Chai and Dragon revamp (+ staff discussion)

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Post by shaelyn76 »

sunwolf...I couldn't agree more with your comment about what I feel the old version exuded...wisdom, peace and benevolence. Personally I wouldn't like it if it had a really long body like the true Chinese dragon style as they remind me too much of snakes(yuck...I hate snakes). When you look at the image of the old art it just radiates a kind of longevity. It seems friendly and kind as well as in tune with all the mystical elements of the universe. THAT is my idea of a great dragon. The new version looks pissed off and ready for a fight. It sure doesn't look like it has an ounce of wisdom or patience or really anything positive. The bloodred version looks truly nasty. Like he has already devoured your village and is looking for more. That is completely appropriate for that color and I have very little problem with it(the legs look too bulky in my opinion, but that is my only complaint with that color rendition). However...I really don't want that image for my currently Twilight dragon. My dragon is a lover not a fighter. A kind soul who looks after the rest of my pets in an almost maternal way. Her current pose and art do not reflect her personality in any way shape or fashion. I chose to make her a dragon because of the things I felt the art portrayed as being in tune with the personality I had in mind for her. The revamp feels like they not only stripped away her outer beauty, but took away her personality as well. She doesn't even seem like the pet I created anymore. I feel sad when I look at her and if I didn't have a very personal connection to her name I would have pounded her immediately after the revamp. It's like they took my sweet little jack russel terrier and replaced it with a doberman. (not that I dislike dobermans, but they are known to be more physical and aggressive). :(
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Post by adi_gallia »

Kelpie wrote:Chimaera has lizards and more monstery pets because that is what she is good at, AND as of yet we haven't found anyone who wants to do them or enjoys doing them.
Aqua wrote:That plus some artists are better at drawing certain things than others (I like reptiles and bipeds
A lizard is a reptile, yes? Well Aqua likes to draw reptiles, she even said here last night. She might not want another species, I don't know anything about her, other than by what she posts here, but if Chimaera ever needs a break I know at least one artist of yours who likes reptiles.
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Post by Kelpie »

adi_gallia wrote:
Kelpie wrote:Chimaera has lizards and more monstery pets because that is what she is good at, AND as of yet we haven't found anyone who wants to do them or enjoys doing them.
Aqua wrote:That plus some artists are better at drawing certain things than others (I like reptiles and bipeds
A lizard is a reptile, yes? Well Aqua likes to draw reptiles, she even said here last night. She might not want another species, I don't know anything about her, other than by what she posts here, but if Chimaera ever needs a break I know at least one artist of yours who likes reptiles.
Again, I say the same thing here about Aqua that I mentioned about Hagane. We are not responsible for watching these forums. We can't watch these forums all the time, when our job is at Subeta. If Aqua could come to us with these desires, then perhaps we could work something out. Aqua is a talented artist, and I'm sure if we knew her capabilities better we would put her to better use. There are actually several species that need artists to draw them, and she's more than welcome to apply for these.

However, perhaps it is that Aqua does not want another species right now, and she hasn't spoken up. In which case, it is neither the business nor the responsibilty of users to volunteer artists for jobs that they are not interested in, nor berate staff for not choosing them for a job (instead giving it to Chimaera) that said artist doesn't want.
Last edited by Kelpie on 11 Jun 2007 08:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by AngharadTy »

I think that speculating about which artists should do which pets is useless, here, by now. Subeta staff have stated that Chimaera does the pets no one else has wanted to claim. I think we can assume that the artists have talked to each other, on their secret artist forum, and agreed that no, they don't want to do that pet, sokay, move along. Not to mention, I believe Aqua said she didn't want to do the dragon because it was more muscular than she preferred to draw her reptiles?

This isn't an official mod note to drop the subject, but I don't see anything to be gained from these particular speculations.
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Post by Fever »

Im glad to hear that theres possibly going to be a comprimise with the new dragon art that will hopefully bring back the feel of the old one. I really hope that this comes to pass because honestly, it feels like an entirely different pet. And Im not going to get swept up in arguing and flaming, even though I do think the way a lot of things have been handled have been a little ridiculous, but changing the entire attitude/feel of a pet, as well as loosing some of its major characteristics, seems a little drastic to do without taking users opinions into account first. And especially now, after seeing the HUGELY negative reaction, I definitely think just leaving it and ignoring the users would not be a good move for subeta.
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Post by adi_gallia »

AngharadTy wrote:Not to mention, I believe Aqua said she didn't want to do the dragon because it was more muscular than she preferred to draw her reptiles?
Uhh..not sure she said the only Dragon she'd own right now is the is Endeavor because she prefers less muscular and slimmer body types. I don't know if that meant own as in be the artist or own as in possess on her account. She also said it might be better for more artists to the dragon species rather than Chimaera doing them all.

The post is at the top of page 13, in case anyone wants to read it or something.
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Post by Aqua »

Honestly, I'm not sure whether I want to take on another species at this moment, as I already have several (I handle swampies as well as endeavors, cadogres, and illumises now). It's also been said that the dragon is a bulkier species, and as I'm better at drawing leaner body types, I'm not sure whether I'd be suited for the dragon unless they wanted to change its appearance. I should probably finish the cadogres before I take on any more species. :/
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Post by checkers »

I'm gonna stop with the 'bitching' about the art and just say everything I can say in a I suppose nice post.

