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Re: MapleStory

Posted: 10 Jan 2011 07:50 pm
by PennyLane

Heto and I doing what we do best =)

Re: MapleStory

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 11:57 pm
by Marah
I really shouldn't start playing Maple again (I doubt my old account is still there..) but I just wanted to say (belated) that I rather like seeing all the screenshots again, Penny. It feels very Neocolours, for some reason :)

Re: MapleStory

Posted: 29 Jan 2011 07:04 am
by AngharadTy
I agree, even though I'm a bit player, I have always loved looking at the screenshots. Also, Marah--my account was still there and it's been forever since I played it. Not that I had characters on an NC-appropriate server anyway. ;)

Re: MapleStory

Posted: 04 Feb 2011 07:26 pm
by AngharadTy
Well, I have a Very Important Question, so I'm giving myself permission to post. How important is it to do all the quests you can? I haven't done all the 10-20 quests, but I'm not too worried about that. But I am wondering what happens if I outlevel the Mushroom Kingdom area before I manage to get myself a group to go in with. How terrible is that?

(Obviously I haven't had much time to play if I'm still less than level 40, heh.)

Re: MapleStory

Posted: 04 Feb 2011 11:38 pm
by Seerow
I hit lvl 70 today on my replacement Ice/light mage. So I have a 102 Wild Hunter and a 70 Ice Mage, whoot!

Ty, doing the quests aren't really that important, especially the early ones. I like doing quests as they are decent ways to train, but I know people who never do any. As for Mushroom Kingdom, I'm not sure if we are able to get back and do the party-quest type thing at the end or not. I didn't do it on any of my characters and haven't gone back to check if I could or not.

Re: MapleStory

Posted: 05 Feb 2011 04:37 am
by AngharadTy
I wonder if there's a wiki that lists quest rewards or something. I'll look at the maplewiki later. Some of the quests are a lot more worthwhile than others. I liked the one early on that gave me a cape. Yay capes! Especially yay for awesome tattered adorable capes.

Re: MapleStory

Posted: 05 Feb 2011 06:18 am
by Joey
So do they still have the centaur outfit in the cash shop? I remembered that I made a centaur archer back in the day...

Re: MapleStory

Posted: 25 Feb 2011 05:38 pm
by AngharadTy
Is there a way to turn off your character's helmet showing? I like the stats on these demon-head-hats, but oh man, I am so tired of looking like a donkey or an owl or a... I don't even know what that one is...

Re: MapleStory

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 07:57 pm
by PennyLane
AngharadTy wrote:Is there a way to turn off your character's helmet showing? I like the stats on these demon-head-hats, but oh man, I am so tired of looking like a donkey or an owl or a... I don't even know what that one is...
You can buy a transparent hat in the cash shop for something like 1800 NX.

Re: MapleStory

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 08:00 pm
by AngharadTy
Dammit. I figured that if there was an answer, it involved NX. Does it at least not expire? I haven't really looked into the cash shop, but I know a lot of things expire. Then again, I dunno if I want to spend money to fix something that shouldn't even be a problem. Hmph.

Re: MapleStory

Posted: 20 Mar 2011 06:20 pm
by PennyLane
Yeah, they expire in 3 months =( But if you buy a newly released hat, it will be permanent. You'll find those in the "new" section of the cash shop and it won't say "expires in 90 days" when you hover over it. They're more expensive but if it's something you really like and would wear for a long time it might be worth it to pay more.

Re: MapleStory

Posted: 20 Mar 2011 07:24 pm
by Seerow
I gotta start playing Maple again. But with Pokemon white, Dragon Age II, and a few PS3 games, not to mention working full time, I just don't have the time to play right now :(

Re: MapleStory

Posted: 20 Mar 2011 11:08 pm
by AngharadTy
The expiration thing really keeps me from wanting to use the cash shop. Permanent items might be worth it... We'll see. I'm really enjoying Maple this time around, but like Seerow, I have so many other distractions, I haven't played in a while. I completely forgot to level up my ring for that event, damn.

Re: MapleStory

Posted: 20 Mar 2011 11:50 pm
by PennyLane
What character are you playing on now? I took a month long break and now I'm playing on my dk Pennyiane again. Lion heart castle is a really great place to train so I'm back to her.

And yes Heto, come back to maple =)

Re: MapleStory

Posted: 21 Mar 2011 12:45 am
by AngharadTy
I have ADD of the character, so I've been playing my nightstalker Lurancy and my aran Knitterbone interchangeably (at least until the past couple weeks, which is probably Pokemon's fault).