Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Seerow »

Cranberry, I wants your stuff! Signed Wonderfall dvd has to be the single greatest thing ever. Not to mention all the wonderful Animorphs books. I had them all at one time but my mom sold them in a garage sale while I was gone without asking me. I didn't speak to her for almost a week.
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Cranberry »

Todd Holland (co-creator and director) has DVDs signed by me. ;) (And everyone else... we were all in a live webcast thing!) Mine's signed by Todd, Bryan Fuller, Scotch Loring (Dr. Ron) and Tyron Leitso (Eric). My squish-faced lion's an actual prop from the show. I love him. :)

My brother wanted to get rid of all the Animorphs books, but I rescued them and brought them in here. I think they're actually pretty good... especially the Rachel ones.
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by AngharadTy »

Why do so many people have horrible stories about their mothers and garage sales? My mom sold a lot of my toys, including a classic X-Wing--wings opened up, Luke sat inside... it was played with, but I stopped playing with it because I recognized it as a collectible, and my mom sold it because... I didn't play with it anymore.

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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Seerow »

Wow, that's the actual lion from the show? How did you ever manage to get that! Ebay? Great connections? Burglary?

Ouch Ty!
She also sold all my old-school Littlest Pet Shop toys (like two huge tubs full) the same garage sale. I think my childhood ended then. Maybe we should have a Great Things Your Parents Sold in Garage Sale thread.
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Cranberry »

Bryan gave it to me! I ran (which was a successful save our show campaign, crazy) and the producers flew me to LA twice, once for Comic-Con and once for the DVD release party and the live webcast thing for the fans (the producers, Tyron, Scotch and I were in LA; Caroline, Bill Sadler and Lee Pace were in NYC and Tracie Thoms was on the phone from San Francisco). I don't want to derail the thread with a long story, so I'll just say it was a lot of fun and I love all those guys. :)
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Edit: I found a picture I took back in the SaveWonderfalls days:

My mother has actually never sold any of my stuff on me! When I went away to college, I packed it all in boxes and wrote AMY'S -- DO NOT TOUCH on them, haha.
Last edited by Cranberry on 20 Feb 2009 01:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by AngharadTy »

Cranberry! You're internet-famous!
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Alicorn »

Cranberry wrote:Alicorn, I love that window... my window's pretty crappy.

Also, on the second shelf of that bookcase are every Animorphs book ever released. I'm not kidding. I couldn't bear to give them away!
Thanks! I'm in love with my window too. When I lived in the states I had teeny tiny basement windows so it's nice to have some real windows.

I own every Animorph book too! One of them is even hardback, muha! Well except the one they brought out for the show but I refused to buy that one. I'm quiet proud of having them all too. It started with my brother having a couple but never reading them. So I picked one up, read it, fell in love and stole all the ones he had. Then I worked to collect the others. I'm never parting with them. Right now they are safe and sound down with my mom (Who I trust never to sell them in a yard sale. She knows how hard I work on collecting them.). I can't wait to get them back with me so I can re-read the whole series. My wife gives me stuff for loving a "pre-teen" series but I don't let that get me, heh!

Now like a said in my last post, I have better quality pics of some parts of my room. The digital camera returned yesterday. So for those who are curious, here are a few better looking pics of parts of my room.
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Again with my tv. This time you can make out the game systems and my fairy statues.

In the last pic you see a bit of a white door. That's a storage area and this is what I keep inside my storage area. Dvds! You only see a bit of my collection, a lot of it is being kept in a cd case which you can see in the pic.

A better pic of the computer area. You can now make out the pictures on the wall and what sits on my little window.

A retake on the bookshelves kept in the closet. Look, they've been rearranged a bit!

Table and such beside the couch. I would show a pic of the couch and coffee table but they are messy right now. ^_^"
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Huggles »

What the deuce? Alicorn is a ninja?

Cranberry, I love your speak and woofer. I vaguely remember apple making something similar and then lots of people following suit. But then, I stopped seeing them around. Now that my pc has been in my room for ages, I can actually use speakers again. The last one I had was an iDog, but I kind of gave it away.

I'm holding off on picture because I haven't cleaned my room and I magically ripped my duvet cover. I don't know how, but I did. :( I'm still too angry at myself to make my bed without it.
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Cranberry »

They're Harman Kardon Soundsticks II. You can get them at the Apple store, but they're not actually made by Apple. I like how they look, but I got them for the sound quality -- they're excellent.

And aw, I hate ruining duvet covers. They are way too expensive for something that's basically made out of two sheets!
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Joey »

I should post pictures since I might just be responsible for starting this thing. Here are a few shots of my Den. I might take some of my room room if I ever clean that.
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My lovely computer desk. I've got my desktop and laptop in a dorky L configuration. And my lovely final fantasy wallscrolls and pretty dragon paintings. Other random things hanging from the wall are two ocarinas and some anime plushies. The pokemon card stuck in the clock is Ralts, and yes those were cadbury eggs on the desk. (They're gone now :( ) I also took some close up shots of the weird stuff on top of the monitor and the computer
My TV and stuff, around behind me. The box with the mews on tops contains most of my smaller pokemon stuff, and the TV is host to my lovely fake rooster and seagull. And you can also see the top of the Arc Staff I made for my maple story cosplay, it doesn't really fit anywhere else.
My sewing table! It's not nearly this organized anymore :( The big box holds all my extra fabric, and there's a lava lamp.
The music corner where I practice my violin. It's usually in the case but I took it out for the picture to make it less boring. And Patrick Stuart, guarding the closet I never use. And the messy bookcase, ignore that :P
Probably the most embarrassing picture, my manga shelf. I'm such a dork. It's even more dorky when I say that there are more manga there now then when I took the picture. On the left side is my pile of swords and other things, and the purple ribbon pinned to the side is from when I won a hall costume award at a convention :D
And you can't finish off any montage of my Den without my giant inflatable Bruce the Shark. I got him from a cereal box!
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Wingsrising »

My turn. I'm showing my whole apartment because as far as I'm concerned, the beauty of living alone is that the whole place is my room!

