Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Joey »

Looks like they're putting the events up on wi-fi as well. Not confirmed that they'll be available in North America, but it's likely. http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/C ... over_Wi-Fi

There's also a tour announced for promoting the BW release, which looks kind of fun: http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/U ... _announced The closest one to me is kind of far though.
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by thelonetiel »

I think I'll actually be able to go to one of those tours! There's one here in Seattle. I didn't even know about it, but my boyfriend pointed it out to me despite having no interest in Pokemon himself. I'm kinda excited, living in a real city is win. :D
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Scythemantis »

It was suggested to me that I post this here - with generation V out, I finally updated my nearly decade-old page on the real world origins of pokemon:


Karrablast has one of the most obscure inspirations, which is even in its name!

Anyway, all else I have to say about gen V is that anyone who remembers me well probably already knows that I instantly fell in love with Dasutodasu/Garbodor, though I wish it could do more in the game...
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by AngharadTy »

Yayyyyy you posted about it. I love that page. I should breed a new Phione to name Angel.
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Madge »

Bulbapedia has done a similar sort of series, but with some different pokemon and some the same. I think Scythe's page looks a lot nicer and he's a much more emotive writer, but if you're interested in some more pokemon inspirations check it out:

http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/O ... es:_Wooper

There's a list of all the species they cover in an infobox on the bottom!
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Joey »

So in a semi-spontaneous decision, I went to the mall tour event thing today! I braved the crazy that is northern California freeways to get to San Jose, to what might be the most crowded mall I have ever been to. I got so lucky with parking too, a nice spot near the entrance.

Once I entered the mall, I couldn't find anything, so I asked some kids who had pokemon swag where everything was and they pointed me toward the Demo Station. It was a long line, but I was next to a different bunch of kids who were a lot of fun to hang out with, and I traded a cyndaquil to one of them. Then I got to play a short demo, and it's a really shiny looking game. It really shows what pokemon on the DS can do. Then I got out and got a pin and a book to collect stamps in. I then proceeded to gamestop, where they had Celebi on wifi and another stamp, so I got those. Then I found a giant inflatable Reshiram and Zekrom, and someone in a tepig suit, and took a picture with them. Then I got another stamp and watched some of the new BW anime series. After getting the stamp there, I found the giant ass line to get prizes for collecting all 5 stamps. After that I went to find the other two stamp stations, one which was just hanging out with nothing fun, and another at the Pokemon Center Store they had set up! I got some cool swag: a Zekrom shirt and plushie, little figurines of Zekrom and Reshiram, and tiny plushies of Pikachu, Zorua, and Snivy. By this time I was seriously hungry, so I got a pumpkin scone and some caramel apple cider, then sat in the long ass line to get my stamp prize. In this line I attracted yet another bunch of kids to talk to. And I finally got my prize, which was a cute little cell phone charm. Then just for the hell of it I went back to the demo station and played it again. And talked to kids in line.

Overall it was a lot of fun, and totally worth the drive down there. There were a lot of people there for the event, both adults and kids, but no one older then 10 wanted to talk to me. It makes me happy that pokemon is still alive with the kids.

I'll post some pictures later!
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Xelio »

Dang, I have Celebi-envy, lol. Still, sounds like you had a blast, even if the only "cool kids" were literally kids.
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Officer 1BDI »

Just a reminder that Celebi is available at Gamestops in America for the next two weeks.

Also, I just noticed that my preorder of Black on Amazon.com now comes with a $5 giftcard to Amazon.com... as well as access to a Victini. o_o The same goes for White. Not sure if Gamestop or any other stores are offering similar preorder deals.
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by AngharadTy »

You can get access to Victini by connecting to Nintendo via wifi from March 6th onward. It gives you a Liberty Pass or something like that.
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Officer 1BDI »

Ah, ok. So it's an online giveaway tied to the game and not the preorder. Should have realized that.
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by AngharadTy »

I'm glad, because I don't have a preorder! =D (I was going to get a preorder, but I have no idea what state I'll be in when the game comes out, and I hope whichever state it is gets plenty of copies of White.)
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Tom »

I went to a Celebi event in London today and it was pretty fun. There weren't loads of people there, but it was pretty cool. I got the Celebi and then some young kid asked me if I wanted to double battle. I said sure - but arghhh battle options annoy me so much. There is no way to get the levels equal for a 6v6 match at all, is there? I wanted to use my whole team, but would have rather used my SS team. Sadly, they're all around level 55, whereas my Plat team hovers around 90. He had a couple of 100 pokes and then the rest around 60s - so I just chose to use my Plat team.

