A question about political issues for the Americans here

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Re: A question about political issues for the Americans here

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

shaelyn76 wrote:When young people join the military because they feel it is their only option, knowing full well that they will be sent into combat zones and possibly lose life or limb...yet again, something is wrong here.
That is EXACTLY why my husband joined the Army! At age 29!

He had a good job for a few years, FINALLY something that was getting us somewhere, even though it was a serious pain to move whenever and wherever the job took us. Then 9-11 hit, and the company was already swimming in rumors of downsizing and massive layoffs. Those rumors proved to be true, and so with the economy in a TOTAL wreck, he lost his job. We both began a long string of job-hopping, taking ANY "better" offer that would come by. I had several jobs that were making me terribly ill and had to quit, and he kept getting "better" offers that ended up being false (he was working at Burger King, and then McDonald's offered him a better position...as soon as he took the McD's offer, they cut him to part time). Student loans from college were a SERIOUS mistake, and the not-in-demand degree I have is only hurting me.

And now he's in Iraq. We're still living paycheck to paycheck and have no retirement (and I have LONG given up on my dreams of having a horse farm). But damnit at least now we're not digging the hole depper, can afford a few luxuries (ah a computer that works AND basic cable with internet *happy joyous tears*), and can occasionally buy something somewhat frivolous (like toys and cat-essentials for my new kittens). Maybe when all this running around and separation is over, he'll find some kind of SECURE OMG job that doesn't require us to live like this. Maybe we'll even get a better apartment to rent or a small house. We ARE NOT EVER going to go into debt for a house mortgage. We already know all too well that it's BAD to go into debt for something you think will be worthwhile and you THINK you'll be able to eventually pay off. LOANS = LIES!!!
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