MANY pictures behind the cut. You have been warned.
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My living room, looking back into the kitchen, taken from the front door:

My living room, looking back at the front door from the dining table. Swinging chair!

More my living room again, showing my giant window. Stormy is on the entertainment center, Misty has claimed the computer chair.

A shot of just my entertainment center/computer desk, made from an IKEA shelving system. CDs and burned DVDs are in the boxes on the left, storebought DVDs and VHS tapes are behind the doors to the far left. You can see Kass to the left, too. Note Stormy's strategic position: not only does she have a comfy place to sit and a good view, but by sitting on that shelf, she blocks her sister's access to the top of the entertainment center. (Misty isn't a jumper, so she uses the shelf Stormy is sitting on as a landing on the way up.)

My kitchen, now with 100% more gryphon.

My pots and pans and things. I love that shelf (it's from IKEA.) The breakfast bar in the foreground is from Walmart -- I got it with a gift card I got as a signing special when I signed the lease for this apartment. The breakfast bar in the background is very important because I keep THE TEA on top and THE BOWLS underneath. (I think THE TEA is more important, while of course the cats know THE BOWLS are the most important place in the apartment.) The hallway to the bathroom and my room is in the back opposite the camera, along with the cabinets I use as a pantry.

I love having an apartment with a dishwasher.

Important acts of personal hygiene and cleanliness take place here. (The litter box is to the bottom right.) One of my goals in life is to never live in a place without a non-coin-operated washer/dryer again.

My bed. I love my bed. It is warm and squishy.

The wall opposite my bed, where I keep most of my clothes.

The wall next to my bed, where I keep the rest of my clothes and some of my books. (The rest are in the spare room, and some in the living room.)

The spare bedroom. Er, nothing to see here. This is not the room you're looking for. Move along.
Now, as a special bonus... the room where I actually spend all my time! My office! The office is in a basement hallway the department just renovated (it used to be a dirty, ugly abandoned chemistry lab with cinderblocks and exposed pipes everywhere) and it's much larger and lovelier than a junior professor's office usually is.
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Looking in from the door:

Looking back at the door from the windowsill (very important, as it holds THE TEA) showing off my pretty chair from IKEA (at the back, next to the door):

My bookshelves and file cabinets. I think the bookshelves need more books before they look properly professorial. (The file cabinets are pretty empty, too, but of course you can't tell because they're closed.)
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Jessi »

Wings, you make me want to rearrange my furniture! Or at least have just ONE extra bedroom around here to stash a bunch of shit in xD I love your breakfast table, and wood floors... I love everyone's wood floors. The next time Lindsey and I switch apartments, that's one of -our- goals - to find a place with wooden floors! Of course, we just signed an extension on our lease here so who knows when that'll be?
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by DamionDarkheart »

I promise pictures soon (where 'soon' = tomorrow)! I was actually going to take pictures today but...well I didn't feel like fetching the camera.

It's good to see that others have a ridiculously large tv as well!
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Alicorn »

Huggles wrote:What the deuce? Alicorn is a ninja?
Yes I am! But only by night. By day I'm a pirate! **shifty eyes**

Those swords actually belong to my wife. She bought them while we were in the States. But that doesn't stop me from playing with them! XD
Everyone here has such cool rooms! And I loved you apartment Wings. It's so cute. Makes me excited about getting my own in the future. **is envious of Joey's manga collection** Oh! I have that same Kenshin plush Joey. XD
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Re: Bedroom Thread (image heavy)

Post by Huggles »

Finally, here is my room! Everything is tinged with yellow and low quality because these were taken with my phone. I'm not even sure the poor thing even knows what a megapixel is. My walls, chair, table, and parts of my comforter are actually white. The carpet is some hideously dirty burgundy color. I hate carpet, but I can't really change it or anything that can't be put into a moving van. I tried to drown it with hot pink. Yes, my room is usually this clean, but the bed isn't always made. Yes, I am a freak.
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That's the door to my closet.

This is my desk and my spiffy new chair. As you can see, my monitor and computer and huge. Well, maybe you can't. That giant black hole by the chair is actually a black computer tower. If they weren't so big, I'd have gotten a much smaller desk. That's a Powerpuff Girls lunchbox in the corner and it contains all my DS stuff.

This is my bed. It is much prettier in person. :( My dad made the side table for me, and the pink blob is my alarm clock. The sound on the damned thing is measured in decibels, although pure evil would have been more appropriate.

My tv and part of my bookcase, crammed with stuff. The chest is made of pieces of plywood that were glued together. My dad bought it for about $20, when I was little, and had hearts and my named embossed into the top. I kind of ruined it with crayons and knives, and he refinished it in an orange stain that make it look very expensive. Pay no attention to the unicorn jewelry box, sitting next the the complete works of Edgar Allen Poe, it is a relic from a bygone era.
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