So yeah. He sends out a level 100 Darkrai and Raikou. I send out my Yanmega and Mismagius. I protect with Yanmega. Darkrai tries to use Dark Void and Raikou tries to Thunderbolt it - both fail. Dark Void also thankfully misses Mismagius, who sets up a substitute. With a speed boost under my belt, I assume Yanmega will be faster than Darkrai - mistake. I guess a Bug Buzz will probably finish it off, as my Pokes are EV'd/natured. But the Darkrai strikes first and sets Yanmega to sleep, who proceeds to sleep through his attack and then die to a Thunderbolt. I guess the levels made a difference here - I suppose Darkrai is pretty fast but I never really meddle with ubers so attempting to Protect again went over my head, really.

Mismagius quietly boosts with a Nasty Plot behind her Substitute and I send out Metagross. Darkrai uses Dark Void... again and, tadaa, Metagross sleeps. Raikou uses Aura Sphere for whatever reason, which knocks Metagross below half. I decide to Thunderbolt Darkrai - and get a lucky paralyze on it, with its health just above 1/4th. Metagross naps through its Earthquake. I target Darkrai with Thunderbolt again and try to persuade Metagross to Earthquake. He switches his Darkrai out for a Rhyperior which takes my Thunderbolt while Raikou uses Aura Sphere again on Metagross and it faints. In retrospect, probably should have used Shadow Ball on Raikou and hoped that'd be the end of it. But yeah.

I proceed to send out my Gallade and Close Combat the Raikou - it survives with about 20% left and Gallade's defences drop. Raikou uses Thunderbolt on Mismagius and breaks her substitute - while I Shadow Ball Rhyperior and it faints. Mistake two. Should have concentrated my efforts on Raikou, really. I'm not sure why I left it about for so long? Definitely my undoing. He sends out Entei. Wait. I've confused myself. I think in the next turn, Raikou used Thunderbolt which made Mismagius faint, unfortunately - given her special defence, I'd thought she'd survive but apparently not. Maybe the level difference was a problem again. He said he'd EV'd his Raikou and Darkrai too so. But yeah. Gallade fainted in this turn to Entei's Flare Blitz which sucked and surprised me a bit. It should have also done something else though? Perhaps Metagross survived three turns? I'm not sure at all. Entei can't have been faster than Gallade though, I can't imagine, as it was level 60 and supposedly not EV'd.

From there it was pretty downhill. Again. I sent out my last two pokes, Froslass and Empoleon. Thunderbolt from Raikou says goodbye to Empoleon and Froslass uses Ice Beam on Raikou, finally getting rid of it. Of course, then Entei uses Flare Blitz and knocks it out, too. But whooo. 8) I lost.

/worst battle summary ever

Yes, I am just bitter about losing to a 12 year old. But woe. Ubers in general just make me sad. I have never really seen the appeal. And to be fair to myself, I haven't used my Plat team in a few months so. I even had an Amulet Coin attached to poor Metagross. Looking back, I made a fair amount of mistakes, though, and should have probably had the game in the bag. Whoops.

So. Bitter.

But yeah. Then I played around on the White demo a bit which seemed pretty cool. I love the graphics and the scenery with the snow and rain. The battles were, of course, embarrassingly easy. But definitely looking forward to the release next week. I would have been happy to stick around and battle a bit more, but the friend I dragged along with me was getting a bit bored as his SS team currently consists of a Chikorita and Hoothoot, so we headed off to other shops. So yeah. That's my exciting day!
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by AngharadTy »

I don't PVP, so I guess it doesn't matter that I use ubers sometimes. I use them if I like them. The good stats are a great secondary reason, but really, I just like a lot of the legendaries. I recently EV trained several, and yeah, it makes battles ridiculously easy, but since I EV train my teams anyway, that already happens. Hehe. I do have a lot of fun with the various battle challenges in games, but when I have ubers I can't always use my whole team. ^_^;
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by Tom »

Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favourites.

For me, for whatever reason, I've always had an anti-legendary bias. I generally like Pokémon which evolve and have more of a development I suppose. And ones which I can catch before the Elite Four and the like. But I have a Garchomp on my SS team which is classified as 'uber' so I would never write a Pokémon off just because of its classification. :P It was my first PVP with my own Pokémon, but I'm used to playing on simulators and so suppose I'm used to the idea of tiers. I EV all of my team too and it definitely makes the game easy - I managed to defeat Ash on SS as my team just reached 50 (and before with a un-EV'd single level 68 Spiritomb that used many a Nasty Plot...). But then I can still find myself struggling in the Battle Frontier (oh my god when they start pulling out the OHKO moves) so.
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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Post by AngharadTy »

Hehehe. My favorites just sometimes happen to be strong pokemon. I snicker every time I go past whichever member of the Elite Four it is that says that... (I've actually gone through them so much that they've all run together in my brain. I keep maxing out my money and going doh, brb, buying proteins and calciums forever.) I have three Garchomps! I just like them! Sharkdragons rule!

(although my garchomp on soul silver kind of scares me when he follows me because he looks like he has rape and murder on his mind I don't know)
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