hygienic. I've been in some really shoddy places. But if you know what to look for (smells like a hospital, they're happy to show you the precautions they take, they have an autoclave, they have rooms for piercing as opposed to just doin' it on the main floor, they don't have "sale" prices, etc.), you can find a good one.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Cranberry »

I have an irrational hatred of nose piercings because when I was in college, this group of complete and utter bitches who lived on my floor (seriously, they were more nasty and immature than junior high kids) all went and got their noses pierced at the same time. My friends and I joked that they were like a bunch of cattle.

I just have my ears pierced, and have since fifth grade -- my mom and I went and had it done together. I always just wear the same little pair of blue stones in them, though. I think some other piercings look neat (<3 the lip here), but I don't want any more.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by FaerieInGrey »

I will also unlurk because this is probably surprising to some:
Jay (DamionDarkheart) and I are currently completely without piercing!

Jay's are out for work because they told him to, and I don't think that he will reasonably have them any time in the future because he intends to keep his job and they intend to keep their policy.

Mine are out because of weird infection (I would almost swear that it had to do with the nasty shower-water at my school) and I don't think they'll be back any time soon because I live here and cannot avoid taking showers until I am somewhere less nasty, also I cannot afford to have them redone. I think if I really tried, I could probably force my lobes open again. I might do that later, actually, since I have some rubbing alcohol and such so I can sterilize them post-shower.

I still have distant goals of the corset piercing project variety, and Jay still wants me to get my boobies done, but... we're very bland right now.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Sagrei »

I only have three: one in each earlobe and then one upper cartilage piercing on the left side. Right now the lobes have cobra-coil rings in, and the cartilage has a standard CBR.. all of it 14 gauge surgical stainless. I'd love to get some ickle tiny plugs for the earlobes, but it's hard to find small ones. I have a box full of fancy normal earrings, but I rarely change them out -- rings are smooth and don't have pokey bits.

I had all of them done at a professional tattoo and piercing shop, and as far as I am concerned that's the only way to do it. I was swabbed with two different kinds of disinfectant and then iodine, the piercers changed their gloves two or three times during the whole procedure, the earrings were sterilized, the gauze came out of hospital packs, and the hollow piercing needle had been autoclaved and *then* wrapped in plastic. They asked me to come back in a month so they could check the piercings, that's how seriously they took it. Had a bit of trouble with the cartilage healing, but that wasn't their fault -- an overexcited puppy caught a tooth on the ring and yanked. Set it back about a month. That's a fun story to tell a piercer.

The most important thing, other than the sterilization, is the hollow needles. They are so much better than piercing guns. The hole they leave in you is sort of crescent-shaped, which gives you space for swelling without pain (skin swells, that can't be helped) and heals easier.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by daisybell »

I've never really understood piercings, myself... I mean, putting holes in your body to be able to hang bits of metal from them seems fundamentally odd to me. I suppose ear piercing is quite normal and earlobes are hardly useful for anything much else than to be a place to put jewellery. I don't feel a lack of handy places to be accommodate shiny things on myself, though.

Of course, to each their own, and if other people want piercings then that's their choice, they're just not for me.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Twofold Black »

You may or may not find this illuminating, daisybell, but my interest in piercings and other forms of body modification extends beyond my interest in actually having such things done to myself because I am fascinated by the ways in which peolle choose who they want to be, and then declare those things. A permanent or semipermanent (most piercings will heal, most tattoos can be removed -- with effort) alteration of the body is a strong statement about what a person considers important, about themselves and about their culture.

Plus, you know what they say about tongue piercings.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by daisybell »

Tongue piercings? I have to confess ignorance there... I'm guessing it's something to do with oral sex? I don't want either, so I feel justified in being ignorant, for once ;P

I have previously spent quite a while looking at the different sorts of piercings and so on, and marvelled at the huge variety of them, while being baffled as to quite why people want them. I'm not suggesting people shouldn't have piercings or tattoos if they like the look of them. I realise that's probably not what you were saying, though, I just thought I'd make that clear.

You're right that a piercing or tattoo can say a lot about a person, and I wonder sometimes at the people who choose to have many piercings on their face, so that it's very obscured from its original state. And in the extreme, there are people like Dennis Avner/Stalking Cat. Is there some sort of boundary where you cross over from "normal", whatever that is, to having some sort of illness which drives you to choose to have modifications done? I don't know. People with Body integrity identity disorder for example- I can't imagine why anyone would want to deliberately lose a part of their body, unless they had a form of mental illness.

