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Posted: 18 Aug 2007 09:59 pm
by adi_gallia
FourEyes wrote:This reminds me I forgot all about those Warm Fuzzies, though...
Ahem. Yes, I would like to remind everyone to send us in your fuzzies. All three of the bracket leaders have links in their signatures trying to remind you. I have received fuzzies from two people so far. One of them was a single fuzzy (they may have more to write), which was actually meant for another bracket leader, the other was forwarded to me from when Zap was the bracket leader.

There are less than two weeks to go I suppose, but if they don't get sent soon people in the I-Q bracket wont be getting many fuzzies. Last I heard from Jessi, R-Z wasn't exactly flooded either and I haven't spoken much to Riddler. I'm sure that you're all busy writing them and making sure you have written fuzzies for everyone you want to though. ^_^

Carry on.. *eats more cake*

Posted: 18 Aug 2007 10:44 pm
by dandelions
If you'd like, I can put an announcement in the forum header?

Posted: 18 Aug 2007 10:58 pm
by Gibblywibbly
Happy birthday, NC. Four years of awesome.

And by awesome, I mean me and Spivsy, because we're the best posters here.

Posted: 19 Aug 2007 08:32 am
by Garrett

Posted: 19 Aug 2007 09:03 am
by Fjorab_Teke
Hahaha, I remember Kuhn too. I'm so used to various "kh" letterings for various words and names that I made a frequent error in Kuhn's name...and OH how he'd get SOOO angry! X-D For some reason, it was some massive insult to him.

Gads, and we've had some other interesting characters too, including a few who first made people go "um, what do we do about X obnoxious person?" I forget the name, but one that amused me way-back-when had (purposely?) atrocious spelling and very disjointed typed-out thoughts and would not quit even after many attempts to make him(?) stop it.

One of my best 'net friends, "Skuld," and I mutually intrigued each other about horses and first chatted on the old comments system. There were other people too that I've since lost touch with who I found interesting.

Posted: 19 Aug 2007 12:01 pm
by dandelions
Ohh, zzo38! And I do remember the dungspamming - gosh, he was smrt. And do you remember the huge argument with mu7 and Cheese about adopting pets without having a personality?

Posted: 19 Aug 2007 07:31 pm
by Figment
I actually feel fondly nostalgic about kuhn because he was NC's first problem user, wasn't he? Ahh, the good old days when our trollies didn't have creepy obsessive fixations with being members of the site and actually went away when banned. Another good one was Chris/Kite. Plagiarism! Imaginary sisters! High internet drama! Good times.

And then there are the great old members we've lost along the way. Silvereagle and Mel come to mind. I was so fond of Mel... wonder how she's doing.

Posted: 19 Aug 2007 08:57 pm
by Iggy
Figment wrote: Ahh, the good old days when our trollies didn't have creepy obsessive fixations with being members of the site and actually went away when banned. Another good one was Chris/Kite. Plagiarism! Imaginary sisters! High internet drama! Good times.
Oh com'on, dark_link was a good one as well =)

Posted: 19 Aug 2007 09:37 pm
by dandelions
Ohhh, dark_link! What was the epitaph for Walker? "He sucked, but he was a friend"?

Posted: 20 Aug 2007 10:08 am
by lavender
4 years... oh, memories... fuzzy and blurry memories.


Bad kitty eat NC cake!

Posted: 20 Aug 2007 01:31 pm
by Gibblywibbly
Was Darklink the one we also mocked for posting the thread about some sort of new Lupe or another and saying "please discuss" and nothing else?

Posted: 20 Aug 2007 06:02 pm
by Kari
I don't know if that was him, but I do remember that thread.

Problem people are so funny.

Posted: 21 Aug 2007 11:31 am
by Garrett
If we are on the topic of nostalgia and problematic members, we just cannot forget Ginger! I mean she was one of the most fun of the problematic members. I used to love watching her go crazy over just random crap, it was hilarious!

Posted: 21 Aug 2007 12:07 pm
by daisybell
I don't think it's exactly festive and in the spirit of Happy Birthdays to remember the less positive stuff that's happened and people we'd rather forget about. Also, I don't feel happy discussing it here, to be honest- and it wasn't all hilarious, especially for the mods.

We do have a lot of positives to remember, like when we all banded together to restore Jazzy's plushie ixi when she accidentally zapped it and it turned into a blue aisha; IIRC it was less than 24 hours before Jazzy had her plushie ixi back again.

Posted: 21 Aug 2007 02:02 pm
by Wysteria
While we're remembering wonderful things, how about all the other random generosity NC excels at? From Christmas giveaways to the huge subeta giveaway bonanza, I think it's been good for the soul.