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Joined: 08 Jan 2006 12:35 am

Post by Joeno »

Basically, I've asked them to change the name, they're discussing it, and I'll find out what happens eventually.

I've been discussing it everywhere for a few hours. I've tried to explain our reason to others who only half understand English and tried to explain our arguments. I work on stuff to make it work, I try to inform people through pages, but apparently having in a signature "I'm working on News" and having a page saying "I'm working on News" on the site for the past nine months isn't enough, and apparently I'm suddenly just going '"I've added this, this and this kthxbai"'. I should get approval before I begin coding? I have always worked this way, and people didn't seem to mind when I added Ratings, or whatever else, or even when I started work on the site as well.

I may not be an admin or mod, but I HAVE spend hours worth of coding on the site. If you don't think that's enough for me to decide what to code, fine, but if it means I have to ask permission for every feature I have to write, my solution is very simple - I won't do it. If I don't inform enough, fine, tell me, and let me know what I can do. But I think these accusations aren't fair either.

I'm out of here. Maybe you'll see me back to do some work in a few weeks, but if I want to remain sane, I have to take a break now. I've left a last few bits of information with Huggles now, but at the moment I don't personally feel like I can do any good here anymore.
Feral Koala
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Post by Huggles »

Temporarily(indefinitely?) locked by me until I or one of the other mods can sort this out. Before I start splitting up this discussion and creating new topics, I'd like to point out something some people may not realize or haven't considered. If German guy decides not to change the name of his site, my minutes of experience with copyright/trademark law on wikipedia tell me that's there's nothing we can do about it. In the end all we can do is make our disapproval known—we have—and hope he respects our feelings. If he doesn't, for whatever reason, then we'll have to pretend it doesn't exist and get on with our lives. Perhaps many people feel, as I admittedly do, that we'd be giving license to anyone out there to clone our site. Surely, if this had been and English language site, blatant competition, it'd be all out war for there can only be one. As it is, it's not. Until Joeno mentioned it, regardless of if you feel it was done in a timely fashion or not, it probably would have stayed under the radar forever.

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