The Week From Hell

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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Kantark »

Jeez... I'm glad to hear you're ok, Seerow, I was getting more than a bit worried there for a few days. What a week :-/

Definitely make sure your employer sorts out the CCTV and alarm system, I guess they can now see there's really no excuse for that stuff to be left broken.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

YIKES, Seerow!! I can only stare and be thankful you're going to be OK and echo what people here have said.

I hope you don't lose your job there outright, and I hope they find out whoever did this.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Miguel »

Jesus tiddlywinks, what a week. I'm glad you're ok coming out of all that. Echoing Kantark, definitely time to get the security sorted.

Wow. Well done, you're a strong person to manage through that.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Dollfie »

First, I am so glad you are okay. I hope the impact on your long term health isn't heavily effected. I'm also glad the animals are okay.

Second... it's an amazing story and the suicide thing is ridiculous but it also hits close to home. My mother had an accident some years back and the conclusion was drawn that she had tried to kill herself. It took her a long time to get it off her medical history. I'm not sure what she had to do but if you want any advice about it, just ask and I'll see if she could help point you in the right direction.

And forced therapy... hate it so much it's not even funny. Best of luck getting everything set straight and again.

EDIT to say I just talked to my mother a little about it, she was busy but her offhand advice was simply to raise hell. She said that what really got it off her record was never letting up that it was wrong. Her sister vouching for her state of mind also played an important role. Your story is a little more complicated than hers because of the possible criminal charges so I side with those who have already stated that you need to seek a lawyer. I doubt it'd be hard to get a really good one, cheaply even, with a tale like yours.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Fullmetal Dragon »

My god, Seerow, that story is just so horrible :/ I can't believe the police would act that way... urgh. I seriously hope you can get this sorted out without having too much left on your personal record, and I really sincerely hope this doesn't affect your job. That's just something else awful to pile on top of someone who's gone through all you had to go through.

*lots and lots of hugs* I hope this works out for the best for you and will be thinking of you and sending mental reinforcement the whole way! What a crazy ordeal ;o;
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Madge »

Holy crap.

Like everyone said, get a lawyer, and raise hell. They can't do this sort of bullshit to you.

Good on you for getting into the bathroom.

And still wanting your job after all this! You must be really dedicated. Congrats on not being in a cowering heap.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by lavender »

That is truly awful and I'm glad you're okay! You are much stronger person than me - I'd probably become a recluse who never leaves the house!
It does sound like your police are dumbasses. Treating you like that... angers me. It's fucking bullshit and you should take them down!

I hope it get sorted it out quickly and your life can get back to what it was.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Ailiel »

First of all, I am so, so relieved to hear that you are okay. You could have died from this ordeal. Wow.

Second of all, please get a lawyer. I know it seems like such an alarmist thing to do, but really, if they are attempting to build a case against you then you absolutely need one. I think that they are culpable in this situation. One person, working a late night shift, alone? Motion sensors not working, no surveillance? The fact that they are trying to turn this around on you is likely to cover their own asses. Yes, people are that big of assholes. Again, you could have died from this and someone should make reparations to you. I know you love the people you work with; don't let that stand in the way of protecting yourself. Seek legal counsel.

I would also, for the sake of your case, refrain from discussing too many specifics over email or the internet. This is completely your decision but I wouldn't discuss it anymore until you've talked to a lawyer.

This is a horrible thing to have happened and I am so sorry, Seerow. :( But so very thankful that you survived. Please consider my advice.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by hebdenhippy »

Dear god, what an awful week. I'm so glad you're ok *hug*

I agree that you should contact a lawyer, you've been through quite enough and all these suicide claims are just ridiculous.

Well done for being so strong, and I really hope everything works out ok.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Alecko »

Everybody else has already said what's on my mind, so just add me to the list of people who are glad you're ok and hoping everything gets resolved quickly.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by TCStarwind »

Holy hell, that's insane. D: I was hoping I'd be able to come up with something better to say than that, but I've never really been good at consoling people. But I'm glad you're okay and that you're back. And I hope you can get all that crap fixed up so you never have to think about it again.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Kari »

All of that is so horrible :( I'm glad you're okay, and I agree with everyone else about fighting tooth and nail to the end.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Jazzy »

Bloody hell - that's an awful thing to have to go through. I really hope you can sort this out; I second everyone who's suggested a lawyer, because you shouldn't have to deal with what the police are doing to you on top of all that's happened.
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Joey »

I'm really glad to hear that you're doing ok, I was really worried. I'm behind the idea of getting a lawyer, they shouldn't be turning this against you and they should be finding the psycho who did this. Best of luck, it's great you're doing well!
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Re: The Week From Hell

Post by Silver Link »

I feel sort of ashamed of having a degree in criminal justice now. I know cops are capable of making mistakes but in this situation, they just seem to be plain idiots

I hope your recovery is going well and you'll be able to keep your job
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