Going to the chapel, and we're--

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Re: Going to the chapel, and we're--

Post by Jessi »

Well everyone, now we really are off :D We've finished everything we need to do here, and in the morning we leave to head to Lindsey's parents, to drop off our dresses, the Wii, and all of our stuff... then it's off to the airport for TY AND JOEY TIME!111 And then lots of setting up and family hugging and then wedding and then ren fest!

I will update after the wedding :D Also, everyone, please keep your fingers crossed for good weather! We're feeling the after-effects of Hurricane Gustav here, and we've had miserable, cold, rainy weather. It finally started to get warm and sunny again later this evening, so just keep your fingers crossed for sunshine on Saturday!
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Re: Going to the chapel, and we're--

Post by thelonetiel »

I'm so happy for you guys! That's super exciting. ^_^

I hope you guys get great weather, you certainly deserve it after the gazebo mess! But then again, if it rains, just think of the Spinach festival getting all soggy. ;)

It's gotta be uber exciting getting NCers to come too, that's fabulous! I wanna see lots of pictures of the four of you!
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Re: Going to the chapel, and we're--

Post by AngharadTy »

Just want to say: Totally fantastic. So pretty, very sweet, no rain! It was a wonderful wedding. Jessi and Lindsey looked just gorgeous. And really happy.

Also, in case anyone was wondering, Joey rocks.
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Re: Going to the chapel, and we're--

Post by Kantark »

AngharadTy wrote:...no rain!
Hoorah! I'm so glad to hear that, Ty :)
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Re: Going to the chapel, and we're--

Post by EofS »

Pictures or it didn't happen!

I'm glad it went so well. And woeful I couldn't be there. And yay for no rain! That totally makes up for the buckets of rain we had yesterday, to know that in lieu you didn't get any :0)
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Re: Going to the chapel, and we're--

Post by Jessi »

Well everyone, the long weekend is over. Lindsey and I got back to our townhouse at about 10:00 PM last night, and were in bed and asleep by 10:30! We were absolutely exhausted, and slept peacefully til 8 AM today, since Lindsey had to go to work (the woes of starting a new job RIGHT before a wedding!).

The weekend was amazing, and we had a wonderful time. We arrived at the airport and ran across it just in time to glomp Joey as she got off the plane (and she was able to find us due to the awesome Pokemon infused sign we made them - which is still at home in Lindsey's parents basement! You guys were supposed to bring it with! :<) After hanging on Joey for a bit, we raced to the car to drive to a different terminal in the airport - to go get Ty! :D After arguing with the monitor in the airport (it insisted that Ty's plane was 'on time' up to the point it was on the ground - it never switched to 'approaching' or 'landed' so we were confused xD), we found a Ty, and glomped her too, and dragged everyone back to the car for the start of the wedding adventure - which uh, started with us going to Wendy's, and then making a stop all the way back in Lawrence for the girls to meet the ratlets :D Then there was lots of introductions from family arriving, lots of setting up tables, eating pizza, getting flowers... all that kind of stuff @_@ Oh, and Wii Playing :D we did some of that too (but not as much as I would have liked, sorry girls ;_;).

I had nightmares on Friday night about the wedding being messed up, but the wedding went perfectly. The sky was overcast, but right as the wedding started, the clouds parted and we were bathed in sunshine - and I'm not trying to be corny. It really is true. Everything went smoothly, and it was beautiful, and I managed to not cry as much as I thought I was going to cry XD And Ty and Joey looked beautiful (and our third bridesmaid, Trina, but you guys don't know her xD) and Ty did an excellent job handing our rings over to us ;D

The weather at the reception was not quite as nice to us. It began to sprinkle a bit, and the presents and cake had to be vacated indoors. Luckily, the wedding party had a giant tent over their table ;D And we were able to mostly finish dinner before it just got too bad and everyone vacated inside. Before that, however, my mom sprung on us that someone needed to do a toast - and Ty not only volunteered, but she just did an amazing job. She really made me feel like Lindsey and I are the luckiest people in the world (and we probably are), and it was beautiful, and I love you Tys ;_;

The cake was yummy, the food was yummy, and we had a lovely trip to downtown Kansas City that night, where we went out for burgers and drinks with my crazy family xD Joey and Ty held up surprisingly well considering they were surrounded by a bunch of nuts for two days, and I'm so glad they were able to handle the insanity of getting up at like, 5 AM California time and not sleeping much and.. who knows what else @_@ So thank you, you two, cause it wouldn't have been the same without you there <3