Revamped Chais:
  • I really like the revamped Chai, I think it has been given a more 'real animal' look to it less cartoony facial expression and not as flat image feel to it. The collar is different, I agree but I do like the effect of a Leaf instead of a Golden circle. The pose it is sitting in looks a little more slumped and casual, only thing I do not like about this is that the chest fur is a bit dispositioned on both chais, they have a slight angle but the fur seems to be flat. It could do with being moved to under/behind the collar jewl/leaf maybe it seems to be sticking out at an akward position (Tuft) xD I do like the art, and I think the Graveyard and Bloodred will look amazing when revamped, I'm hoping Hydrus gets revamped too, it's a little scary to me for something quite cute. This revamp is more fitting to the Spectrum and Reborn ones (: the Chibi was a nice pet, I like how the leafs on the head are just babys (sprouting) Overall. 9/10
Revamped Dragons:
  • The revamped Dragon isn't that bad, aslong as you don't mind big changes. The good points are the art is updated, better shading and a more ''There's life inside me'' pose to it. What I don't think is good about this art is, that the wings are quite big, they could be a little smaller maybe or something. The scales are only on one leg nowhere else on the body, and they stick out like a saw thumb because they're red contrasting with the green whereas the originals was green. I think there could be more scales, and the shade of green. Or no scales at all, but that'd increase the 'Rubber' effect some people have said about in this forum. I wouldn't mind the wings, aslong as the whiskers came back I liked them they made the species look wise, intelligent and chinese. :3 I think they could come back, the wings made a bit smaller, scales green and more of them and this pet could potentially not be that bad. Overall. 7.5/10
*wipes sweat of head* Glad that's off my chest. (:

I've just spotted Aqua's post, so here's a reply.
Aqua wrote:Honestly, I'm not sure whether I want to take on another species at this moment, as I already have several (I handle swampies as well as endeavors, cadogres, and illumises now). It's also been said that the dragon is a bulkier species, and as I'm better at drawing leaner body types, I'm not sure whether I'd be suited for the dragon unless they wanted to change its appearance. I should probably finish the cadogres before I take on any more species. :/
I think that the Illumises are nice, and so are the Cadogres and Endeavors, the Cadogres need a few revamps such as Graveyard, Bloodred and Angelic though. I think your Galactic swampie just bought out the best in that species, and I'd like to see a better looking swampie around the site though. If you feel under pressure about revamping some pets you currently have, then I wouldn't suggest taking on another until all the current art (pets) you have are complete in revamps. Or colours to come such as a Reborn Illumis or a Hydrus Endeavor (Made up for examples) then maybe tackle a species that you're keen to do, test one out and see if you/we/artists like it and if so take on that species and revamp, add new colours to that one. Then the cycle goes on. BUT don't take too many on or the Cycle explodes :'3
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Post by Kelpie »

Checkers. That is the system we've been implementing, and yet we're berated for it because we've given Chimaera the bulk of the workload because she can handle it. Do you see our frustration? You make suggestions on how we should do our jobs, when the suggestions you're making are exactly what we're doing.
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Post by checkers »

Kelpie wrote:Checkers. That is the system we've been implementing, and yet we're berated for it because we've given Chimaera the bulk of the workload because she can handle it. Do you see our frustration? You make suggestions on how we should do our jobs, when the suggestions you're making are exactly what we're doing.
I wasn't even making a suggestion, I was just telling Aqua what she could do about the pet issue thing and her current pet issues, you're doing a good job. I didn't even say just then that you need to change the system, I was simply saying to Aqua not to take on too much if she can't handle it. o_O;
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Post by Kelpie »

checkers wrote:
Kelpie wrote:Checkers. That is the system we've been implementing, and yet we're berated for it because we've given Chimaera the bulk of the workload because she can handle it. Do you see our frustration? You make suggestions on how we should do our jobs, when the suggestions you're making are exactly what we're doing.
I wasn't even making a suggestion, I was just telling Aqua what she could do about the pet issue thing and her current pet issues, you're doing a good job. I didn't even say just then that you need to change the system, I was simply saying to Aqua not to take on too much if she can't handle it. o_O;
If you feel under pressure about revamping some pets you currently have, then I wouldn't suggest taking on another until all the current art (pets) you have are complete in revamps.
Your words, not mine. You're clearly suggesting how Aqua do her job. I appreciate your praise, I do. I just needed to make the point that you guys are talking us in circles here.
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Post by checkers »

Suggesting Aqua not to take on too much work isn't telling you how to do your jobs and run your system though o.o;
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Post by Kelpie »

No, I never said you're telling us how to do our jobs. I'm saying that the suggestions you're giving Aqua are the same ones we give all of our art staff. It's the system we're using, and yet all this crap is stirred up because people are upset at how much Chimaera is drawing. She can handle it. Why is it a problem?
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Post by checkers »

Kelpie wrote:No, I never said you're telling us how to do our jobs. I'm saying that the suggestions you're giving Aqua are the same ones we give all of our art staff. It's the system we're using, and yet all this crap is stirred up because people are upset at how much Chimaera is drawing. She can handle it. Why is it a problem?
I said, Aqua might not be able to handle it (as she said she isnt up to date with current species)..not Chimaera o_o;
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Post by AngharadTy »

Okay, you two, I think you've both made your points. Please stop arguing about that particular subject. Take it to PM if you really need to continue.
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