I'm both interested in what people do and why and kind of revolted and creeped out by some of the more extreme things that people choose to have done, although I suppose that's a normal human reaction to anything unfamiliar. I don't think I'm ever going to fully understand people's motivations, though.

Maybe I veered violently off topic here, I'm not sure :/
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Kelly »

AngharadTy wrote:... they don't have "sale" prices, etc....
That’s not always a bad thing - the studio I go to has $20 piercings 3 or 4 days a week, when the trainee is working.

As for my piercings, I have...16. Double lobes in one ear, 4 in the other. Triple cartilage in one ear, double in the other, both my tragus’s (tragii?), one conch (although unlike Jessibean, I have a barbell through mine instead of a BCR), and my nipple and navel. Until recently I had a surface piercing on my sternum, and it healed fantastically for around 3 months...until I had a nasty, nasty rip and it began to reject and pus and all other sorts of disturbing stuff, so I took it out. I miss it

The right/left side thing? I'm not sure which side is which, but I always thought it only applied to lobe piercings in men.
Joey wrote:I hope to get more once I can work up the courage to find a good piercing place. I got my one cartilage at Claires and it hurt like hell until I finally got some advice to get a ring in it instead of a stud, so I want to do it right next time.
I'm pretty sure Claires uses piercing guns, so avoid them like the plague. That’s probably why it hurt so much, so make sure the place you go to next time uses needles exclusively.

Daisybell - http://www.bmezine.com/news/pubring/20070904.html Read that interview, it might give you a bit of insight into the whole amputation thing.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Joey »

I know, I've since done research and know what to look for when I do decide to get more piercings. Hence why I said I would look for a good piercing place.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Twofold Black »

daisybell wrote:Tongue piercings? I have to confess ignorance there... I'm guessing it's something to do with oral sex? I don't want either, so I feel justified in being ignorant, for once ;P
Yeah, oral sex. The point is purely academic for me, since I neither have one nor have ever availed myself of someone with one. I just needed a punchline. ;)
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Re: Piercings.

Post by AngharadTy »

Kelly wrote:
AngharadTy wrote:... they don't have "sale" prices, etc....
That’s not always a bad thing - the studio I go to has $20 piercings 3 or 4 days a week, when the trainee is working.
Mostly, I mean places that have a big sign that says something like, "Get two piercings and your third is FREEEEEE!!!!" You want to find someone who basically approaches their work as art, not as poke-a-hole-and-get-twenty-bucks.

But, for what it's worth, I wouldn't get a trainee deal, either, because I keloid so easily that I'm very willing to pay extra to have someone with years of experience under their belt put something semi-permanent into me. ^_~
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Re: Piercings.

Post by bonecrivain »

Just a warning: the link Kelly posted is fairly graphic. *shiver* My imagination is too vivid for me to read through that entire article without feeling ill. It doesn't help that my mom just finished telling me about my uncle accidentally almost cutting off his thumb today.

Anyway, to not be too off-topic: I have just the normal earlobe piercings. I didn't actually get my ears pierced until the summer after I graduated from college. I wouldn't mind additional piercings in my ears, but I'm not particularly eager to get anything else done, and I'm too lazy (and squeamish) to get around to it. I only got my ears pierced because I'd told a friend that I wanted to, and she tricked me into going to a piercing parlor when I thought we were just on our way to buy cookies. (Long story.)

I find tasteful piercings and tattoos attractive, but whenever I see someone with heavy tattoos or a ridiculous amount of facial piercings, I can't help picturing them when they're older, and their bodies start to sag. Once a person passes 40, tattoos just don't seem that attractive anymore. I dunno, maybe that's just me. I like bodies the way they are.

What intrigues me is this new tattoo ink they've been developing: the one that is designed to break down after just one laser removal treatment. If a tattoo was reversible, I might actually consider getting one. I've thought about it at various points, but I'm too fickle to want something permanently imprinted on my skin.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Twofold Black »

bonecrivain wrote:I'm too fickle to want something permanently imprinted on my skin.
You could also look into blacklight tattoos. Once you hit forty-five, just avoid blacklights.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Wingsrising »

One thing NOT to do with tongue piercings: stick the stud just outside your lips and run it back and forth so that you have this silver ball constantly running along your mouth. At least, don't do it in meetings. It's distracting. And, in combination with showing lots of cleavage, looks rather unprofessional... but mostly, it's just distracting. It's so freaky I can't tear my mind away.
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