(oh, and E! I got your package and your card and THANK YOU FOR ALL THE CANDY OMG MINI EGGS IN THE MIDDLE OF FALL?! Unheard of! I can't wait to eat them :D)

And here's some pics. These are hardly all the pics, I haven't resized them yet (I have about 300 pictures between the dead mall we went to, the wedding, the reception, and renfest yesterday to go through), but I knew if I didn't post pics, E might kill me, and some of you others might as well, so here's a few. I'll link to the albums they'll be in when they're done - these are just ones my sister took with MY camera. We have about 20 cameras to go xD

This is where the magic happened :D Lindsey's mom set up this background on the bridge where the wedding was as a surprise to us, and it was beautiful.

Before the wedding, us discussing the ceremony with the minister. From right to left, you can BARELY see Ty's blonde head, then Trina, Lindsey, Joeys, and me.

During our vows at the ceremony.

I present to you wife and wife :D

A better picture with Ty in it. I.. I don't know where Joey went for this picture O_o She disappeared. Then again, we also had about 20 cameras pointed at us - it's possible my sister just didn't get her in the pic xD

I found Joey :D

Lindsey and I at the bridge where the ceremony was - a bunch of relatives crawled down to the waterfall below to take pics xD

I really like this one. We're in it, barely, talking to the minister here, but you can see how beautiful it all was in this pic.

A crappy pic of our otherwise lovely cake :D I wanted to get at least one photo of it in natural light, but my camera was acting dumb.

Cake gone :<
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Re: Going to the chapel, and we're--

Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

SQUEE, SQUEE, SQUEE. Those are some lovely pictures! You both look absolutely gorgeous in your dresses, and the setting couldn't be prettier. As for the cake, I can only aspire to such fine creations. Hope it tasted as good as it looked.

Wish I could have been there. I'm sure it was a most fabulous day ^_^
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Re: Going to the chapel, and we're--

Post by Jessi »

The cake tasted better than it looked, actually, if such a thing was possible. I wasn't the only one who thought so - the cake was -delicious-. Absolutely delicious. In fact, I just had some for breakfast :D
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Re: Going to the chapel, and we're--

Post by hebdenhippy »

CONGRATULATIONS!! You all look gorgeous, and I'm so pleased the day went well! The location is incredibly pretty, what a lovely place for a wedding! The cake looks yummy too!
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Re: Going to the chapel, and we're--

Post by Officer 1BDI »

Everything looks so beautiful. I'm so glad it went well. Congratulations, you two!
Before that, however, my mom sprung on us that someone needed to do a toast - and Ty not only volunteered, but she just did an amazing job. She really made me feel like Lindsey and I are the luckiest people in the world (and we probably are), and it was beautiful, and I love you Tys ;_;
I don't suppose anyone recorded Ty's toast? I'm all curious now. :P
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Re: Going to the chapel, and we're--

Post by bonecrivain »

I want to hear Ty's toast, too!

And congratulations! It looks like it was a gorgeous ceremony.
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Re: Going to the chapel, and we're--

Post by Alecko »

You two look so wonderful together! Everything else (people, location, cake) looks gorgeous too. Congratulations!
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Re: Going to the chapel, and we're--

Post by gomababe »

Congratulations to you both, you all look so gorgeous in those pics ^_^. And wll done Ty for making a toast up on the spot :p.

I'm glad the weather was nice for the ceremony, that's always the thing with the outdoor ones, you pray the rain will stay away {which it did this time so I'm not going to threaten your weather systems XP}. It's a shame it came on during the reception, though I'm glad you got away with the dinner first ^_^.

Congrats again and I can't wait to see more pictures and see if you can find Ty's speech XP {I am also curious}.
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Re: Going to the chapel, and we're--

Post by KauKrazy »

Wow, thanks for the pics! We want more later, of course :P

Sounds like the wedding was even better than your dreams. I wish more people these days would get to experience a wonderful day like that. Congratulations!
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Re: Going to the chapel, and we're--

Post by Usul_Princess »

That was a beautiful wedding. :') You can just feel the emotion vibe jumping off the pics! You all look very gorgeous, and that's a pretty nice last-minute gazebo she found.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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