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Posted: 21 Jan 2007 11:58 pm
by dandelions
I'll put a poll up with Review A, Review B, Review C, etc. Like the Werewolf hosting polls, if you ever saw those.

Posted: 22 Jan 2007 03:18 am
by Madge
Aww, I'm so touched that you thought of me, Kamil :). But I don't really comment on pet colours, and though I probably could do a paragraph on each of them, I think it'd be done as a "chore" rather than something I enjoy doing, and also I have a busy life these days so yes :)

I'm for maybe two or three people, who would be willing and able to write a spiel about each and every colour that gets released.

I look forward to seeing these reviews and voting for them!

Posted: 22 Jan 2007 04:06 am
by Huggles
Yeah. I don't know if I will try or not. I suppose you'll just have to vote for who you think is the best and assume it is me.

Posted: 22 Jan 2007 07:14 pm
by Cheese
I'm applying. The only reason I don't comment on new colours often is because threads are usually already at at least 2 pages before I get there, and not many people are likely to see my valuable opinions. If they're plastered over the main page then everyone can benefit from my wisdom.

Posted: 17 Apr 2007 03:23 am
by Huggles
This is still open! Send in your applications or be destroyed! Or not.

Posted: 17 Apr 2007 05:08 pm
by Cheese
Yeah. Me and Huggles will feel much more superior if it's a real contest and we still win ;p

Posted: 17 Apr 2007 06:03 pm
by dandelions
Huggles will feel especially superior if she wins having not submitted an application at all ;)

I've had some more apps, but keep them coming!

Posted: 17 Apr 2007 06:06 pm
by Cheese
That would be very impressive, I'll admit...

Posted: 17 Apr 2007 07:16 pm
by Huggles
SHH! Quiet you!

Posted: 18 Apr 2007 07:00 am
by Illuen
Erm, a question for those in charge. If a certain person in love with the customization thing for Neopets was to perhaps be elected as a color commentator, could he perhaps, if so inclined, do a piece on the pictures of the pets drawn for said customization thingie? It would be relevant because it would be discussing pets and redraws and how the certain colors look and please let me do it if I get a commentator spot. I'll pay with cookies!