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Re: Altador Cup 2011

Posted: 30 May 2011 08:29 pm
by thelonetiel
So I tried playing twice this morning. Both times Flash crashed.

I just updated Firefox (4.0.1) and Flash last night, so... Frustrate. And that was playing on the low-quality small version Meghan posted.

Maybe I'll try Chrome later; I understand it has been handling Flash better than Fx of late, but what frustration.

I joined Maraqua, for the record. Been supporting them since the beginning, I kinda wish there were team loyalty prizes...

Re: Altador Cup 2011

Posted: 30 May 2011 10:07 pm
by Goldenchaos
Roo Island again. Do not like this new game, especially the automatic way it switches from player to player...and players keep going THROUGH players too

Re: Altador Cup 2011

Posted: 30 May 2011 11:01 pm
by Wingsrising
I need to decide if I want to go with Roo Island because I have for the last 3 years or with Altador because I like the frame. Either way I think it's unlikely I'm going to be able to get a hang of the new version of the game (not that I played much last year anyway.)

Re: Altador Cup 2011

Posted: 31 May 2011 10:04 pm
by zebru
And... I went with Haunted Woods. I'm not sure how that happened since I had it narrowed down to Tyrannia and Faerieland this morning.
I was almost set on FL but then decided main attacker's colouring bothered me too much (little faerie bruce - for some reason he has no black outline like the rest of the team).

Don't expect I'll be playing much - it gets repetitive pretty damn fast. I'm usually sick of all AC games before the first week is done.
I love the team picking part tho ;) #virgo

Re: Altador Cup 2011

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 08:27 am
by Jamie
Just finished my first match, and my score didn't send. Not impressed.

Re: Altador Cup 2011

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 08:33 am
by Madge
Mine didn't send either. I thought it was just me :o

Re: Altador Cup 2011

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 12:18 am
by Seerow
This game is even more broken now. Three times I got scored on by my own players this past game since the game wouldn't auto-switch to whoever had the ball and they would play just like the opponent. *Sigh*

Re: Altador Cup 2011

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 01:18 am
by Goldenchaos
It would be nicer if this wasnt so zoomed in

Re: Altador Cup 2011

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 02:25 am
by EofS
I didn't realise how much I cared about the Altador Cup until I just tried to play that dreadful game again. It's pure chaos. Impossible to keep track of who you're controlling at any one moment; ludicrous control system meaning that you can suddenly be running away from a ball; impossible to set up a player to pass to, meaning the only way to play the game is to just run around with the ball; related to that, impossible to set it up so your goal keeper can pass to anybody!

It's infuriating. I've been cool with more or less everything Neopets has done over the years, taken massive changes in my stride. But I'm... I'm actually offended by the magnitude of this change. Not because it's a change, I can deal with change. But because it's made the game so completely unplayable and I just can't understand it!

Re: Altador Cup 2011

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 03:05 am
by Xelio
Seems some are prescribing a new strategy where one does not go for the ball right away, but rather permits the other team to get the initial ball capture and then you dash in and steal the ball, move two downward presses down from center and shoot. I have yet to test this method for myself, but some seem to swear by it.

Still, even if this does work, I can't see it making me like this new version of the game any better.

Re: Altador Cup 2011

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 09:37 am
by Jamie
I've come around a little bit on the game. I can play and win with no problems now, and i like that the scores on the right hand side update without having to reload the screen. The only thing is that I can't believe how much you have to play to get anywhere up the Ranks. 2000 Yooyuball wins get you to the 'All-Star' Group! It takes 50 wins to make it to Level 1! It's just not at all realistic considering that life thing I have.

Re: Altador Cup 2011

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 02:34 pm
by Foghawk
I was getting along well enough, until everything broke. There's some advertisement or other that started coming up... only it didn't display properly and it stopped the game from starting. I can't play any of the Cup games now. Disabling AdBlock did nothing, clearing Neopets' cookies did nothing, rebooting the Flash plugin did nothing... I am right now downloading Chrome in the hope that switching browsers might fix it. And I hate Chrome.

I so wanted to take this seriously this year. :<

Re: Altador Cup 2011

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 08:01 pm
by Fury
I'm not going to get anywhere near my Rank 8 of last year but I hope to achieve at least a rank 1 or 2.

I don't like to moan but this new YYB game really is a chore and a half; the computerised team steal the ball far too easily, in my opinion, and aiming/shooting is far less intuitive than last years version of YYB. However, I'm quite happy because... HW sweeped Moltara!. Very pleased with the result but, realistically, I don't expect we'll beat RI today.

Best of luck to all teams involved, have fun playing!

Re: Altador Cup 2011

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 11:10 pm
by Gumdrops
Well, I got to rank 1. 50 games of YYB, 330 goals. No more of that.

MSN and SOSD are way faster. I can do MSN without really paying attention, so I'll probably focus on that one.

The only good thing about YYB is the darigan ball. You just have to get it to your scoring side and the opponent will inevitably score on themselves.

Re: Altador Cup 2011

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 04:24 am
by Foghawk
Rank 1, 400 goals. Exhausted. This is just excessive. 2000 games? Who are they kidding?