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Posted: 18 Sep 2007 06:24 pm
by gidget
I took a look at the contest (it shows the last 48 pets entered in each species category) and, in looking through the Aishas, Blumaroos, and Ixis, I did not see a single cash item. I could have overlooked something, but I didn't see a single thing in nearly 150 pets that I checked out.

They also had no identification of the pet's name or the name of the owner. That could change when they put the pets up for the actual voting, but if they don't change that, it could actually be fair. :P

Posted: 19 Sep 2007 03:07 am
by Officer 1BDI
I entered Capillata out of morbid curiosity, and sadly, quite a few of the Acaras in the running right now are using custom clothes and items. :?

I'm not even certain all of them are going to make it to the contest next week; hopefully TNT's criteria will become clear once some of the pets have been weeded out, if any.

Posted: 19 Sep 2007 09:33 am
by Marah
I'm looking around my favourite species. I see lots of NC mall stuff, also, lots of people who tacked on one cheap item and a starry background.

There are however also a few pets with art from before the devamp. I might have to go and vote after all!

Posted: 20 Sep 2007 01:18 am
by yvonne_l_d
I am disappointed by this spotlight, if mall items are allowed to be entered. When the mall came out, I went ahead and spent my money on neocash. I figured that it was just a fun way to play around with my pets' appearances. But introducing a competition in which a person can buy an advantage is just wrong in my opinion.

I'm pretty annoyed because I might not have bought neocash if I'd known about this spotlight. But now that I have already spent my money on neocash, I want to use it to get items, so that my money doesn't simply go to waste. :?

Posted: 20 Sep 2007 01:26 am
by Kamil
I've looked and I saw a lot of grandfathered pets with backgrounds entered and I intend to go vote for every single one I can find. ^^

It may not do any good in the long run, but it will make me happier. I agree about the wrongness of being allowed to use mall items for the contest (although I suspect the entire contest was created as nothing more than a vehicle to sell additional items to those who might not have purchased otherwise), but since I doubt much can be done about it I'll just go on with my original plan.

Old art ftw! =D

Posted: 20 Sep 2007 09:43 am
by gomababe
I'll be voting for those pets that I like the look of thank you very much. This may or may not include pets that have neocash items included {not likely since I think a lot of them look very tacky and a lot of people entering pets with them are just using them for the sake of getting more votes :x}.

I am rather annoyed that NC Mall items can be used for this but at the same time, like I said above, I don't like the look of most of the pets wearing them. I know, however, all the little newbies and N00bs are going to be voting for those things because they think they look nicer.

Ah well, I've entered my Lenny so i'll see how this goes, if only the people with NC Mall items win then I won't be entering again.

Posted: 20 Sep 2007 10:21 am
by gidget
Well, a Pox on all their houses for letting neomall stuff in after all. :?

I went ahead and entered all the pets on my main account (mainly to see if I could) and will probably never enter any of them ever again. :D

Posted: 20 Sep 2007 01:48 pm
by Iggy
If my Blumaroo get zapped desert, you can be sure I'll enter it.

He'll look stunning with the Halloween Blumaroo cape and Desert Blumaroo mask, on a basic color.

Posted: 20 Sep 2007 06:11 pm
by Illuen
It is amusing to me that some people (here, on other forums, and on the site itself) are saying that they'll only vote for people with NC mall items, or that they'll only vote for people without NC mall items, or that they'll only vote for unrevamped pets.

I, on the otherhand, will be taking the novel approach of voting highest those who did the best job of making their pet look pretty, be it with or without NC Mall items, with an unrevamped pet or with a brand new pet.

I've also entered my Niva, so I'm hoping that starting Monday I can muster up some votes for her. Maybe we should have a sticky for this contest, like we have for the Beauty Contest?

Posted: 20 Sep 2007 06:19 pm
by gidget
Illuen wrote:Maybe we should have a sticky for this contest, like we have for the Beauty Contest?
Illuen, I would like that myself *if* the contest is set up in a way that we are able to point to our own pets. I absolutely suck at promoting myself on the boards, and ... er ... in life in general. ;)


Posted: 24 Sep 2007 09:53 am
by yvonne_l_d
Illuen wrote:It is amusing to me that some people (here, on other forums, and on the site itself) are saying that they'll only vote for people with NC mall items, or that they'll only vote for people without NC mall items, or that they'll only vote for unrevamped pets.

I, on the otherhand, will be taking the novel approach of voting highest those who did the best job of making their pet look pretty, be it with or without NC Mall items, with an unrevamped pet or with a brand new pet.
I probably won't vote much either way, but I understand why some people won't vote for pets with mall items. They are voting on the effort put into the pet in addition to the prettiness of the pet. In their opinion, since buying from the mall doesn't represent in-game effort, it doesn't count. It's a subjective evalutation, and each person has to use their own judgement. I'm glad you've got a voting method that works for you. :)

Re: Customization Ratings!

Posted: 24 Sep 2007 01:44 pm
by Iggy
I entered a pet with NC Mall items. ;)

I need a single non-NC Mall item, and I'm not paying 300K for an effin purse. See, the prices on non-NC mall items are horribly high. So, at least for the first few weeks, the NC Mall is the only solution for people who are not 100% in customisation.

Re: Customization Ratings!

Posted: 24 Sep 2007 06:14 pm
by Officer 1BDI
I'm really ticked off that I can't go through all of the pets entered and choose the ones I'd like to rate. I'm not sure how fair the current system is (if pet images are randomly generated/presented as I suspect they are, what happens to those pets who are not presented by chance, or are presented to users fewer times than others?).

Or maybe I'm just bitter because I can't actually vote for my own pet, or any other NCer's pet. :P

Re: Customization Ratings!

Posted: 24 Sep 2007 06:54 pm
by gomababe
In theory it is completely fair, but maybe it's... too fair? 90% of the pets I rated in that contest were either plain pets, were painted pets with a plain background or basic pets with only a potato sack on -_-. This is making me wonder if my lenny is likely to get *any* votes whatsoever if everyone only gets 100 votes per day {that's only 700 pets per week} and there's thousands of pets entered into the spotlight. I thnink TNT had better put some sort of limit as to what pets can be entered so that all the pets entered get a fair chance to get seen by everyone. Maybe putting more than one pet on each page would help? That's been bandied around the customisation boards for the last couple of hours.

Re: Customization Ratings!

Posted: 24 Sep 2007 07:31 pm
by Wingsrising
I think voting in this contest is officially boring.

Also, most of the pets I've seen just don't look that good. Not the owner's fault, it's hard to put together a matching outfit out of the clothes currently available no the site. But, still. I wish it were more like Caption Contest where the entries are vetted before we vote on them.