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Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Posted: 02 Dec 2007 03:56 am
by Twofold Black
I finally came up with a name I wanted, having previously been paralyzed by a surfeit of choice!

It's taken.

Why do I do this to myself?

Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Posted: 02 Dec 2007 04:05 am
by Monkeyguy
It's so pretty! I like seeing it in its infancy. I actually don't care for a lot of the pets, but the rest of the art is really nice.

Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Posted: 02 Dec 2007 04:07 am
by Hawk
I'm Hypno_Hawk, because I won't be able to remember any other username.

And now I own Jewel the Phelocan. Pretty birdie :D

EDIT: I also created Black the Lirionox. What a great name :D

Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Posted: 02 Dec 2007 04:32 am
by cpvr
Monkeyguy wrote:It's so pretty! I like seeing it in its infancy. I actually don't care for a lot of the pets, but the rest of the art is really nice.
What about the features?

Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Posted: 02 Dec 2007 04:47 am
by Jessi
cpvr wrote:What about the features?
....what about them? Why don't you try posting what you like about it, instead of trying to milk everyone else here for answers? O_o You can talk about which features -you- like, you know.

Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Posted: 02 Dec 2007 08:15 am
by cpvr
Jessibean wrote:
cpvr wrote:What about the features?
....what about them? Why don't you try posting what you like about it, instead of trying to milk everyone else here for answers? O_o You can talk about which features -you- like, you know.
I was a beta tester for Misticpets. :p I was just seeing what everyone's favorite feature was.

Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Posted: 02 Dec 2007 10:41 am
by Cranberry
The site's relatively pretty, but boring. How do you make money? A thread I saw said that a lot of people are relying on the RE that gives you 1k. Then there's playing that "higher or lower" game for a few hundred MC at a time (I played long enough to buy myself a klion minion/petpet thing, and then I couldn't take it anymore). There has to be a better way, or else what's the point?

Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Posted: 02 Dec 2007 01:05 pm
by Madge
Well, the Tarinooki thing was so pretty that I had to join :)

I'm Mad. No ge? I know! I decided to take it because I could. At the very least, if this becomes Subeta in a few years, I'll have a nice account name to go back to, with a nice pet name (Lauren, because the Tarinooki was rainbow and an artist, and Lauren is the name of one of my characters who's a lesbian and an artist so it all fit so well!).

I'll look around it some more when I get some time. The pets are pretty, though. I'm not much of a stickler for things like anatomy, fortunately, so I am happy =)

Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Posted: 02 Dec 2007 06:29 pm
by Alecko
I've registered Alecko as both my username and the name of my Phelocan. I'm not that keen on the pets themselves- they're pretty but none of them really stand out to me. The art for everything else is really nice though. So far I've just poked around the shops, gotten a few random events and won the trivia. I think I'll like keeping an eye on this to see how it develops.

Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Posted: 02 Dec 2007 11:58 pm
by Dollfie
Right now there isn't anything to do and really no way to make cash other than luck and that annoying as hell higher or lower game. Once you've done the trivia, mystery pic thing and whatever else the random contests are, the forum is all that remains and is annoying as well. I hate how topics aren't bumped when new replies are added.

Some of the art is beautiful but there are also several items and places that have blurry, thick line art. They need some kind of art standard set up and need to not release things that are inconsistent just so they have thousands of... crap.

Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Posted: 05 Dec 2007 11:22 pm
by tigerlilyleah
Well, I joined just to check it out, and also so that I'll have a good username if it gets really popular :wink: I like the art mostly, especially the Tarinooki (created one named Mischa). I created Plan the Gourix and Farraige the Quari. I love free pet names :D

Haven't really looked around the site properly yet, so I can't really judge it. But right now the art seems pretty cool, and I'm trying to snoop around and find some guides ^^
My username's Leaher, feel free to befriend me!

Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Posted: 08 Dec 2007 05:35 pm
by Elzaim
I joined Misticpets about 2 weeks ago when it was mentioned via the 'subeta glitches and downtime' thread (I'm Elzaim there too). I have to agree that I wasn't blown away with the art - but some of it is nice (especially the shopkeepers). Other then that I too find that there is very little to do. The flash-based games don't give points, and the only others you can get points from seem to be updated or changed one a month or longer. And I don't loke to take chances of loosing a potentially large sum of money with the higher or lower game. *sigh*

Either way, I hope they add more money-making features, and come out with more colors for the pets soon. I really don't like any of the 'terror' colors, so my three pets wil be staying the way they are now (I have Renna the Tarinooki, Malys the Lirionox and Pantalimon the Haruba.) I also hope they allow for more pets then just three - that dissapointed me.

Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Posted: 10 Dec 2007 11:43 am
by lavender
I got the username lavender :P I was going to do lavenderkennedy (as usual), but it was too long (which is something they're probably going to need to change in the future).
Created a Haruba named Emmy because as soon as I saw it, it reminded me of our last cat (M&M, died a year ago). ^_^
Bud the Bum Says, "Come here, young one. Welcome to the Trash Hole shop. They say one man's trash is another man's treasure and since you're here, the saying must be true! Heehee!

Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Posted: 12 Dec 2007 01:26 am
by Goldenchaos
I joined. Just cuz, the pet I wanted was a limited edition, so I had to settle for something else. I made Arceus. Which is also my account name. WOO. Ill probably forget about it like every other petsite I join. <_<

Re: Misticpets - Brand spanking new petsite

Posted: 19 Dec 2007 05:48 pm
by Farseek
I joined as Farseek a few weeks back. I was hoping to name my pet Tea but as usual it's taken :x
I did however manage to create Quatre (Haruba) which is a name I always wanted.