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Posted: 23 May 2007 02:32 am
by Mistress Morbid
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Sorry if I didn't get everything. ^^;; There were a lot of details to fit into a small adoptable. Hopefully it's okay.

Posted: 23 May 2007 04:22 am
by Symmie
SWEEEEEEEEEEEEeEEEET OMG. I'm going to put this everywhere and annoy the stew out of people.

Posted: 23 May 2007 05:03 am
by Mistress Morbid
I'm glad you like it. ^^ I was so worried I messed up somewhere. xD

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Posted: 23 May 2007 05:16 am
by sureq
Oooh, can I have one please?

Can I have mine resembling a darigan aisha?

Main Colour: purple with lighter under belly
Eye Colour: red
Accessories: Darigan aisha collar
Extra details:, antennae and spines (if not too difficult) the dark purple spots too but if it all looks too busy I trust your judgment to coolify it.
Other: they all look awesome
Small Version?: yes please :)

Posted: 23 May 2007 06:40 am
by Chandi
*sneaks in for the third spot* I figured it was time I had a MM custom adoptable thingamajigger!

Main Colour: Hydrus Brown (I like the shades of the Bovyne and Celinox best, for reference)
Eye Colour: The purpley-blue orbs they all have; no black
Accessories: None
Extra details: All the hydrus blue swirls (and is that pale yellow in some of them?)
Other: Basically, just make it Hydrus, however you want to; if it's brown with blue markings, cool... if you decide to add any other Hydrus trademarks (horns, pearls, webbed tail, fins, etc) feel free, however much you want to do/can do. Surprise me!
Small Version?: Yes please, to use in a signature here :)

Posted: 25 May 2007 06:18 pm
by Mistress Morbid
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Posted: 25 May 2007 08:22 pm
by anzuronamin
Oooh, so cool. Mind if I nab one?

Main Colour: Pink like the background in this picture (the inner background - not the red frame)
Eye Colour: Blue.
Accessories: Yellow flower sprouting from head.
Extra details: Red spiral on some part of the body.
Other: Love 'em. So fuzzy :D
Small Version?: Yes plx.

Posted: 25 May 2007 08:23 pm
by KauKrazy
Oooh... shiny and red, looks just like I pictured it, thanks so much! I owuld draw something in return if I weren't artistically disabled - scrapbooking and card making is all I can do :D

Posted: 25 May 2007 10:50 pm
by Mistress Morbid
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I'm still working on yours, Chandi. It'll take a bit longer with all the details which is why I did Anzuronamin's first since it was quick.

Posted: 26 May 2007 01:09 am
by sureq
You are so many shades of awesome. Looks fantastic!

Now if only somehow I could attach this as a petpet for my darigan aisha I'll be set.

Posted: 26 May 2007 07:17 am
by Chandi
That's cool, take your time. :) Sorry if I threw a difficult one your way!

Posted: 27 May 2007 02:28 am
by anzuronamin
Mistress Morbid wrote:Anzuronamin:
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Eee, so awesome! :o Thanks! *saves*

Posted: 28 May 2007 08:29 am
by chickvw
Mistress Morbid wrote:Chickvw:
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Thank you! Sorry on the slow response *blush*

Posted: 28 May 2007 07:44 pm
by Yarn
Main Colour: Deepish Red
Eye Colour: Neon Blue
Extra details: Cream flames on the feet hand things and tail with earthy brown tips
Other: Three rainbow glowing balls hovering around the tail tip
Small Version?: Both x3


Mod edit: Please do not change the size or color of your font.

Posted: 30 May 2007 05:27 am
by Mistress Morbid
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Wooo, sorry about the long wait. ^^;; I did have fun on this one though. =)